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  1. The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language.Steven Pinker - 1994/2007 - Harper Perennial.
    In this classic, the world's expert on language and mind lucidly explains everything you always wanted to know about language: how it works, how children learn it, how it changes, how the brain computes it, and how it evolved. With deft use of examples of humor and wordplay, Steven Pinker weaves our vast knowledge of language into a compelling story: language is a human instinct, wired into our brains by evolution. The Language Instinct received the William James Book Prize from (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Concept of Mind.Gilbert Ryle - 1949 - Revue Philosophique de la France Et de l'Etranger 141:125-126.
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  • Explaining Culture: A Naturalistic Approach.Dan Sperber - 1996 - Oxford: Basil Blackwell.
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  • The Child's Theory of Mind.Henry M. Wellman - 1990 - MIT Press (MA).
    Do children have a theory of mind? If they do, at what age is it acquired? What is the content of the theory, and how does it differ from that of adults? The Child's Theory of Mind integrates the diverse strands of this rapidly expanding field of study. It charts children's knowledge about a fundamental topic - the mind - and characterizes that developing knowledge as a coherent commonsense theory, strongly advancing the understanding of everyday theories as well as the (...)
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  • Image and Brain: The Resolution of the Imagery Debate.Stephen M. Kosslyn - 1994 - MIT Press.
    This long-awaited work by prominent Harvard psychologist Stephen Kosslyn integrates a twenty-year research program on the nature of high-level vision and mental ...
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  • Mindblindness. An essay on autism and theory of mind, Cambridge, Mass, MITPTCSS, tradiit. Dautismo e la lettura della mente, Roma.S. Baron-Cohen - forthcoming - Astrolabio.
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  • Understanding the Representational Mind.Josef Perner - 1991 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    A model of writing in cognitive development, Understanding the Representational Mind synthesizes the burgeoning literature on the child’s theory of mind to provide an integrated account of children’s understanding of representational and mental processes, which is crucial in their acquisition of our commonsense psychology. Perner describes experimental work on children’s acquisition of a theory of mind and representation, offers a theoretical account of this acquisition, and gives examples of how the increased sophistication in children’s theory of mind improves their understanding (...)
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  • Pretense and representation: The origins of "theory of mind.".Alan M. Leslie - 1987 - Psychological Review 94 (4):412-426.
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  • (1 other version)The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms.Margaret A. Boden - 2003 - Routledge.
    How is it possible to think new thoughts? What is creativity and can science explain it? And just how did Coleridge dream up the creatures of The Ancient Mariner? When The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms was first published, Margaret A. Boden's bold and provocative exploration of creativity broke new ground. Boden uses examples such as jazz improvisation, chess, story writing, physics, and the music of Mozart, together with computing models from the field of artificial intelligence to uncover the nature (...)
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  • Darwin's Dangerous Idea.Daniel Dennett - 1994 - Behavior and Philosophy 24 (2):169-174.
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  • The Work of the Imagination.Paul L. Harris - 2000 - Wiley-Blackwell.
    This book demonstrates how children's imagination makes a continuing contribution to their cognitive and emotional development.
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  • Sex differences in human mate preferences: Evolutionary hypotheses tested in 37 cultures.David M. Buss - 1989 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 12 (1):1-14.
    Contemporary mate preferences can provide important clues to human reproductive history. Little is known about which characteristics people value in potential mates. Five predictions were made about sex differences in human mate preferences based on evolutionary conceptions of parental investment, sexual selection, human reproductive capacity, and sexual asymmetries regarding certainty of paternity versus maternity. The predictions centered on how each sex valued earning capacity, ambition— industriousness, youth, physical attractiveness, and chastity. Predictions were tested in data from 37 samples drawn from (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Creative Mind: Myths and Mechanisms.Margaret A. Boden - 1992 - Routledge.
    An essential work for anyone interested in the creativity of the human mind, "The Creative Mind" has been updated to include recent developments in artificial ...
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  • How we know our minds: The illusion of first-person knowledge of intentionality.Alison Gopnik - 1993 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 16 (1):1-14.
    As adults we believe that our knowledge of our own psychological states is substantially different from our knowledge of the psychological states of others: First-person knowledge comes directly from experience, but third-person knowledge involves inference. Developmental evidence suggests otherwise. Many 3-year-old children are consistently wrong in reporting some of their own immediately past psychological states and show similar difficulties reporting the psychological states of others. At about age 4 there is an important developmental shift to a representational model of the (...)
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  • Words, Thoughts, and Theories.Alison Gopnik & Andrew N. Meltzoff - 1999 - Mind 108 (430):395-398.
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  • Language and nature.Noam Chomsky - 1995 - Mind 104 (413):1-61.
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  • (1 other version)Explaining Culture: A Naturalistic Approach.K. Sterelny - 1996 - Mind 110 (439):845-854.
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  • Language and Human Behavior.Derek Bickerton - 1995 - Seattle: University Washington Press.
    According to Bickerton, the behavioral sciences have failed to give an adequate account of human nature at least partly because of the conjunction and mutual reinforcement of two widespread beliefs: that language is simply a means of communication and that human intelligence is the result of the rapid growth and unusual size of human brains. Bickerton argues that each of the properties distinguishing human intelligence and consciousness from that of other animals can be shown to derive straightforwardly from properties of (...)
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  • A cognitive theory of pretense.Stephen P. Stich & Shaun Nichols - 2000 - Cognition 74 (2):115-147.
