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  1. Genetic research involving human biological materials: a need to tailor current consent forms.Sara Chandros Hull, Holly Gooding, Alison P. Klein, Esther Warshauer-Baker, Susan Metosky & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2004 - IRB: Ethics & Human Research 26 (3):1.
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  • Disclosing individual genetic results to research participants.Vardit Ravitsky & Benjamin S. Wilfond - 2006 - American Journal of Bioethics 6 (6):8 – 17.
    Investigators and institutional review boards should integrate plans about the appropriate disclosure of individual genetic results when designing research studies. The ethical principles of beneficence, respect, reciprocity, and justice provide justification for routinely offering certain results to research participants. We propose a result-evaluation approach that assesses the expected information and the context of the study in order to decide whether results should be offered. According to this approach, the analytic validity and the clinical utility of a specific result determine whether (...)
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  • What research with stored Samples teaches us about research with human subjects.David Wendler - 2002 - Bioethics 16 (1):33–54.
    There is widespread discussion concerning the safeguards appropriate for human research subjects. Less discussed is the fact that the safeguards one deems appropriate depend, in large part, on the model of research participation that one assumes. Therefore, to determine what safeguards are appropriate, it is necessary first to clarify the competing models of research participation. The ostensibly obscure debate over informed consent for research on stored biological samples is of particular interest in this regard because such research can involve varying (...)
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