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  1. (2 other versions)Set Theory.Thomas Jech - 1999 - Studia Logica 63 (2):300-300.
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  • Infinitary intuitionistic logic from a classical point of view.Mark E. Nadel - 1978 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 14 (2):159-191.
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  • Classifying toposes for first-order theories.Carsten Butz & Peter Johnstone - 1998 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 91 (1):33-58.
    By a classifying topos for a first-order theory , we mean a topos such that, for any topos models of in correspond exactly to open geometric morphisms → . We show that not every first-order theory has a classifying topos in this sense, but we characterize those which do by an appropriate ‘smallness condition’, and we show that every Grothendieck topos arises as the classifying topos of such a theory. We also show that every first-order theory has a conservative extension (...)
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  • A theorem on barr-exact categories, with an infinitary generalization.Michael Makkai - 1990 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 47 (3):225-268.
    Let C be a small Barr-exact category, Reg the category of all regular functors from C to the category of small sets. A form of M. Barr's full embedding theorem states that the evaluation functor e : C →[Reg, Set ] is full and faithful. We prove that the essential image of e consists of the functors that preserve all small products and filtered colimits. The concept of κ-Barr-exact category is introduced, for κ any infinite regular cardinal, and the natural (...)
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  • Dynamical method in algebra: effective Nullstellensätze.Michel Coste, Henri Lombardi & Marie-Françoise Roy - 2001 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 111 (3):203-256.
    We give a general method for producing various effective Null and Positivstellensätze, and getting new Positivstellensätze in algebraically closed valued fields and ordered groups. These various effective Nullstellensätze produce algebraic identities certifying that some geometric conditions cannot be simultaneously satisfied. We produce also constructive versions of abstract classical results of algebra based on Zorn's lemma in several cases where such constructive version did not exist. For example, the fact that a real field can be totally ordered, or the fact that (...)
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  • First-order logical duality.Steve Awodey - 2013 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 164 (3):319-348.
    From a logical point of view, Stone duality for Boolean algebras relates theories in classical propositional logic and their collections of models. The theories can be seen as presentations of Boolean algebras, and the collections of models can be topologized in such a way that the theory can be recovered from its space of models. The situation can be cast as a formal duality relating two categories of syntax and semantics, mediated by homming into a common dualizing object, in this (...)
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  • Infinitary intuitionistic logic from a classical point of view.M. E. Nadel - 1978 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 14 (2):159.
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