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  1. In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development.Carol Gilligan - 1982 - The Personalist Forum 2 (2):150-152.
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  • A behavioral model of ethical and unethical decision making.Michael Bommer, Clarence Gratto, Jerry Gravander & Mark Tuttle - 1987 - Journal of Business Ethics 6 (4):265 - 280.
    A model is developed which identifies and describes various factors which affect ethical and unethical behavior in organizations, including a decision-maker's social, government and legal, work, professional and personal environments. The effect of individual decision maker attributes on the decision process is also discussed. The model links these influences with ethical and unethical behavior via the mediating structure of the individual's decision-making process.
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  • A study of the effect of age and gender upon student business ethics.Durwood Ruegger & Ernest W. King - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (3):179 - 186.
    The present survey was voluntarily and anonymously completed by 2,196 students enrolled in business courses at the University of Southern Mississippi. The intent of the survey was to determine whether or not age or gender played a role in a person''s perception of proper ethical conduct.The findings suggests that gender is a significant factor in the determination of ethical conduct and that females are more ethical than males in their perception of business ethical situations.
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  • Demographic & related differences in ethical views among small businesses.Paul J. Serwinek - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (7):555 - 566.
    This study examines the effects of demographic characteristics on ethical perceptions. While earlier research has produced conflicting results regarding the predictive power of these variables, significant and definite insights were obtained with proper controls. The following predictors of ethical attitudes are examined: age, gender, marital status, education, dependent children status, region of the country and years in business, while controlling for job status. A nation-wide random sample of employees was used in obtaining a response rate of fifty-three percent (total n (...)
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  • An empirical investigation of japanese consumer ethics.Robert C. Erffmeyer, Bruce D. Keillor & Debbie Thorne LeClair - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 18 (1):35 - 50.
    One of the gaps in the current international marketing literature is in the area of consumer ethics. Using a sample drawn from Japanese consumers, this study investigates these individuals' reported ethical ideology and their perception of a number of different ethical situations in the realm of consumer behavior. Comparisons are then made across several demographic characteristics. The results reveal differences which provide theoretical support for expanded research in the area of cross-cultural/cross-national consumer ethics and highlight the need for managers to (...)
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  • Ethical differences between men and women in the sales profession.Leslie M. Dawson - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (11):1143-1152.
    This research addresses the question of whether men and women in sales differ in their ethical attitudes and decision making. The study asked 209 subjects to respond to 20 ethical scenarios, half of which were "relational" and half "non-relational." The study concludes (1) that there are significant ethical differences between the sexes in situations that involve relational issues, but not in non-relational situations, and (2) that gender-based ethical differences change with age and years of experience. The implications of these finding (...)
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  • The business of ethics and gender.A. Catherine McCabe, Rhea Ingram & Mary Conway Dato-on - 2006 - Journal of Business Ethics 64 (2):101 - 116.
    Unethical decision-making behavior within organizations has received increasing attention over the past ten years. As a result, a plethora of studies have examined the relationship between gender and business ethics. However, these studies report conflicting results as to whether or not men and women differ with regards to business ethics. In this article, we propose that gender identity theory [Spence: 1993, Journal of Personality and Social Psychology 64, 624–635], provides both the theory and empirical measures to explore the influence of (...)
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  • Four Ethical Issues of the Information Age.Richard O. Mason - 1986 - MIS Quarterly 10 (1):5.
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  • The impact of national culture on software piracy.Bryan W. Husted - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 26 (3):197 - 211.
    This paper examines the impact of the level of economic development, income inequality, and five cultural variables on the rate of software piracy at the country level. The study finds that software piracy is significantly correlated to GNP per capita, income inequality, and individualism. Implications for anti-piracy programs and suggestions for future research are developed.
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  • Why we need better ethics for emerging technologies.James H. Moor - 2005 - Ethics and Information Technology 7 (3):111-119.
    Technological revolutions are dissected into three stages: the introduction stage, the permeation stage, and the power stage. The information revolution is a primary example of this tripartite model. A hypothesis about ethics is proposed, namely, ethical problems increase as technological revolutions progress toward and into the power stage. Genetic technology, nanotechnology, and neurotechnology are good candidates for impending technological revolutions. Two reasons favoring their candidacy as revolutionary are their high degree of malleability and their convergence. Assuming the emerging technologies develop (...)
