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  1. A Progress of Sentiments: Reflections on Hume’s Treatise.Annette Baier - 1991 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.
    Annette Baier's aim is to make sense of David Hume's Treatise as a whole. Hume's family motto, which appears on his bookplate, was True to the End. Baier argues that it is not until the end of the Treatise that we get his full story about truth and falsehood, reason and folly. By the end, we can see the cause to which Hume has been true throughout the work. Baier finds Hume's Treatise of Human Nature to be a carefully crafted (...)
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  • Race, Power, and COVID-19: A Call for Advocacy within Bioethics.Zamina Mithani, Jane Cooper & J. Wesley Boyd - 2020 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (2):11-18.
    Events in 2020 have sparked a reimagination of how both individuals and institutions should consider race, power, health, and marginalization in society. In a response to these developments, we exa...
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  • Between Usual and Crisis Phases of a Public Health Emergency: The Mediating Role of Contingency Measures.David Alfandre, Virginia Ashby Sharpe, Cynthia Geppert, Mary Beth Foglia, Kenneth Berkowitz, Barbara Chanko & Toby Schonfeld - 2021 - American Journal of Bioethics 21 (8):4-16.
    Much of the sustained attention on pandemic preparedness has focused on the ethical justification for plans for the “crisis” phase of a surge when, despite augmentation efforts, the demand for life...
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