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  1. Autopoiesis and Cognition: The Realization of the Living.Humberto Muturana, H. R. Maturana & F. J. Varela - 1973/1980 - Springer.
    What makes a living system a living system? What kind of biological phenomenon is the phenomenon of cognition? These two questions have been frequently considered, but, in this volume, the authors consider them as concrete biological questions. Their analysis is bold and provocative, for the authors have constructed a systematic theoretical biology which attempts to define living systems not as objects of observation and description, nor even as interacting systems, but as self-contained unities whose only reference is to themselves. The (...)
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  • It’s Chomping All the Way Down: Toward an Ontology of the Human Individual.Lisa Heldke - 2018 - The Monist 101 (3):247-260.
    This paper explores the question: what happens to the ontology of the human individual if we take seriously the degree to which all life on this planet, including human life, is threaded through with relationships in which one creature sinks its ‘teeth’ into another and hangs on for dear life, deriving vital sustenance from that second creature, but sometimes imperiling the life of it as well? Or, to put the matter less colorfully, how ought we reconceptualize the human individual in (...)
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  • Seeing Like a State: How Certain Schemes to Improve the Human Condition Have Failed.James C. Scott - 1999 - Utopian Studies 10 (2):310-312.
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  • Breaking new ground in food regime theory: corporate environmentalism, ecological feedbacks and the 'food from somewhere' regime? [REVIEW]Hugh Campbell - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):309-319.
    Early food regimes literature tended to concentrate on the global scale analysis of implicitly negative trends in global food relations. In recent years, early food regimes authors like Harriet Friedmann and Philip McMichael have begun to consider the sites of resistance, difference and opportunity that have been emerging around, and into contestation with, new food regime relations. This paper examines the emerging global-scale governance mechanism of environmental food auditing—particularly those being promoted by supermarkets and other large food retailers—as an important (...)
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  • Introduction to the special symposium: reflecting on twenty years of the food regimes approach in agri-food studies. [REVIEW]Hugh Campbell & Jane Dixon - 2009 - Agriculture and Human Values 26 (4):261-265.
    This article works in a recursive manner by using the tools of a food regime approach to reinterpret the nutrition transition that has been underway internationally for 100 years, and then describing the contributions of nutrition science to the 1st and 2nd Food Regimes and the passages between Food Regimes. The resulting history—from the ‘imperial calorie’ through the ‘protective’ vitamin to the ‘empty calorie’—illuminates a neglected dimension to food regime theorising: the role of socio-technical systems in shaping a set of (...)
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  • Can social systems be autopoietic? Bhaskar's and Giddens' social theories.John Mingers - 2004 - Journal for the Theory of Social Behaviour 34 (4):403–427.
    The theory of autopoiesis, that is systems that are self-producing or self-constructing, was originally developed to explain the particular nature of living as opposed to non-living entities. It was subsequently enlarged to encompass cognition and language leading to what is known as second-order cybernetics. However, as with earlier biological theories, many authors have tried to extend the domain of the theory to encompass social systems, the most notable being Luhmann. The pur-pose of this paper is to consider critically the extent (...)
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  • Effective animal advocacy: effective altruism, the social economy, and the animal protection movement.Garrett M. Broad - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (4):777-789.
    Effective altruism is a conceptual approach and emerging social movement that uses data-driven reasoning to channel social economy resources toward philanthropic activities. Priority cause areas for effective altruists include global poverty, existential risks to humanity, and animal welfare. Indeed, a significant subset of the movement argues that animal factory farming, in particular, is a problem of great scope, one that is overly neglected and offers the potential for massive reductions in global suffering. This paper explores the philosophical and methodological tenets (...)
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  • Trust and Power.Niklas Luhmann - 1982 - Studies in Soviet Thought 23 (3):266-270.
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  • Subverting the new narrative: food, gentrification and resistance in Oakland, California.Alison Hope Alkon, Yahya Josh Cadji & Frances Moore - 2019 - Agriculture and Human Values 36 (4):793-804.
    Alternative food movements work to create more environmentally and economically sustainable food systems, but vary widely in their advocacy for social, racial and environmental justice. However, even those food justice activists explicitly dedicated to equity must respond to the unintended consequences of their work. This paper analyzes the work of activists in Oakland, CA, who have increasingly realized that their gardens, health food stores and farm-to-table restaurants play a role in what scholars have called green gentrification, the upscaling of neighborhoods (...)
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