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  1. The Role of Moral Intensity in Ethical Decision Making A Review and Investigation of Moral Recognition, Evaluation, and Intention.Douglas R. May & Kevin P. Pauli - 2002 - Business and Society 41 (1):84-117.
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  • The impact of moral intensity on decision making in a business context.Bernhard F. Frey - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (3):181 - 195.
    The present paper reports the results of a vignette- and questionnaire-based research project investigating the influence of Moral Intensity (MI) on decision making in a New Zealand business context. The use of a relatively sensitive research design yielded results showing that – in contrast to previous research – objective manipulations, as well as subjective perceptions, of three of the six MI components were of particular importance in accounting for a comparatively large proportion of the variation in four outcome variables. There (...)
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  • Business ethical values in china and the U.s.Laura L. Whitcomb, Carolyn B. Erdener & Chen Li - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (8):839-852.
    The research presented in this paper focuses on business ethical values inChina, a country in which the process of institutional transformation has left cultural values in a state of flux. A survey was conducted in China and the U.S. by using five business scenarios. Survey results show similarities between the Chinese and American decision choices for three out of five scenarios. However, the results reveal significant differences in rationales, even forsimilar decisions. The implications of similarities and differences between the U.S. (...)
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  • Is guanxi ethical? A normative analysis of doing business in china.Thomas W. Dunfee & Danielle E. Warren - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (3):191 - 204.
    This paper extends the discussion of guanxi beyond instrumental evaluations and advances a normative assessment of guanxi. Our discussion departs from previous analyses by not merely asking, Does guanxi work? but rather Should corporations use guanxi? The analysis begins with a review of traditional guanxi definitions and the changing economic and legal environment in China, both necessary precursors to understanding the role of guanxi in Chinese business transactions. This review leads us to suggest that there are distinct types of, and (...)
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  • Ethical perceptions of Hong Kong chinese business managers.Gael M. McDonald & Raymond A. Zepp - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (11):835 - 845.
    This paper investigates ethical perceptions among Hong Kong Chinese managers of themselves and peers according to age, location of education and employment (local vs. multinational), based upon responses to thirteen potentially unethical situations.The major conclusions of the study are: (1) there is little consistency among perceptions of ethical situations; (2) Hong Kong managers perceive their peers as more unethical than themselves; (3) ethical perceptions in some situations are affected by age and to a lesser extent, place of education; and (4) (...)
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  • Moral intensity and managerial problem solving.Janet M. Dukerich, Mary J. Waller, Elizabeth George & George P. Huber - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 24 (1):29 - 38.
    There is an increasing interest in how managers describe and respond to what they regard as moral versus nonmoral problems in organizations. In this study, forty managers described a moral problem and a nonmoral problem that they had encountered in their organization, each of which had been resolved. Analyses indicated that: (1) the two types of problems could be significantly differentiated using four of Jones' (1991) components of moral intensity; (2) the labels managers used to describe problems varied systematically between (...)
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  • Gift Giving, Guanxi and Illicit Payments in Buyer–Supplier Relations in China: Analysing the Experience of UK Companies.Andrew Millington, Markus Eberhardt & Barry Wilkinson - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 57 (3):255-268.
    . This paper explores the relationship between gift giving, guanxi and corruption through a study of the relationships between UK manufacturing companies in China and their local component suppliers. The analysis is based on interviews in the China-based operations of 49 UK companies. Interviews were carried out both with senior (often expatriate) staff and with local line managers who were responsible for everyday purchasing decisions and for managing relationships with suppliers. The results suggest that gift giving is perceived to be (...)
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  • Is Guanxi Orientation Bad, Ethically Speaking? A Study of Chinese Enterprises.Chenting Su, M. Joseph Sirgy & James E. Littlefield - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 44 (4):303-312.
    Guanxi as one of the key factors leading to business success in China (PRC) has ironically been synonymous with bribery. This raises some serious questions: should Western foreign firms do business in China? How should they do business with Chinese firms? This study investigated the relationship between guanxi orientation and cognitive moral development in an attempt to determine whether the level of guanxi orientation of Chinese business people affects their ethical reasoning. Based on a classification of Chinese enterprises (Nee, 1992), (...)
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  • A Review of The Empirical Ethical Decision-Making Literature: 1996–2003. [REVIEW]Michael J. O’Fallon & Kenneth D. Butterfield - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 59 (4):375-413.
    This review summarizes and critiques the empirical ethical decision-making literature from 1996–2003. One hundred and seventy-four articles were published in top business journals during this period. Tables are included that summarize the findings by dependent variable – awareness, judgment, intent, and behavior. We compare this review with past reviews in order to draw conclusions regarding trends in the ethical decision-making literature and to surface directions for future research.
