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  1. The Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance Debate.Jennifer J. Griffin & John F. Mahon - 1997 - Business and Society 36 (1):5-31.
    This article extends earlier research concerning the relationship between corporate social performance and corporate financial performance, with particular emphasis on methodological inconsistencies. Research in this area is extended in three critical areas. First, it focuses on a particular industry, the chemical industry. Second, it uses multiple sources of data-two that are perceptual based (KLD Index and Fortune reputation survey), and two that are performance based (TRI database and corporate philanthropy) in order to triangulate toward assessing corporate social performance. Third, it (...)
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  • The Corporate Social Performance and Corporate Financial Performance Debate: 25 Years ofIncomparable ReseaarchJ.J. Griffin & Mahon John - 1997 - Business and Society 1:73-75.
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  • Causality Between Corporate Social Performance and Financial Performance: Evidence from Canadian Firms.Rim Makni, Claude Francoeur & François Bellavance - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):409-422.
    This study assesses the causal relationship between corporate social performance (CSP) and financial performance (FP). We perform our empirical analyses on a sample of 179 publicly held Canadian firms and use the measures of CSP provided by Canadian Social Investment Database for the years 2004 and 2005. Using the “Granger causality” approach, we find no significant relationship between a composite measure of a firm’s CSP and FP, except for market returns. However, using individual measures of CSP, we find a robust (...)
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  • CEO International Assignment Experience and Corporate Social Performance.Daniel J. Slater & Heather R. Dixon-Fowler - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 89 (3):473-489.
    Research suggests that international assignment experience enhances awareness of societal stakeholders, influences personal values, and provides rare and valuable resources. Based on these arguments, we hypothesize that CEO international assignment experience will lead to increased corporate social performance (CSP) and will be moderated by the CEO's functional background. Using a sample of 393 CEOs of S&P 500 companies and three independent data sources, we find that CEO international assignment experience is positively related to CSP and is significantly moderated by the (...)
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  • The Role of Corporations in Achieving Ecological Sustainability.Paul Shrivastava - 1995 - The Academy of Management Review 20 (4):936-960.
    Ecological problems rooted in organizational activities have increased significantly, yet the role corporations play in achieving ecological sustainability is poorly understood. This article examines the implications of ecologically sustainable development for corporations. It articulates corporate ecological sustainability through the concepts of (a) total quality environmental management, (b) ecologically sustainable competitive strategies, (c) technology transfer through technology-for nature-swaps, and (d) reducing the impact of populations on ecosystems. It examines the implications that these concepts have for organizational research.
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  • Pollution, profits, and stakeholders: The constraining effect of economic performance on CEO concern with stakeholder expectations. [REVIEW]Robert S. Dooley & Linda D. Lerner - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (9):701 - 711.
    This study examined the constraining effect of economic performance on the relationship between CEO stakeholder orientations and four pollution performance categories. Economic performance was found to moderate the relationship for two of the four categories. Additionally economic performance was found to consistently interact with some CEO stakeholder orientations and not others. Overall the results suggest that CEO concern with stakeholder expectations is in large part moderate by the economic performance of the firm.
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