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  • Individual Differences in the Acceptability of Unethical Information Technology Practices: The Case of Machiavellianism and Ethical Ideology.Susan J. Winter, Antonis C. Stylianou & Robert A. Giacalone - 2004 - Journal of Business Ethics 54 (3):275-296.
    While information technologies present organizations with opportunities to become more competitive, unsettled social norms and lagging legislation guiding the use of these technologies present organizations and individuals with ethical dilemmas. This paper presents two studies investigating the relationship between intellectual property and privacy attitudes, Machiavellianism and Ethical Ideology, and working in R&D and computer literacy in the form of programming experience. In Study 1, Machiavellians believed it was more acceptable to ignore the intellectual property and privacy rights of others. Programmers (...)
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  • Toward a profile of student software piraters.Ronald R. Sims, Hsing K. Cheng & Hildy Teegen - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):839 - 849.
    Efforts to counter software piracy are an increasing focus of software publishers. This study attempts to develop a profile of those who illegally copy software by looking at undergraduate and graduate students and the extent to which they pirate software. The data indicate factors that can be used to profile the software pirater. In particular, males were found to pirate software more frequently than females and older students more than younger students, based on self-reporting.
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  • Shaping Ethical Perceptions: An Empirical Assessment of the Influence of Business Education, Culture, and Demographic Factors.Yvette P. Lopez, Paula L. Rechner & Julie B. Olson-Buchanan - 2005 - Journal of Business Ethics 60 (4):341-358.
    Recent events at Enron, K-Mart, Adelphia, and Tyson would seem to suggest that managers are still experiencing ethical lapses. These lapses are somewhat surprising and disappointing given the heightened focus on ethical considerations within business contexts during the past decade. This study is designed, therefore, to increase our understanding of the forces that shape ethical perceptions by considering the effects of business school education as well as a number of other individual-level factors (such as intra-national culture, area of specialization within (...)
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  • Making Sense of the Research on Gender and Ethics in Business.Laurie Babin - 1997 - Business Ethics Quarterly 7 (4):61-90.
    This article represents an attempt to organize, critique, and extend research findings on gender differences in business ethics. The focus is on two dependent variables—ethical judgment and behavioral intent. Differences in findings between student and professional groups are noted and theoretical implications are discussed. The new research provided for this article contains two benchmark studies undertaken with identical stimuli and identical measures. These studies were followed by two additional studies, using the same measures but different stimuli, as a partial replication (...)
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  • Re-examining the influence of individual values on ethical decision making.Saundra H. Glover, Minnette A. Bumpus, John E. Logan & James R. Ciesla - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (12-13):1319-1329.
    This paper presents the results of five years of research involving three studies. The first two studies investigated the impact of the value honesty/integrity on the ethical decision choice an individual makes, as moderated by the individual personality traits of self-monitoring and private self-consciousness. The third study, which is the focus of this paper, expanded the two earlier studies by varying the level of moral intensity and including the influence of demographical factors and other workplace values: achievement, fairness, and concern (...)
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  • Unique ethical problems in information technology.Walter Maner - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (2):137-154.
    A distinction is made between moral indoctrination and instruction in ethics. It is argued that the legitimate and important field of computer ethics should not be permitted to become mere moral indoctrination. Computer ethics is an academic field in its own right with unique ethical issues that would not have existed if computer technology had not been invented. Several example issues are presented to illustrate this point. The failure to find satisfactory non-computer analogies testifies to the uniqueness of computer ethics. (...)
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  • Consumer Ethics: Determinants of Ethical Beliefs of African Americans.Ziad Swaidan, Scott J. Vitell & Mohammed Y. A. Rawwas - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 46 (2):175-186.
    This study explores the ethical ideol-ogies and ethical beliefs of African American consumers using the Forsyth ethical position questionnaire (EPQ) and the Muncy-Vitell consumer ethics questionnaire (MVQ). The two dimensions of the EPQ (i.e., idealism and relativism) were the independent constructs and the four dimensions of the MVQ (i.e., illegal, active, passive and no harm) were the dependent variables. In addition, this paper explores the consumer ethics of African Americans across four demographic factors (i.e., age, education, gender, and marital status). (...)
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  • Privacy protection, control of information, and privacy-enhancing technologies.Herman T. Tavani & James H. Moor - 2001 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 31 (1):6-11.