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  • Supervisor–Subordinate Guanxi and Employee Work Outcomes: The Mediating Role of Job Satisfaction.Millissa F. Y. Cheung, Wei-Ping Wu, Allan K. K. Chan & May M. L. Wong - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (Suppl 1):77-89.
    In this study, we attempt to explain the divergent results found in the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and employee work outcomes. Specifically, we propose that the relationships between supervisor–subordinate guanxi and participatory management, turnover intentions, and organizational commitment are mediated by job satisfaction. Based on the data collected from a sample of 196 employees of three local manufacturing firms in Zhejiang Province, China, we found that job satisfaction fully mediated the effects of supervisor–subordinate guanxi on participatory management and intentions to (...)
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  • The impact of guanxi on the ethical decision-making process of auditors – an exploratory study on chinese CPAs in Hong Kong.Alan K. M. Au & Danny S. N. Wong - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (1):87 - 93.
    Using professional accountants as respondents in Hong Kong, this study strives to develop a model to depict the effect of ethical reasoning on the relationships between guanxi and auditors; behaviour in an audit conflict situation. The results of the study found that (1) there is a significant relationship between an auditor's ethical judgement and one's moral cognitive development; (2) there is a relationship between an auditor's ethical judgement and the existence of guanxi; and (3) the impact of guanxi on an (...)
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  • Supervisor and Subordinate Guanxi: A Grounded Investigation in the People’s Republic of China.Yong Han & Yochanan Altman - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 88 (S1):91-104.
    Despite the growing number of studies on the topic of guanxi in a work context, there is a paucity of research on supervisor-subordinate guanxi in the field of organisation and management. This article critically reviews the extant literature on guanxi in human resource management and organisational behaviour and applies an inductive approach to explore the perception of guanxi from both superior and subordinate perspectives in the People's Republic of China. The study reports positive and ethical features of guanxi as well (...)
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  • Confucian thinking in traditional moral education: key ideas and fundamental features.Wang Fengyan - 2004 - Journal of Moral Education 33 (4):429-447.
    Ancient Chinese ideas of moral education could be said to have five main dimensions – philosophical foundations, content, principles, methods and evaluation – which are described in this paper. An analysis of the fundamental features of Confucian thinking on moral education shows that it took the idea that human beings have a good and kind nature as its logical starting point. It built a system of ethical norms, based on the idea that an individual's feelings come from the inner mind, (...)
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  • Obedience to Authority and Ethical Dilemmas in Hong Kong Companies.Robin S. Snell - 1999 - Business Ethics Quarterly 9 (3):507-526.
    Abstract:This paper reports a phenomenological sub-study of a larger project investigating the way Hong Kong Chinese staff tackled their own ethical dilemmas at work. A special analysis was conducted of eight dilemma cases arising from a request by a boss or superior authority to do something regarded as ethically wrong. In reports of most such cases, staff expressed feelings of contractual or interpersonally based obligation to obey. They sought to save face and preserve harmony in their relationship with authority by (...)
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  • The role of moral intensity in moral judgments: An empirical investigation. [REVIEW]Sara A. Morris & Robert A. McDonald - 1995 - Journal of Business Ethics 14 (9):715 - 726.
    Jones (1991) has proposed an issue-contingent model of ethical decision making by individuals in organizations. The distinguishing feature of the issue was identified as its moral intensity, which determines the moral imperative in the situation. In this study, we adapted three scenarios from the literature in order to examine the issue-contingent model. Findings, based on a student sample, suggest that (1) the perceived and actual dimensions of moral intensity often differed; (2) perceived moral intensity variables, in the aggregate, significantly affected (...)
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  • Issue-contingent effects on ethical decision making: A cross-cultural comparison. [REVIEW]Mark A. Davis, Nancy Brown Johnson & Douglas G. Ohmer - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (4):373-389.
    This experiment examined the effects of three elements comprising Jones' (1991) moral intensity construct, (social consensus, personal proximity, and magnitude of consequences) in a cross-cultural comparison of ethical decision making within a human resource management (HRM) context. Results indicated social consensus had the most potent effect on judgments of moral concern and judgments of immorality. An analysis of American, Eastern European, and Indonesian responses also indicted socio-cultural differences were moderated by the type of HRM ethical issue. In addition, individual differences (...)
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  • Consideration of moral intensity in ethicality judgements: Its relationship with whistle-blowing and need-for-cognition. [REVIEW]Ming Singer, Sarah Mitchell & Julie Turner - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (5):73-87.
    Within the theoretical framework of the moral intensity model of ethical decision making (Jones, 1991), two studies ascertained the contention that ethicality judgements are contingent upon the perceived intensity of the moral issue. In addition, Study 1 extended the validity of the moral intensity notion to whistle-blowing behaviour; Study 2 addressed the effect of the individual difference variable, need-for-cognition, on differential utilization of intensity dimensions in the ethical decision process. A scenario approach was used in both studies. Results have provided (...)
