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  1. The Philosophy of Affordances.Manuel Heras-Escribano - 2019 - Cham: Springer Verlag.
    This book is the first monograph fully devoted to analyzing the philosophical aspects of affordances. The concept of affordance, coined and developed in the field of ecological psychology, describes the possibilities for action available in the environment. This work offers a systematic approach to the key philosophical features of affordances, such as their ontological characterization, their relation to normative practices, and the idea of agency that follows from viewing affordances as key objects of perception, while also proposing an innovative philosophical (...)
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  • Human landscapes: contributions to a pragmatist anthropology.Roberta Dreon - 2022 - Albany: SUNY Press.
    The first work to offer a comprehensive pragmatist anthropology focusing on sensibility, habits, and human experience as contingently yet irreversibly enlanguaged.
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  • Cognitive Semiotics: Integrating Signs, Minds, Meaning and Cognition.Claudio Paolucci - 2021 - Springer Verlag.
    This volume serves as a reference on the field of cognitive semantics. It offers a systematic and original discussion of the issues at the core of the debate in semiotics and the cognitive sciences. It takes into account the problems of representation, the nature of mind, the structure of perception, beliefs associated with habits, social cognition, autism, intersubjectivity and subjectivity. The chapters in this volume present the foundation of semiotics as a theory of cognition, offer a semiotic model of cognitive (...)
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  • (2 other versions)Experience and Nature.John Dewey - 1958 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (1):98-98.
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  • Doing without representing?Andy Clark & Josefa Toribio - 1994 - Synthese 101 (3):401-31.
    Connectionism and classicism, it generally appears, have at least this much in common: both place some notion of internal representation at the heart of a scientific study of mind. In recent years, however, a much more radical view has gained increasing popularity. This view calls into question the commitment to internal representation itself. More strikingly still, this new wave of anti-representationalism is rooted not in armchair theorizing but in practical attempts to model and understand intelligent, adaptive behavior. In this paper (...)
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  • Niche construction, biological evolution, and cultural change.Kevin N. Laland, John Odling-Smee & Marcus W. Feldman - 2000 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 23 (1):131-146.
    We propose a conceptual model that maps the causal pathways relating biological evolution to cultural change. It builds on conventional evolutionary theory by placing emphasis on the capacity of organisms to modify sources of natural selection in their environment (niche construction) and by broadening the evolutionary dynamic to incorporate ontogenetic and cultural processes. In this model, phenotypes have a much more active role in evolution than generally conceived. This sheds light on hominid evolution, on the evolution of culture, and on (...)
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  • Overcoming the Myth of the Mental: How Philosophers Can Profit from the Phenomenology of Everyday Expertise.Hubert L. Dreyfus - 2005 - Proceedings and Addresses of the American Philosophical Association 79 (2):47 - 65.
    Back in 1950, while a physics major at Harvard, I wandered into C.I. Lewis’s epistemology course. There, Lewis was confidently expounding the need for an indubitable Given to ground knowledge, and he was explaining where that ground was to be found. I was so impressed that I immediately switched majors from ungrounded physics to grounded philosophy.
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  • (2 other versions)Essays in Radical Empiricism.B. H. Bode, William James & R. B. Perry - 1912 - Philosophical Review 21 (6):704.
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  • From participatory sense-making to language: there and back again.Elena Clare Cuffari, Ezequiel Di Paolo & Hanne De Jaegher - 2015 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 14 (4):1089-1125.
    The enactive approach to cognition distinctively emphasizes autonomy, adaptivity, agency, meaning, experience, and interaction. Taken together, these principles can provide the new sciences of language with a comprehensive philosophical framework: languaging as adaptive social sense-making. This is a refinement and advancement on Maturana’s idea of languaging as a manner of living. Overcoming limitations in Maturana’s initial formulation of languaging is one of three motivations for this paper. Another is to give a response to skeptics who challenge enactivism to connect “lower-level” (...)
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  • Scaling-up skilled intentionality to linguistic thought.Julian Kiverstein & Erik Rietveld - 2020 - Synthese 198 (Suppl 1):175-194.
    Cognition has traditionally been understood in terms of internal mental representations, and computational operations carried out on internal mental representations. Radical approaches propose to reconceive cognition in terms of agent-environment dynamics. An outstanding challenge for such a philosophical project is how to scale-up from perception and action to cases of what is typically called ‘higher-order’ cognition such as linguistic thought, the case we focus on in this paper. Perception and action are naturally described in terms of agent-environment dynamics, but can (...)
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  • Language and other artifacts: socio-cultural dynamics of niche construction.Chris Sinha - 2015 - Frontiers in Psychology 6.