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  • The effects of individual difference factors on the acceptability of ethical and unethical workplace behaviors.Michelle C. Reiss & Kaushik Mitra - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (14):1581-1593.
    The purpose of this paper was to determine whether the individual attributes of locus of control, gender, major in college and years of job experience affect the acceptability of certain workplace behaviors. A total of 198 college students of a mid-sized southeastern university formed the sample for this study. Locus of control, gender and years of job experience were found to have some affect on whether an individual considered a certain behavior acceptable or unacceptable.
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  • (1 other version)Gender differences in business ethics: justice and relativist perspectives.Yvonne Stedham, Jeanne H. Yamamura & Rafik I. Beekun - 2007 - Business Ethics: A European Review 16 (2):163-174.
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  • (1 other version)Gender differences in business ethics: Justice and relativist perspectives.Yvonne Stedham, Jeanne H. Yamamura & Rafik I. Beekun - 2007 - Business Ethics, the Environment and Responsibility 16 (2):163–174.
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  • Student attitudes on software piracy and related issues of computer ethics.Robert M. Siegfried - 2004 - Ethics and Information Technology 6 (4):215-222.
    Software piracy is older than the PC and has been the subject of several studies, which have found it to be a widespread phenomenon in general, and among university students in particular. An earlier study by Cohen and Cornwell from a decade ago is replicated, adding questions about downloading music from the Internet. The survey includes responses from 224 students in entry-level courses at two schools, a nondenominational suburban university and a Catholic urban college with similar student profiles. The study (...)
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  • Cyberethics: Morality and Law in Cyberspace.Richard Spinello - 2005 - Journal of Information Ethics 14 (1):70-90.
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  • Ethical decision making: A review of the empirical literature. [REVIEW]Robert C. Ford & Woodrow D. Richardson - 1994 - Journal of Business Ethics 13 (3):205 - 221.
    The authors review the empirical literature in order to assess which variables are postulated as influencing ethical beliefs and decision making. The variables are divided into those unique to the individual decision maker and those considered situational in nature. Variables related to an individual decision maker examined in this review are nationality, religion, sex, age, education, employment, and personality. Situation specific variables examined in this review are referent groups, rewards and sanctions, codes of conduct, type of ethical conflict, organization effects, (...)
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  • Unique ethical problems in information technology.Professor Walter Maner - 1996 - Science and Engineering Ethics 2 (2):137-154.
    A distinction is made between moral indoctrination and instruction in ethics. It is argued that the legitimate and important field of computer ethics should not be permitted to become mere moral indoctrination. Computer ethics is an academic field in its own right with unique ethical issues that would not have existed if computer technology had not been invented. Several example issues are presented to illustrate this point. The failure to find satisfactory non-computer analogies testifies to the uniqueness of computer ethics. (...)
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  • Computer ethics for the computer professional from an Islamic point of view.Mansoor Al-A'ali - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (1):28-45.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to study the ethical behaviour of Muslim IT professionals in an attempt to stop many unethical practices such as software piracy, software intellectual property violations and general software development.Design/methodology/approachThis study examines the computer ethical principles presented in the Association for Computing Machinery code of conduct from an Islamic point of view through studying some relevant verses of The Holy Quran and Hadiths of Prophet Mohammed. An evaluation of the benefits of this newly proposed Islamic (...)
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  • Effects of education and intervention on business students' ethical cognition: A cross sectional and longitudinal study.Mohammad J. Abdolmohammadi & M. Francis Reeves - 2000 - Teaching Business Ethics 4 (3):269-284.
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  • The Effect of Organization-Based Self-Esteem and Deindividuation in Protecting Personal Information Privacy.Meng-Hsiang Hsu & Feng-Yang Kuo - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 42 (4):305 - 320.
    In this research we apply the Theory of Planned Behavior (TPB) to study decisions related to information privacy protection. A TPB-based model was proposed to investigate whether organization-based self-esteem and perceived deindividuation can be employed to measure the strength of the perceived behavioral control construct. In addition, we examined if the addition of a causal path linking subjective norms to attitudes and another causal path linking organization-based self-esteem to subjective norms enhanced our research model's predicting power. Our study shows that (...)