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  • Entering guanxi: A business ethical dilemma in mainland china? [REVIEW]Chenting Su & James E. Littlefield - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 33 (3):199 - 210.
    This paper represents an effort to distinguish between two types of guanxi prevalent in mainland China: favor-seeking guanxi that is culturally rooted and rent-seeking guanxi that is institutionally defined. Different rules of maneuvering the two types of guanxi are identified in light of Chinese cultural and business ethics. Strategies for entering guanxi in mainland China are also suggested.
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  • Ganxi's consequences: Personal gains at social cost. [REVIEW]Ying Fan - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 38 (4):371 - 380.
    Is guanxi ethical? This question is largely ignored in the existing literature. This paper examines the ethical dimension of guanxi by focusing on the consequences of guanxi in business, from ethically misgiving behaviour to outright corruption. Guanxi may bring benefits to individuals as well as the organisations they represent but these benefits are obtained at the expenses of other individuals or firms and thus detrimental to the society. As guanxi has an impact on the wider public other than the guanxi (...)
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  • Out of the mouths of babes: Business ethics and youths in asia. [REVIEW]Swee Hoon Ang & Siew Meng Leong - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (2):129 - 144.
    A model of corporate ethics and social responsibility (CESR) was developed and empirically tested among Chinese business undergraduates in Hong Kong and Singapore. As predicted, it was found that CESR beliefs were negatively related to Machiavellianism and two Confucian concepts, guanxi (interpersonal connections) and mianzi (face). CESR beliefs were also lower among Hong Kong than Singaporean youths. The negative effects of guanxi, mianzi, and Machiavellianism were more pronounced for the Hong Kong than Singapore sample. Implications of these findings are discussed (...)
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  • It's all fair in love, war, and business: Cognitive philosophies in ethical decision making. [REVIEW]Gael McDonald & Patrick C. Pak - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (9):973 - 996.
    Exploratory research was undertaken in four locations in the Asia Pacific Rim to investigate the cognitive frameworks used by managers when considering ethical business dilemmas. In addition to culture, gender and organisational dimensions were also studied. Aggregate analysis revealed no significant differences in the cognitive frameworks used by business managers in Hong Kong, Malaysia, New Zealand, and Canada. Of the eight frameworks used in the study four cognitive frameworks appeared to feature predominantly. Utilising the results of regression analysis the most (...)
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  • The third eye: Exploring guanxi and relational morality in the workplace. [REVIEW]Doreen Tan & Robin Stanley Snell - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):361 - 384.
    We examine the use of Confucian relational morality as an alternative reference point to that of modernist morality in judging workplace ethical conduct. A semi-structured interview based study involving 46 ethnic Chinese managers and 30 non-Chinese expatriate managers in Singapore, provided evidence of the use of traditional guanxi-linked morality as a moral resource by some of the former group in judging workplace ethical dilemmas. While such morality played only a minor role in moral reasoning, and was largely overshadowed by modernist (...)
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  • Principled moral reasoning: Is it a viable approach to promote ethical integrity? [REVIEW]James Weber & Sharon Green - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (5):325 - 333.
    In response to recent recommendations for the teaching of principled moral reasoning in business school curricula, this paper assesses the viability of such an approach. The results indicate that, while business students' level of moral reasoning in this sample are like most 18- to 21-year-olds, they may be incapable of grasping the concepts embodied in principled moral reasoning. Implications of these findings are discussed.
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  • Ethical perceptions of organizational politics: A comparative evaluation of american and Hong Kong managers. [REVIEW]David A. Ralston, Robert A. Giacalone & Robert H. Terpstra - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (12):989 - 999.
    This paper presents a cross-cultural analysis of ethics with U.S. and Hong Kong Chinese managers as subjects. These managers were given the Strategies of Upward Influence instrument and asked to evaluate the ethics of using various political strategies to attain influence within their organizations. Differences were found between Hong Kong and U.S. managers on a variety of dimensions, indicating important differences between these two groups on their perceptions of ethical behavior. In the paper, we identify potential reasons for the findings, (...)
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  • Normalized Collective Corruption in a Transitional Economy: Small Treasuries in Large Chinese Enterprises. [REVIEW]Humphry Hung - 2008 - Journal of Business Ethics 79 (1-2):69 - 83.
    "Small treasuries" (xiaojinku) are off-book accounts found in many large enterprises in China for the purpose of rewarding managers and their subordinates, building up guanxi (personal networks), and even financing the business operations of their danwei (work units). We analyze CESTs with reference to their antecedents, constructs, and consequences. Our analysis indicates that while CESTs can, in some cases, help organizations deal with immediate financial problems, they have negative impacts on organizational performance in relation to the moral hazard of managers, (...)
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