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Stanford Encyclopedia of Philosophy (2008)

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  1. On Nationality.David Miller - 1995 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    Nationalism is often dismissed today as an irrational political creed with disastrous consequences. Yet most people regard their national identity as a significant aspect of themselves, see themselves as having special obligations to their compatriots, and value their nation's political independence. This book defends these beliefs, and shows that nationality, defined in these terms, serves valuable goals, including social justice, democracy, and the protection of culture. National identities need not be illiberal, and they do not exclude other sources of personal (...)
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  • Considerations on Representative Government.John Stuart Mill - 1861 - University of Toronto Press.
    The defects of any form of government may be either negative or positive. It is negatively defective if it does not concentrate in the hands of the authorities power sufficient to fulfil the necessary offices of a government; or if it does not sufficiently develop by exercise the active capacities and social feelings of the individual citizens. On neither of these points is it necessary that much should be said at this stage of our inquiry.
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  • Justice, legitimacy, and self-determination: moral foundations for international law.Allen E. Buchanan - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book articulates a systematic vision of an international legal system grounded in the commitment to justice for all persons. It provides a probing exploration of the moral issues involved in disputes about secession, ethno-national conflict, "the right of self-determination of peoples," human rights, and the legitimacy of the international legal system itself. Buchanan advances vigorous criticisms of the central dogmas of international relations and international law, arguing that the international legal system should make justice, not simply peace among states, (...)
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  • Territorial Sovereignty: A Philosophical Exploration.Anna Stilz - 2019 - New York, NY: Oxford University Press.
    This important new book by one of the world's leading political theorists boldly questions the moral justification for organizing our world as a territorial states-system and proposes major changes to states' sovereign powers.
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  • The Heart of Human Rights.Allen Buchanan - 2013 - New York, US: Oup Usa.
    This book is the first in-depth attempt to provide a moral assessment of the heart of the modern human rights enterprise: the system of international legal human rights.
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  • Political legitimacy and democracy.Allen Buchanan - 2002 - Ethics 112 (4):689-719.
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  • A liberal theory of international justice.Andrew Altman & Christopher Heath Wellman - 2009 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by Christopher Heath Wellman.
    This book advances a novel theory of international justice that combines the orthodox liberal notion that the lives of individuals are what ultimately matter morally with the putatively antiliberal idea of an irreducibly collective right of self-governance. The individual and her rights are placed at center stage insofar as political states are judged legitimate if they adequately protect the human rights of their constituents and respect the rights of all others. Yet, the book argues that legitimate states have a moral (...)
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  • Global Justice and Territory.Cara Nine - 2012 - Oxford University Press.
    Historical injustice and global inequality are basic problems embedded in territorial rights. In Global Justice and Territory Cara Nine advances a general theory of territorial rights adapting a theoretical framework from natural law theory to ground all territorial claims.
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  • Land, Conflict, and Justice: A Political Theory of Territory.Avery Kolers - 2009 - Cambridge University Press.
    Territorial disputes have defined modern politics, but political theorists and philosophers have said little about how to resolve such disputes fairly. Is it even possible to do so? If historical attachments or divine promises are decisive, it may not be. More significant than these largely subjective claims are the ways in which people interact with land over time. Building from this insight, Avery Kolers evaluates existing political theories and develops an attractive alternative. He presents a novel link between political legitimacy (...)
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  • Theories of Secession.Allen Buchanan - 1997 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 26 (1):31-61.
    All theories of the right to secede either understand the right as a remedial right only or also recognize a primary right to secede. By a right in this context is meant a general, not a special, right (one generated through promising, contract, or some special relationship). Remedial Right Only Theories assert that a group has a general right to secede if and only if it has suffered certain injustices, for which secession is the appropriate remedy of last resort.1 Different (...)
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  • Secession: The Morality of Political Divorce from Fort Sumter to Lithuana and Quebec.Allen Buchanan - 1991 - Boulder: Westview Press.
    This important study, the first book-length treatment of an increasingly crucial topic, treats the moral issues of secession at two levels. At the practical level, Professor Buchanan develops a coherent theory of the conditions under which secession is morally justifiable. He then applies it to historical and contemporary examples, including the U.S. Civil War and more recent events in Bangladesh, Katanga, and Biafra, the Baltic states, South Africa, and Quebec. This is the first systematic account of the conditions and terms (...)
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  • A Theory of Secession.Christopher Heath Wellman - 2005 - Cambridge University Press.
    First published in 2005, A Theory of Secession: The Case for Political Self-Determination offers an unapologetic defense of the right to secede. Christopher Heath Wellman argues that any group has a moral right to secede as long as its political divorce will leave it and the remainder state in a position to perform the requisite political functions. He explains that there is nothing contradictory about valuing legitimate states, while permitting their division. Once political states are recognized as valuable because of (...)
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  • In defense of self-determination.Daniel Philpott - 1995 - Ethics 105 (2):352-385.
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  • Negotiating Nationalism: Nation-Building, Federalism, and Secession in the Multinational State.Wayne Norman - 2006 - Oxford University Press.
    In a world with at least three times as many nations as states, what are the limits of legitimate nation-building? How can national self-determination be coordinated within a federal system? This book provides one of the most extensive discussions to date on the ethics of nation-building and the nature and justification of federal systems.