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  • Business students and ethics: A meta-analysis. [REVIEW]Susan C. Borkowski & Yusuf J. Ugras - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (11):1117-1127.
    Given the proliferation of research regarding the ethical development of students in general, and business students in particular, it is difficult to draw conclusions from the contradictory results of many studies. In this meta-analysis of empirical studies from 1985 through 1994, the relationships of gender, age and undergraduate major to the ethical attitudes and behavior of business students are analyzed. The results indicate that female students exhibit stronger ethical attitudes than males. The same is also true for older versus younger (...)
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  • Rippers, Portal Users, and Profilers: Three Web‐based Issues for Business Ethicists.Martin Calkins - 2002 - Business and Society Review 107 (1):61-75.
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  • An ethical decision-making process for computing professionals.Edward J. O'Boyle - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (4):267-277.
    Our comments focus on the ACMCode of Ethics and situate the Code within ageneral ethical decision-making process tospecify the five steps which logically precedehuman action in ethical matters and determinethat action, and the individual differencetraits in these five steps which bear upon theresolution of an ethical problem and lead tomorally responsible action. Our main purpose isto present a cognitive moral processing modelwhich computing professionals can use to betterunderstand their professional rights andduties. It is clear that the Code providessubstantial guidance in (...)
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  • Business students' perception of ethics and moral judgment: A cross-cultural study. [REVIEW]Mohamed M. Ahmed, Kun Young Chung & John W. Eichenseher - 2003 - Journal of Business Ethics 43 (1-2):89 - 102.
    Business relations rely on shared perceptions of what is acceptable/expected norms of behavior. Immense expansion in transnational business made rudimentary consensus on acceptable business practices across cultural boundaries particularly important. Nonetheless, as more and more nations with different cultural and historical experiences interact in the global economy, the potential for misunderstandings based on different expectations is magnified. Such misunderstandings emerge in a growing literature on "improper" business practices – articulated from a narrow cultural perspective. This paper reports an ongoing research (...)
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  • Global ICT‐ethics: the case of privacy.Göran Collste - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (1):76-87.
    In this paper I will take the right to privacy as an example when discussing the question of the prospects of global value consensus or value conflicts. The question whether privacy is a contextual value will be discussed in the remaining part of my paper and I will take the views of the Japanese ICT-ethicists Yohko Orito and Kiyosho Murata as my point of departure. In “Privacy protection in Japan: cultural influence on the universal value” (2005), they argue against the (...)
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  • Rethinking the concept of the right to information privacy: a Japanese perspective.Kiyoshi Murata & Yohko Orito - 2008 - Journal of Information, Communication and Ethics in Society 6 (3):233-245.
    PurposeThe purpose of this paper is to reconsider the concept of the right to information privacy and to propose, from a Japanese perspective, a revised conception of this right that is suitable for the modern information society.Design/methodology/approachFirst, the concept of privacy and personal information protection in the information society is briefly explained. After that, confused situations in Japan caused by the enforcement of Act on the Protection of Personal Information are described followed by the analysis of the Japanese socio‐cultural circumstances (...)
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  • Managers' perception of proper ethical conduct: The effect of sex, age, and level of education. [REVIEW]Satish P. Deshpande - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (1):79-85.
    This study examined the impact of sex, age, and level of education on the perception of various business practices by managers of a large non-profit organization. Female managers perceived the acceptance of gifts and favors in exchange for preferential treatment significantly more unethical than male managers. Older managers (40 plus) perceived five practices significantly more unethical than younger managers (giving gifts/favors in exchange for preferential treatment, divulging confidential information, concealing ones error, falsifying reports, and calling in sick to take a (...)
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  • Professional ethics: Business students' perceptions. [REVIEW]James R. Davis & Ralph E. Welton - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (6):451 - 463.
    Professional ethics, a contemporary topic of conversation among business professionals, is discussed using the perceptions of college business students as the focal point. This research relates to the issues of college instruction in professional ethics, differences in perceptions of ethical behavior attributed to gender, and whether or not students' perceptions of ethical behavior can be modified. After presenting a review of the more important historical developments and research related to professional ethics, this paper focuses on the results of a study (...)
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  • Pygmalion effect: An issue for business education and ethics. [REVIEW]Michael S. Lane, Dietrich Schaupp & Barbara Parsons - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (3):223 - 229.