    Recent accounts of pretense have been underdescribed in a number of ways. In this paper, we present a much more explicit cognitive account of pretense. We begin by describing a number of real examples of pretense in children and adults. These examples bring out several features of pretense that any adequate theory of pretense must accommodate, and we use these features to develop our theory of pretense. On our theory, pretense representations are contained in a separate mental workspace, a Possible (...)
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  • (1 other version)Language and Problems of Knowledge.Noam Chomsky - 1997 - Teorema: International Journal of Philosophy 16 (2).
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  • Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative Process. Pat Langley, Herbert A. Simon, Gary L. Bradshaw, Jan M. Zytkow.Malcolm R. Forster - 1990 - Philosophy of Science 57 (2):336-338.
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  • First published 1953.Ludvig Wittgenstein - forthcoming - Philosophical Investigations.
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  • Does play matter? Functional and evolutionary aspects of animal and human play.Peter K. Smith - 1982 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 5 (1):139-155.
    In this paper I suggest that play is a distinctive behavioural category whose adaptive significance calls for explanation. Play primarily affords juveniles practice toward the exercise of later skills. Its benefits exceed its costs when sufficient practice would otherwise be unlikely or unsafe, as is particularly true with physical skills and socially competitive ones. Manipulative play with objects is a byproduct of increased intelligence, specifically selected for only in a few advanced primates, notably the chimpanzee.The adaptiveness of play in pongid (...)
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  • (1 other version)Conscious thinking: Language or elimination?Peter Carruthers - 1998 - Mind and Language 13 (4):457-476.
    Do we conduct our conscious propositional thinking in natural language? Or is such language only peripherally related to human conscious thought-processes? In this paper I shall present a partial defence of the former view, by arguing that the only real alternative is eliminativism about conscious propositional thinking. Following some introductory remarks, I shall state the argument for this conclusion, and show how that conclusion can be true. Thereafter I shall defend each of the three main premises in turn.
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  • Autism as mindblindness: An elaboration and partial defence.Peter Carruthers - 1996 - In Peter Carruthers & Peter K. Smith, Theories of Theories of Mind. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 257.
    In this chapter I defend the mind-blindness theory of autism, by showing how it can accommodate data which might otherwise appear problematic for it. Specifically, I show how it can explain the fact that autistic children rarely engage in spontaneous pretend-play, and also how it can explain the executive-function deficits which are characteristic of the syndrome. I do this by emphasising what I take to be an entailment of the mind-blindness theory, that autistic subjects have difficulties of access to their (...)
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  • Consciousness Explained by Daniel C. Dennett. [REVIEW]Ned Block - 1993 - Journal of Philosophy 90 (4):181-193.
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  • Pretend play.Chris Jarrold, Peter Carruthers, Jill Boucher & Peter K. Smith - 1994 - Mind and Language 9 (4):445-468.
    Children’s ability to pretend, and the apparent lack of pretence in children with autism, have become important issues in current research on ‘theory of mind’, on the assumption that pretend play may be an early indicator of metarepresentational abilities.
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  • Symmetry and the evolution of the modular linguistic mind.Thomas Wynn - 2000 - In Peter Carruthers & Andrew Chamberlain, Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Meta-Cognition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 113--39.
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  • The roots of scientific reasoning: Infancy, modularity and the art of tracking.Peter Carruthers - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher, [Book Chapter]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 73--95.
    This chapter examines the extent to which there are continuities between the cognitive processes and epistemic practices engaged in by human hunter-gatherers, on the one hand, and those which are distinctive of science, on the other. It deploys anthropological evidence against any form of 'no-continuity' view, drawing especially on the cognitive skills involved in the art of tracking. It also argues against the 'child-as-scientist' accounts put forward by some developmental psychologists, which imply that scientific thinking is present in early infancy (...)
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  • Mind, brain and material culture: An archaeological perspective.Steven Mithen - 2000 - In Peter Carruthers & Andrew Chamberlain, Evolution and the Human Mind: Modularity, Language and Meta-Cognition. Cambridge University Press. pp. 207--217.
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  • Thinking in language?: Evolution and a modularist possibility.Peter Carruthers - 1998 - In Peter Carruthers & Jill Boucher, [Book Chapter]. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. pp. 94-119.
    This chapter argues that our language faculty can both be a peripheral module of the mind and be crucially implicated in a variety of central cognitive functions, including conscious propositional thinking and reasoning. I also sketch arguments for the view that natural language representations (e.g. of Chomsky's Logical Form, or LF) might serve as a lingua franca for interactions (both conscious and non-conscious) between a number of quasi-modular central systems. The ideas presented are compared and contrasted with the evolutionary proposals (...)
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  • Sources of flexibility in human cognition: Dual-task studies of space and language.L. Hermer-Vazquez, E. S. Spelke & A. S. Katsnelson - 1999 - Cognitive Psychology 39.
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  • Scientific discovery, computational explorations of the creative processes. [REVIEW]W. Balzer - 1991 - Erkenntnis 34 (1):125-127.
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  • Essentials of Symbolic Logic.R. L. Simpson - 1994 - Studia Logica 53 (3):464-464.
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  • Creativity and practice.Robert W. Weisberg - 1998 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 21 (3):429-430.
    The target article examines the role of practice in the development of excellence in several domains that vary in the degree of innovation involved. The authors do not differentiate domains, but they discuss the development of specifically creative skills only in passing. This commentary presents evidence that practice plays a role in the development of musical composition, through an examination of the careers of Mozart and the Beatles.
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