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Science, Perception and Reality.Wilfrid Sellars - 1963 - London: Routledge & Kegan Paul.details
(1 other version)The Structure of Science.Ernest Nagel - 1961 - Les Etudes Philosophiques 17 (2):275-275.details
Philosophy and Scientific Realism.J. J. C. Smart - 1963 - New York,: Routledge.details
Problems of empiricism.Paul Feyerabend - 1965 - New York: Cambridge University Press.details
The ontological status of theoretical entities.Grover Maxwell - 1962 - In Herbert Feigl & Grover Maxwell, Scientific Explanation, Space, and Time: Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science. Minneapolis, MN, USA: University of Minnesota Press. pp. 181-192.details
(1 other version)Explanation, Reduction and Empiricism.Paul K. Feyerabend - 1962 - In H. Feigl and G. Maxwell, Scientific Explanation, Space, and Time, (Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science, Volume III). pp. 103-106.details
The theoretician's dilemma: A study in the logic of theory construction.Carl G. Hempel - 1958 - Minnesota Studies in the Philosophy of Science 2:173-226.details
On axiomatizability within a system.William Craig - 1953 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 18 (1):30-32.details
The Anatomy of Inquiry : Philosophical Studies in the Theory of Science.Israel Scheffler - 1963 - New York, NY, USA: Routledge.details
Replacement of auxiliary expressions.W. C. - 1956 - Philosophical Review 65 (1):38-55.details
The problem of theoretical terms.Peter Achinstein - 1965 - American Philosophical Quarterly 2 (3):235-249.details
Craig's theorem.Hilary Putnam - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (10):251-260.details
Propositions and Sentences.Alonzo Church & Nelson Goodman - 1957 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 22 (2):205-208.details
Craigian Transcriptionism.C. A. Hooker - 1968 - American Philosophical Quarterly 5 (3):152-163.details
Prospects of a Modest Empiricism, I.Israel Scheffler - 1957 - Review of Metaphysics 10 (3):383 - 400.details
A rejoinder to Putnam.Ernest Nagel - 1965 - Journal of Philosophy 62 (16):429-432.details
Theory construction.J. J. C. Smart - 1950 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 11 (4):457-473.details