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  1. Cognition in the Wild.Edward Hutchins - 1995 - Critica 27 (81):101-105.
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  • Things That Make Us Smart: Defending Human Attributes In The Age Of The Machine.Don Norman & Tamara Dunaeff - 1994 - Basic Books.
    In Things That Make Us Smart, Donald A. Norman explores the complex interaction between human thought and the technology it creates, arguing for the development of machines that fit our minds, rather than minds that must conform to the machine.Humans have always worked with objects to extend our cognitive powers, from counting on our fingers to designing massive supercomputers. But advanced technology does more than merely assist with thought and memory—the machines we create begin to shape how we think and, (...)
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  • The Nature of External Representations in Problem Solving.Jiajie Zhang - 1997 - Cognitive Science 21 (2):179-217.
    This article proposes a theoretical framework for external representation based problem solving. The Tic‐Tac‐Toe and its isomorphs are used to illustrate the procedures of the framework as a methodology and test the predictions of the framework as a functional model. Experimental results show that the behavior in the Tic‐Tac‐Toe is determined by the directly available information in external and internal representations in terms of perceptual and cognitive biases, regardless of whether the biases are consistent with, inconsistent with, or irrelevant to (...)
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  • Epistemic Cultures: How the Sciences Make Knowledge.Karin Knorr Cetina - 1999 - Harvard University Press.
    How does science create knowledge? Epistemic cultures, shaped by affinity, necessity, and historical coincidence, determine how we know what we know. In this book, Karin Knorr Cetina compares two of the most important and intriguing epistemic cultures of our day, those in high energy physics and molecular biology. The first ethnographic study to systematically compare two different scientific laboratory cultures, this book sharpens our focus on epistemic cultures as the basis of the knowledge society.
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  • Epistemic cultures: how the sciences make knowledge.Karin Knorr-Cetina - 1999 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    How does science create knowledge? Epistemic cultures, shaped by affinity, necessity, and historical coincidence, determine how we know what we know. In this book, Karin Knorr Cetina compares two of the most important and intriguing epistemic cultures of our day, those in high energy physics and molecular biology. Her work highlights the diversity of these cultures of knowing and, in its depiction of their differences--in the meaning of the empirical, the enactment of object relations, and the fashioning of social relations--challenges (...)
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  • Moral imagination: implications of cognitive science for ethics.Mark Johnson - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    Using path-breaking discoveries of cognitive science, Mark Johnson argues that humans are fundamentally imaginative moral animals, challenging the view that morality is simply a system of universal laws dictated by reason. According to the Western moral tradition, we make ethical decisions by applying universal laws to concrete situations. But Johnson shows how research in cognitive science undermines this view and reveals that imagination has an essential role in ethical deliberation. Expanding his innovative studies of human reason in Metaphors We Live (...)
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  • Cognition in the Wild.Edwin Hutchins - 1995 - MIT Press.
    Hutchins examines a set of phenomena that have fallen between the established disciplines of psychology and anthropology, bringing to light a new set of relationships between culture and cognition.
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  • Boundaries of the Mind: The Individual in the Fragile Sciences - Cognition.Robert A. Wilson - 2004 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Where does the mind begin and end? Most philosophers and cognitive scientists take the view that the mind is bounded by the skull or skin of the individual. Robert Wilson, in this provocative and challenging 2004 book, provides the foundations for the view that the mind extends beyond the boundary of the individual. The approach adopted offers a unique blend of traditional philosophical analysis, cognitive science, and the history of psychology and the human sciences. The companion volume, Genes and the (...)
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  • Model-Based Reasoning: Science, Technology, Values.Lorenzo Magnani & Nancy J. Nersessian (eds.) - 2002 - Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
    There are several key ingredients common to the various forms of model-based reasoning considered in this book. The term ‘model’ comprises both internal and external representations. The models are intended as interpretations of target physical systems, processes, phenomena, or situations and are retrieved or constructed on the basis of potentially satisfying salient constraints of the target domain. The book’s contributors are researchers active in the area of creative reasoning in science and technology.
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  • (1 other version)The sciences of the artificial.Herbert Alexander Simon - 1969 - [Cambridge,: M.I.T. Press.
    Continuing his exploration of the organization of complexity and the science of design, this new edition of Herbert Simon's classic work on artificial ...
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  • Perceiving the infinite and the infinitesimal world: Unveiling and optical diagrams in mathematics. [REVIEW]Lorenzo Magnani & Riccardo Dossena - 2005 - Foundations of Science 10 (1):7-23.
    Many important concepts of the calculus are difficult to grasp, and they may appear epistemologically unjustified. For example, how does a real function appear in “small” neighborhoods of its points? How does it appear at infinity? Diagrams allow us to overcome the difficulty in constructing representations of mathematical critical situations and objects. For example, they actually reveal the behavior of a real function not “close to” a point (as in the standard limit theory) but “in” the point. We are interested (...)
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  • Morality in a Technological World: Knowledge as Duty.Lorenzo Magnani - 2007 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The technological advances of contemporary society have outpaced our moral understanding of the problems that they create. How will we deal with profound ecological changes, human cloning, hybrid people, and eroding cyberprivacy, just to name a few issues? In this book, Lorenzo Magnani argues that existing moral constructs often cannot be applied to new technology. He proposes an entirely different ethical approach, one that blends epistemology with cognitive science. The resulting moral strategy promises renewed dignity for overlooked populations, both of (...)
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  • On the representational role of the environment and on the cognitive nature of manipulations.Alberto Gatti & Lorenzo Magnani - 2005 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Riccardo Dossena (eds.), Computing, Philosophy and Cognition: Proceedings of the European Computing and Philosophy Conference (ECAP 2004). College Publications. pp. 227--242.
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  • Abduction, Reason, and Science.L. Magnani - 2001 - Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers.
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  • Review of Mark Johnson: Moral imagination: implications of cognitive science for ethics[REVIEW]Jonathan E. Adler - 1995 - Ethics 105 (2):401-404.
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  • Perceiving the infinite and the infinitesimal world: unveiling and optical diagrams and the construction of mathematical concepts.Lorenzo Magnani & Riccardo Dossena - 2005 - Foundations of Science 10 (1):7--23.
    Many important concepts of the calculus are difficult to grasp, and they may appear epistemologically unjustified. For example, how does a real function appear in “small” neighborhoods of its points? How does it appear at infinity? Diagrams allow us to overcome the difficulty in constructing representations of mathematical critical situations and objects. For example, they actually reveal the behavior of a real function not “close to” a point but “in” the point. We are interested in our research in the diagrams (...)
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  • Artificial Minds: How Brains Make Up.Lorenzo Magnani - 2006 - In Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz (eds.), Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group. pp. 1.
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  • Semiotic brains and artificial minds. How brains make up material cognitive systems.L. Magnani - 2006 - In Ricardo Gudwin & Jo?O. Queiroz (eds.), Semiotics and Intelligent Systems Development. Idea Group. pp. 1--41.
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  • Epistemic mediators and model-based discovery in science.L. Magnani - 2002 - In Lorenzo Magnani & Nancy J. Nersessian (eds.), Model-Based Reasoning: Science, Technology, Values. Boston, MA, USA: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers. pp. 305--329.
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