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  1. (8 other versions)Meditations on First Philosophy.René Descartes - 1641/1984 - Ann Arbor: Caravan Books. Edited by Stanley Tweyman.
    I have always considered that the two questions respecting God and the Soul were the chief of those that ought to be demonstrated by philosophical rather than ...
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  • (2 other versions)Metaphysics. Aristotle - 1941 - In Ross W. D. (ed.), The Basic Works of Aristotle. Random House.
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  • (1 other version)The Claim of Reason: Wittgenstein, Skepticism, Morality, and Tragedy.S. Cavell - 1979 - Critical Philosophy 1 (1):97.
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  • (1 other version)The fate of reason: German philosophy from Kant to Fichte.Frederick C. Beiser - 1987 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    The Fate of Reason is the first general history devoted to the period between Kant and Fichte, one of the most revolutionary and fertile in modern philosophy.
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  • The Opening of Hegel's Logic: From Being to Infinity.Stephen Houlgate - 2006 - West Lafayette, IN, USA: Purdue University Press.
    Part Two contains the text-in German and English-of the first two chapters of Hegel's Logic, which cover such categories as being, becoming, something, limit, ...
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  • (1 other version)The Fate of Reason.Frederick C. Beiser - 1987 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    The Fate of Reason is the first general history devoted to the period between Kant and Fichte, one of the most revolutionary and fertile in modern philosophy. The philosophers of this time broke with the two central tenets of the modem Cartesian tradition: the authority of reason and the primacy of epistemology. They also witnessed the decline of the Aufkldrung, the completion of Kant's philosophy, and the beginnings of post-Kantian idealism. Thanks to Beiser we can newly appreciate the influence of (...)
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  • Reason in the World: Hegel's Metaphysics and its Philosophical Appeal.James Kreines - 2015 - , US: Oxford University Press USA.
    This book defends a new interpretation of Hegel's theoretical philosophy, according to which Hegel's project in his central Science of Logic has a single organizing focus, provided by taking metaphysics as fundamental to philosophy, rather than any epistemological problem about knowledge or intentionality. Hegel pursues more specifically the metaphysics of reason, concerned with grounds, reasons, or conditions in terms of which things can be explained-and ultimately with the possibility of complete reasons. There is no threat to such metaphysics in epistemological (...)
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  • Hegel’s Realm of Shadows: Logic as Metaphysics in “the Science of Logic”.Robert B. Pippin - 2018 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Hegel frequently claimed that the heart of his entire system was a book widely regarded as among the most difficult in the history of philosophy, The Science of Logic. This is the book that presents his metaphysics, an enterprise that he insists can only be properly understood as a “logic,” or a “science of pure thinking.” Since he also wrote that the proper object of any such logic is pure thinking itself, it has always been unclear in just what sense (...)
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  • Hegel's Concept of Life: Self-Consciousness, Freedom, Logic.Karen K. Ng - 2020 - New York, NY: Oup Usa.
    This book provides a new interpretation of Hegel's philosophy, arguing that his theory of reason and thinking revolve around the concept of organic life. Through a detailed analysis of Hegel's philosophy and Kant's influence, Karen Ng shows that Hegel's unique contribution is that cognitive capacities are indexed to species capacities, where embodiment and the relation to the environment are central in processes of mind.
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  • Kant and the Science of Logic: A Historical and Philosophical Reconstruction.Huaping Lu-Adler - 2018 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    This book is both a history of philosophy of logic told from the Kantian viewpoint and a reconstruction of Kant’s theory of logic from a historical perspective. Kant’s theory represents a turning point in a history of philosophical debates over the following questions. (1) Is logic a science, instrument, standard of assessment, or mixture of these? (2) If logic is a science, what is the subject matter that differentiates it from other sciences, particularly metaphysics? (3) If logic is a necessary (...)
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  • Knowledge and its Limits. [REVIEW]L. Horsten - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):200-201.
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  • The Fate of Reason: German Philosophy from Kant to Fichte.Karl Ameriks & Frederick C. Beiser - 1989 - Philosophical Review 98 (3):398.
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  • Hegel and the Problem of Beginning.Robb Dunphy - 2021 - Hegel Bulletin 42 (3):344-367.
    In this article I develop an interpretation of the opening passages of Hegel's essay ‘With what must the beginning of science be made?’ I suggest firstly that Hegel is engaging there with a distinctive problem, the overcoming of which he understands to be necessary in order to guarantee the scientific character of the derivation of the fundamental categories of thought which he undertakes in the Science of Logic. I refer to this as ‘the problem of beginning’. I proceed to clarify (...)