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  • The Limits of Nationalism.Chaim Gans - 2003 - Cambridge University Press.
    This book discusses the justifications and limits of cultural nationalism from a liberal perspective. Chaim Gans presents a normative typology of nationalist ideologies, distinguishing between cultural liberal nationalism and statist liberal nationalism. Statist nationalisms argue that states have an interest in the cultural homogeneity of their citizenries. Cultural nationalisms argue that people have interests in adhering to their cultures and in sustaining these cultures for generations. Gans argues that freedom- and identity-based justifications for cultural nationalism common in literature can only (...)
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  • Secession and distributive justice.Amandine Catala - 2017 - Philosophical Studies 174 (2):529-552.
    The philosophical debate on secession has hitherto revolved primarily around the question of self-determination rather than that of distributive justice. Normative theorists of secession have approached the question of secession mostly in terms of the right that the secessionist group has to secede. Much less attention has been paid to the extent and the nature of obligations or duties that the seceding group might have toward the group it is leaving behind. At best, secession theorists have introduced clauses to the (...)
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  • National Self-Determination and Secession.Margaret Moore (ed.) - 1998 - Oxford University Press.
    In recent years numerous multi-national states have disintegrated along national lines, and today many more continue to witness bitter secessionist struggles. This ambitious study brings together for the first time a series of original essays on the ethics of secession. A host of leading figures explore key issues in this important debate, including, what is `a people' and what gives them a right to secede? And is national self-determination consistent with liberal and democratic principles or is it a dangerous doctrine?
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  • Remedial Theories of Secession and Territorial Justification.Amandine Catala - 2013 - Journal of Social Philosophy 44 (1):74-94.
    Because secession centrally involves taking away a territory, a successful normative theory of secession must give a credible account of when a seceding group has a valid territorial claim. One of the most prominent types of normative theory of secession is remedial theories of secession. I argue that while remedial theories address the question of territorial justification, they fail to do so adequately, because their account is both arbitrary and internally inconsistent. I argue that addressing the question of territorial justification (...)
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  • Democracy and Secession.Allen Buchanan - 1998 - In Margaret Moore (ed.), National Self-Determination and Secession. Oxford University Press.
    This chapter takes issue with a common argument linking democracy, understood as popular sovereignty, and rights to secession. Buchanan argues that the justifications for democracy and for recognizing a group's right to secede are quite distinct, and that a commitment to democracy is consistent with a constrained stance on secession.
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  • (2 other versions)Secession and the Principle of Nationality.David Miller - 1997 - Canadian Journal of Philosophy 26 (sup1):261-282.
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  • Value Individualism and the Popular-Choice Theory of Secession.Eric Cavallero - 2017 - Social Theory and Practice 43 (1):125-153.
    According to the popular-choice theory of secession, the inhabitants of any territory, as a group, should have an internationally recognized right to secede from a sovereign state if their majority chooses by referendum to do so, and if they are capable of sustaining legitimate state institutions. Prior efforts to defend this group right on individualistic grounds—such as the individual right to associate freely or to participate as an equal in democratic decision-making—have failed. As a result, some recent defenders of the (...)
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  • International law and morality in the theory of secession.David Copp - 1998 - The Journal of Ethics 2 (3):219-245.
    In order responsibly to decide whether there ought to be an international legal right of secession, I believe we need an account of the morality of secession. I propose that territorial and political societies have a moral right to secede, and on that basis I propose a regime designed to give such groups an international legal right to secede. This regime would create a procedure that could be followed by groups desiring to secede or by states desiring to resolve the (...)
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  • Secession and Annexation: The Case of Crimea.Amandine Catala - 2015 - German Law Journal 16 (3):581-607.
    The recent crisis involving the territory of Crimea has been characterized both as a case of wrongful annexation and as one of rightful secession. Territory and competing territorial claims lie at the heart of the normative questions of secession and annexation. Any normative theory of secession or of annexation must therefore address their territorial aspect: It must explain why one agent rather than another has a valid claim to the disputed territory. One of the most interesting, yet controversial, normative accounts (...)
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  • Popular Sovereignty and the Law of Peoples.Eric Cavallero - 2003 - Legal Theory 9 (3):181-200.
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  • The Ethics of Secession and a Normative Theory of Nationalism.Margaret Moore - 2000 - Canadian Journal of Law and Jurisprudence 13 (2):225-251.
    The three major normative theories of secession are just-cause theories, choice theories, and national self-determination theories. Just-cause and choice theories are problematic because they view secession in terms of the application of liberal theories of justice or a liberal principle of autonomy, without regard for the dynamics of nationalist mobilitization and national politics. National self-determination theories can be supported by a collective autonomy argument. This is related to a particular view of the relationship between collective self-government and territory.
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  • Introduction: The Self‐Determination Principle and the Ethics of Secession.Margaret Moore - 1998 - In National Self-Determination and Secession. Oxford University Press.
    This introductory chapter examines the debates concerning who are the people and the relevant territorial unit in which they should exercise self‐determination. It distinguishes between three types of arguments concerning conditions under which there might be a right to secede: choice theories, just‐cause theories, and national self‐determination theories.
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