    This study reports the results of a survey designed to assess the impact of business education on the ethical beliefs of business students. The study examines the beliefs of graduate and undergraduate students about ethical behavior in educational settings. The investigation indicates that the behavior which students learn or perceive is required to succeed in business schools may run counter to the ethical sanctions of society and the business community.
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  • Perceptions of business ethics: Students vs. business people. [REVIEW]Barbara C. Cole & Dennie L. Smith - 1996 - Journal of Business Ethics 15 (8):889 - 896.
    The purpose of this study was to assess the perceptions of business students and of business practitioners regarding ethics in business. A survey consisting of a series of brief ethical situations was completed by 537 senior business majors and 158 experienced business people. They responded to the situations, first, as they believed the typical business person would respond and, second, as they believed the ethical response would be.The results indicate that both students and business people perceived a significant gap between (...)
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  • Ethical beliefs of business professionals: A study of gender, age and external factors. [REVIEW]Dane Peterson, Angela Rhoads & Bobby C. Vaught - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 31 (3):225 - 232.
    The present study examined how ethical beliefs and external factors affecting ethical beliefs are related to age and gender of business professionals. The results indicated that business professionals in the younger age group exhibited a lower standard of ethical beliefs. In the younger age groups, the females demonstrated a higher level of ethical beliefs, while in the older age group, the results suggested that the males had a slightly higher level of ethical beliefs. With regards to the influence of external (...)
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  • Ethics in education: A comparative study. [REVIEW]Michael S. Lane & Dietrich Schaupp - 1989 - Journal of Business Ethics 8 (12):943 - 949.
    This study reports the results of a survey designed to assess the impact of education on the perceptions of ethical beliefs of students. The study examines the beliefs of students from selected colleges in an eastern university. The results indicate that beliefs which students perceive are required to succeed in the university differ among colleges. Business and economics students consistently perceive a greater need for unethical beliefs than students from other colleges.
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  • The uniqueness debate in computer ethics: What exactly is at issue, and why does it matter? [REVIEW]Herman T. Tavani - 2002 - Ethics and Information Technology 4 (1):37-54.
    The purpose of this essay is to determinewhat exactly is meant by the claimcomputer ethics is unique, a position thatwill henceforth be referred to as the CEIUthesis. A brief sketch of the CEIU debate is provided,and an empirical case involving a recentincident of cyberstalking is briefly consideredin order to illustrate some controversialpoints of contention in that debate. To gain aclearer understanding of what exactly isasserted in the various claims about theuniqueness of computer ethics, and to avoidmany of the confusions currently (...)
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  • Development and validation of ethical computer self-efficacy measure: The case of softlifting. [REVIEW]Feng-Yang Kuo & Meng-Hsiang Hsu - 2001 - Journal of Business Ethics 32 (4):299 - 315.
    The concept of self-efficacy is concerned with people''s beliefs in their ability to produce given attainment. It has been widely applied to study human conduct in various settings. This study, based on Albert Bandura''s social cognitive theory, proposes the employment of self-efficacy for investigating people''s ethical conduct related to computer use. Specifically, an ethical computer self-efficacy (ECSE) construct concerning software piracy is developed and validated. The measurement model of the construct was rigorously tested and validated through confirmatory factor analysis. The (...)
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  • Marketing ethics and education: Some empirical findings. [REVIEW]Sharyne Merritt - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (8):625 - 632.
    This study explores possible links between educational background and ethics among marketing professionals. Data from two surveys of members of the American Marketing Association suggest that marketing professionals with master's degrees and higher are similar to their less educated counterparts in both their ethical standards and their intended ethical behaviors. Marketers with business degrees, however, have lower ethical standards than do graduates of non-business programs, though they report behavior as ethical as that of their non-business educated peers. Business schools may (...)
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  • Artificial decision-making and artificial ethics: A management concern. [REVIEW]Omar E. M. Khalil - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (4):313 - 321.
    Expert systems are knowledge-based information systems which are expected to have human attributes in order to replicate human capacity in ethical decision making. An expert system functions by virtue of its information, its inferential rules, and its decision criteria, each of which may be problematic. This paper addresses three basic reasons for ethical concern when using the currently available expert systems in a decisions-making capacity. These reasons are (1) expert systems' lack of human intelligence, (2) expert systems' lack of emotions (...)
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