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The Foundations of Statistics.Leonard Savage - 1954 - Wiley Publications in Statistics.details
From a Logical Point of View.Willard Van Orman Quine - 1953 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
Essays on Actions and Events (2nd edition).Donald Davidson - 2001 - Oxford: Clarendon Press.details
The ways of paradox, and other essays.Willard Van Orman Quine (ed.) - 1976 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.details
Essays in Positive Economics.Milton Friedman - 1953 - University of Chicago Press.details
(1 other version)The Foundations of Statistics.Leonard J. Savage - 1954 - Synthese 11 (1):86-89.details
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Human action.Ludwig von Mises - unknowndetails
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Actions and events: perspectives on the philosophy of Donald Davidson.Ernest LePore & Brian P. McLaughlin (eds.) - 1985 - New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.details
Quotation.Donald Davidson - 1984 - In Inquiries Into Truth And Interpretation. Oxford, GB: Oxford University Press. pp. 79–92.details
Allgemeine Erkenntnislehre.Moritz Schlick - 1925 - Annalen der Philosophie Und Philosophischen Kritik 5 (3):86-87.details
Theory of Games and Economic Behavior.John von Neumann & Oskar Morgenstern - 1944 - Science and Society 9 (4):366-369.details
Foundations of Economic Analysis.Paul Anthony Samuelson - 1948 - Science and Society 13 (1):93-95.details
Normative logic and ethics.Paul Lorenzen - 1969 - Zürich,: Bibliographisches Institut.details
Hempel on explaining action.Donald Davidson - 1976 - Erkenntnis 10 (3):239 - 253.details
Decision Making: An Experimental Approach.Donald Davidson & Patrick Suppes - 1957 - Stanford, Calif.,: Stanford University Press. Edited by Patrick Suppes.details
A new basis for decision theory.Donald Davidson - 1985 - Theory and Decision 18 (1):87-98.details
On austrian methodology.Robert Nozick - 1977 - Synthese 36 (3):353 - 392.details
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Normative Logic and Ethics.Paul Lorenzen - 1985 - Studia Logica 44 (2):226-228.details
Ultimate foundation of economic science.Ludwig von Mises - unknowndetails
(1 other version)Methodology of Economics and Other Social Sciences.Fritz Machlup - 1981 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 42 (1):135-137.details
Having Reasons.Frederic Schick - 1988 - Philosophical Review 97 (1):111-114.details
Anomalous monism and the irreducibility of the mental.Brian P. McLaughlin - 1985 - In Ernest LePore & Brian P. McLaughlin (eds.), Actions and events: perspectives on the philosophy of Donald Davidson. New York, NY, USA: Blackwell.details
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Book Review:Essays in Positive Economics. Milton Friedman. [REVIEW]Henry M. Oliver Jr - 1954 - Ethics 65 (1):71-.details
Davidson and social science.Michael Root - 1986 - In Ernest LePore (ed.), Truth and Interpretation: Perspectives on the Philosophy of Donald Davidson. Cambridge: Blackwell. pp. 272--304.details
Die Protophysik der Zeit. Konstruktive Begründung und Geschichte der Zeitmessung.Peter Janich - 1983 - Zeitschrift für Philosophische Forschung 37 (2):326-328.details
Philosophical Papers ;.G. H. von Wright - 1985 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 47 (3):526-527.details
The Deductive Method.Daniel M. Hausman - 1990 - Midwest Studies in Philosophy 15 (1):372-388.details
Analytische Erkenntnistheorie.Henry W. Johnstone - 1956 - Philosophy and Phenomenological Research 17 (1):138-139.details
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