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Schizophrenia, social practices and cultural values: A conceptual introduction

In Inês Hipólito, J. Gonçalves & J. G. Pereira, Studies in Brain and Mind, Volume 12. Springer. pp. 1-15 (2018)

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  1. Philosophy of natural science.Carl Gustav Hempel - 1966 - Englewood Cliffs, N.J.,: Prentice-Hall.
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  • Philosophy of Natural Science.Carl G. Hempel - 1967 - British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 18 (1):70-72.
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  • Madness and modernism: insanity in the light of modern art, literature, and thought.Louis Arnorsson Sass - 1992 - Harvard University Press.
    Madness and Modernism provides a phenomenological study of schizophrenic disorders, criticizing some standard conceptions of these disorders. Sass argues that many aspects of this group of disorders can actually involve more sophisticated (albeit dysfunctional) forms of mind and experience.
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  • The Measure of Madness: Philosophy of Mind, Cognitive Neuroscience, and Delusional Thought.Philip Gerrans - 2014 - MIT Press.
    Drawing on the latest work in cognitive neuroscience, a philosopher proposes that delusions are narrative models that accommodate anomalous experiences.
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  • Self-consciousness, mental agency, and the clinical psychopathology of thought insertion.G. Lynn Stephens & George Graham - 1994 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 1 (1):1-10.
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  • Phenomenological Psychopathology and Schizophrenia: Contemporary Approaches and Misunderstandings.Louis Sass, Josef Parnas & Dan Zahavi - 2011 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 18 (1):1–23.
    The phenomenological approach to schizophrenia has undergone something of a renaissance in Anglophone psychiatry in recent years. There has been a proliferation of works that focus on the nature of subjectivity in schizophrenia and related disorders, and that take inspiration from the work of such German and French philosophers as Husserl, Heidegger, and Merleau-Ponty, and such classical psychiatrists as Minkowski, Blankenburg, and Binswanger (Rulf 2003; Sass 2001a, 2001b). This trend includes predominantly theoretical articles, which typically incorporate clinical material as well (...)
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  • Delusional realities.Shaun Gallagher - 2009 - In Matthew Broome & Lisa Bortolotti, Psychiatry as Cognitive Neuroscience: Philosophical Perspectives. New York: Oxford University Press. pp. 245–268.
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  • Self and World in Schizophrenia: Three Classic Approaches.Louis Arnorsson Sass - 2001 - Philosophy, Psychiatry, and Psychology 8 (4):251-270.
    This article presents an introductory overview of the interpretations of schizophrenia offered by three phenomenological psychiatrists: Eugene Minkowski (1885-1972), Wolfgang Blankenburg (b. 1928), and Kimura Bin (b. 1931). Minkowski views schizophrenia as characterized by a diminished sense of dynamic and vital connection to the world ("loss of vital contact"), often accompanied by a hypertrophy of intellectual and static tendencies ("morbid rationalism," "morbid geometrism"). Blankenburg emphasizes the patient's loss of the normal sense of obviousness or "natural self-evidence"—a loss of the usual (...)
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  • The Paradoxes of Delusion: Wittgenstein, Schreber, and the Schizophrenic Mind.Louis Arnorsson Sass - 1994 - Cornell University Press.
    In the formative years of psychiatry Freud, Bleuler, and Jaspers all studied Daniel Paul Schreber's Memoirs of My Nervous Illness as a model of psychotic thought. Sass provides a nuanced interpretation of Schreber's Memoirs in the context of Wittgenstein's analysis of philosophical solipsism. A dauntless critic of the illusions of philosophy, Wittgenstein likened the speculative excesses of traditional metaphysics to mental illness. Sass observes that many of the "intellectual diseases" that Wittgenstein discerned - diseases involving detachment from social existence and (...)
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  • Dementia praecox oder Gruppe der Schizophrenien.Eugen Bleuler - 1911 - Verlag Franz Deuticke.
    "Unsere Literatur ist voll von Klagen über den chaotischen Zustand der Systematik der Psychosen, und jeder Psychiater weiß, daß man sich auf Grund der alten Diagnosen gar nicht genügend verständigen kann. (...) So können sich mit den alten Begriffen nicht einmal die Koryphäen der Wissenschaft verständigen, und viele Patienten tragen genau so viele Diagnosen mit sich herum, als sie Anstalten besucht haben. (...) Irrtümer hindern die Wissenschaft am meisten am Fortschreiten; sie zu beseitigen hat mehr praktischen Wert, als eine neue (...)
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  • The Divided Self, An Existential Study in Sanity and Madness.R. D. Laing - 1960 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 15 (3):405-405.
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  • Conceptions of schizophrenia.Man Cheung Chung - 2006 - In Man Cheung Chung, Bill Fulford & George Graham, Reconceiving Schizophrenia. Oxford University Press.
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  • Taking disease seriously: beyond "pragmatic" nosology.S. Nassir Ghaemi - 2012 - In Kenneth S. Kendler & Josef Parnas, Philosophical Issues in Psychiatry Ii: Nosology. Oxford University Press.
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  • How to move beyond the concept of schizophrenia.Jeffrey Poland - 2006 - In Man Cheung Chung, Bill Fulford & George Graham, Reconceiving Schizophrenia. Oxford University Press.
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