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  • Gesture, meaning, and intentionality: from radical to pragmatist enactive theory of language.Guido Baggio - 2025 - Phenomenology and the Cognitive Sciences 24 (1):33-62.
    The article argues in favour of a pragmatist enactive interpretation of the emergence of the symbolic and contentful mind from a basic form of social communicative interaction in which basic cognitive capacities are involved. Through a critical overview of Radical Enactivists (RECers)’ view about language, the article focuses on Mead’s pragmatist behavioural theory of meaning that refers to the gestural conversation as the origin of the evolution of linguistic conversation. The article develops as follows. After exposing the main elements of (...)
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  • A behavioristic account of the significant symbol.George H. Mead - 1922 - Journal of Philosophy 19 (6):157-163.
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  • Toward a metaphysics of culture.Joseph Margolis - 2013 - Human Affairs 23 (4):474-494.
    This paper provides a sketch of a fresh conception of the “metaphysics” of culture and a sense of its conceptual power and advantages, based on a post-Darwinian account of the artifactual, hybrid nature of a person, chiefly in terms of (what I treat as terms of art) Bildung (“external” and “internal”), Sittlichkeit (both descriptive and normative), and interpretation (diversely manifested in different sectors of inquiry). I consider the (“metaphysical”) relationship between membership in the species Homo sapiens sapiens and functioning as (...)
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  • Pragmatic Naturalism: John Dewey’s Living Legacy.Richard J. Bernstein - 2019 - Graduate Faculty Philosophy Journal 40 (2):527-594.
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  • William James on Conceptions and Private Language.Henry Jackman - 2017 - Belgrade Philosophical Annual 30 (30):175-193.
    William James was one of the most frequently cited authors in Wittgenstein’s Philosophical Investigations, but the attention paid to James’s Principles of Psycho- logy in that work is typically explained in terms of James having ‘committed in a clear, exemplary manner, fundamental errors in the philosophy of mind.’ (Goodman 2002, p. viii.) The most notable of these ‘errors’ was James’s purported commitment to a conception of language as ‘private’. Commentators standardly treat James as committed to a conception of language as (...)
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  • Art as Experience. [REVIEW]D. W. Prall - 1935 - Philosophical Review 44 (4):388-390.
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  • (1 other version)William James and the Reinstatement of the Vague.William Joseph GAVIN - 1992 - Transactions of the Charles S. Peirce Society 29 (3):475-480.
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  • Dewey's philosophy of language.Max Black - 1962 - Journal of Philosophy 59 (19):505-523.
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  • Aesthetic incunabula.Ellen Dissanayake - 2001 - Philosophy and Literature 25 (2):335-346.
    In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:Philosophy and Literature 25.2 (2001) 335-346 [Access article in PDF] Aesthetic Incunabula Ellen Dissanayake Incunabula n. pl. (f. L swaddling clothes, cradle): Early stages of development of a thing.Over the past thirty years, developmental psychologists have discovered remarkable cognitive abilities in young infants. Before these investigations, common pediatric wisdom accepted that apart from a few innate "reflexes"--for crying, suckling, clinging, startling--babies were pretty much tabulae rasae for their elders (...)
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  • James on the stream of language: with some remarks on his influence on Wittgenstein.Roberta Dreon - 2020 - Cognitio 21 (1):68-82.
    Este artigo sustenta uma leitura do capítulo “Stream of Thought” em The Principles of Psichology segundo o qual William James não formulou uma ideia de significados linguísticos como sentimentos privados que ocorrem dentro da mente do falante, ao contrário, criticava o hábito de, basicamente, considerar a linguagem como uma associação de nomes, devido às consequências ilusórias dessa suposição ao nosso entendimento do pensamento como resultante, principalmente, da soma das suas partes discretas. James sugere a possibilidade de adoção de uma abordagem (...)
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  • Thought before language: A deaf-mute's recollections.William James - 1892 - Philosophical Review 1 (6):613-624.
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  • The Mind is not the Brain: John Dewey, Neuroscience, and Avoiding the Mereological Fallacy.Deron Boyles & Jim Garrison - 2017 - Dewey Studies 1 (1):111-130.
    The purpose of this paper is to argue that however impressive and useful its results, neuroscience alone does not provide a complete theory of mind. We specifically enlist John Dewey to help dispel the notion that the mind is the brain. In doing so, we explore functionalism to clarify Dewey’s modified functionalist stance and argue for avoiding “the mereological fallacy.” Mereology is the study of part-whole relations. The mereological fallacy arises from confusing the properties of a necessary subfunction with the (...)
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