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  • What Kind of an Idealist (If Any) Is Hegel?Markus Gabriel - 2016 - Hegel Bulletin 37 (2):181-208.
    In this paper, I first explore Hegel’s own distinctions between various types of idealism, most of which he explicitly rejects. I discuss his notions of subjective, transcendental and absolute idealism and present the outlines of his criticisms of the first two as well as the motivation behind his commitment to a version of absolute idealism. In particular, I argue that the latter does not share the defining features of what is now commonly called ‘idealism’, as Hegel neither denies the existence (...)
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  • 'Knowing that one knows' reviewed.Jaakko Hintikka - 1970 - Synthese 21 (2):141 - 162.
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  • Alternativelessness: On the Beginning Problem of Hegel's Logic.Zhili Xiong - 2022 - Idealistic Studies 52 (1):93-106.
    Recent discussions concerning the beginning problem of Hegel’s Logic have reached the agreement that any promised interpretation of the beginning of the Logic must reject opposition between the immediacy and mediation and embrace their unity instead. It is how this unity is understood that divides interpreters. Either the mediation precedes the immediacy and justifies it first, or a somewhat one-sided immediacy occurs first and waits to be mediated later in a circular justification. However, both concepts are confronted with their own (...)
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  • On the Incompatibility of Hegel's Phenomenology with the Beginning of his Logic.Robb Dunphy - 2020 - Review of Metaphysics 74 (293):81-119.
    This paper argues firstly that the argument of Hegel's Phenomenology of Spirit is necessary for the justification of the beginning of his logical project, and secondly that Hegel's attempt to secure the beginning of his Science of Logic by relying upon the argument of the Phenomenology fails. I argue firstly that the position taken up at the beginning of Hegel's Logic is constructed in such a fashion that it relies upon the argument of the Phenomenology to justify it. I then (...)
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  • Two Varieties of Skepticism.James Conant - 2012 - In Günter Abel & James Conant (eds.), Rethinking Epistemology, Volume 2. Berlin, Germany: De Gruyter.
    This paper distinguishes two varieties of skepticism and the varieties of philosophical response those skepticisms have engendered. The aim of the exercise is to furnish a perspicuous overview of some of the dialectical relations that obtain across some of the range of problems that philosophers have called (and continue to call) “skeptical”. I argue that such an overview affords a number of forms of philosophical insight.
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  • (1 other version)Hegel on Scepticism in the Logic of Essence.Ioannis Trisokkas - 2017 - In Jannis Kozatsas, George Faraklas, Klaus Vieweg & Stella Synegianni (eds.), Hegel and Scepticism. de Gruyter. pp. 99-120.
    Early in the Logic of Essence, the second main part of Hegelian Logic, Hegel identifies a logical structure, seeming (Schein), with “the phenomenon of scepticism.” The present paper has two aims: first, to flesh this identification out by describing the argument that leads up to it; and, second, to argue that it is mistaken. I will proceed as follows. Section 1 deciphers the opening statement of the Logic of Essence, “the truth of being is essence,” by specifying the meaning of (...)
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  • Self-Completing Skepticism: On Hegel's Sublation of Pyrrhonism.Miles Hentrup - 2018 - Epoché: A Journal for the History of Philosophy 23 (1):105-123.
    In his 1802 article for the Critical Journal, “Relationship of Skepticism to Philosophy,” Hegel attempts to articulate a form of skepticism that is “at one with every true philosophy.” Focusing on the priority that Hegel gives to ancient skepticism over its modern counterpart, Michael Forster and other commentators suggest that it is Pyrrhonism that Hegel views as one with philosophy. Since Hegel calls attention to the persistence of dogmatism even in the work of Sextus Empiricus, however, I argue that it (...)
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  • Hegel on the Nature of Scepticism.Dietmar H. Heidemann - 2011 - Hegel Bulletin 32 (1-2):80-99.
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  • Hegel’s Logic of Actuality.Karen Ng - 2009 - Review of Metaphysics 63 (1):139-172.
    Against the standard interpretation that Hegel's idealism, in particular speculative logic, should be understood as an extension of Kant's transcendental idealism, I argue that Hegel's Logic should be understood as a logic of actuality (Wirklichkeit). Rather than seeking to determine the necessary and merely formal conditions and categories for the knowledge of any possible object, speculative logic is the immanent and active process of determining the truth of actual objects and actuality itself. Through a discussion of the status of the (...)
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  • Doubt and Dialectic: Hegel on the Philosophical Significance of Skepticism.Dietmar Heidemann - 2009 - In Markus Gabriel (ed.), The dialectic of the absolute-Hegel's critique of transcendent metaphysics. Continuum.
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