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  1. Outline of a Theory of Practice.Pierre Bourdieu - 1972 - Human Studies 4 (3):273-278.
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  • (1 other version)Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy. Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World.Barrington Moore - 1969 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 31 (4):793-796.
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  • (1 other version)Social Origins of Dictatorship and Democracy: Lord and Peasant in the Making of the Modern World.Barrington Moore - 1969 - Science and Society 33 (1):124-126.
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  • Learning in context through conflict and alignment: Farmers and scientists in search of sustainable agriculture.Jasper Eshuis & Marian Stuiver - 2005 - Agriculture and Human Values 22 (2):137-148.
    This article analyzes learning in context through the prism of a sustainable dairy-farming project. The research was performed within a nutrient management project that involved the participation of farmers and scientists. Differences between heterogeneous forms of farmers’ knowledge and scientific knowledge were discursively constructed during conflict and subsequent alignment over the validity and relevance of knowledge. Both conflict and alignment appeared to be essential for learning in context. Conflict spurred learning when disagreeing groups of actors developed their knowledge in order (...)
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  • Temporal and spatial dimensions of knowledge: Implications for sustainable agriculture.Andrew H. Raedeke & J. Sanford Rikoon - 1997 - Agriculture and Human Values 14 (2):145-158.
    Scholars have recognized the importance of local and indigenousknowledge in less industrialized countries. Few studies havebeen done on the diversity of knowledge communities in moreindustrialized countries, however, because of researcherassumptions about the spatial and temporal dimensions of localand scientific knowledge. A distinguishing feature of knowledgecommunities is the way that time and space are perceived. Thesedifferences are reflected in farmers' decision-making.Depending on farmers' knowledge orientations, they may utilizequite different criteria to determine the reliability andapplicability of new information. Advocates of sustainableagriculture, and (...)
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  • Folk experiments.Jeffery W. Bentley - 2006 - Agriculture and Human Values 23 (4):451-462.
    Folk experiments in agriculture are often inspired by new ideas blended with old ones, motivated by economic and environmental change. They tend to save labor or capital. These notions are illustrated with nine short case studies from Nicaragua and El Salvador. The new ideas that catalyze folk experiments may be provided by development agencies, but paradoxically, the folk experiments are so common that the agencies that inspire them usually pay little attention to them. Some folk experiments are original, but others (...)
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  • Social connectedness in marginal rural China: The case of farmer innovation circles in Zhidan, north Shaanxi.Bin Wu & Jules Pretty - 2004 - Agriculture and Human Values 21 (1):81-92.
    The intrinsic dynamics andinnovative potential of the rural poor in Chinacan be illustrated by the phenomena of farmerinnovation circles in north Shaanxi.These are informal networks used by farmers tocollaborate on technology learning andagricultural production. Though not limited tospecific geographic locations, these circlesare particularly important in the marginalareas of rural China where the complexity ofthe geographic environment, the diversity offarmer demands, and the inefficiency of formalagricultural extension networks impede thespread of new agricultural technologies. Socialconnectedness in the form of householdcommunication networks, technology (...)
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  • Agronomist–farmer knowledge encounters: an analysis of knowledge exchange in the context of best management practices in England. [REVIEW]Julie Ingram - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (3):405-418.
    This paper explores how knowledge is exchanged between agricultural advisors and farmers in the context of sustainable farming practices in England. Specifically the paper examines the nature of the knowledge exchange at the encounters between one group of advisors, agronomists, and farmers. The promotion of best management practices, which are central to the implementation of sustainable agricultural policies in England, provide the empirical context for this study. The paper uses the notion of expert and facilitative approaches as a conceptual framework (...)
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  • Indigenous Environmental Knowledge and Its Transformations: Critical Anthropological Perspectives.R. F. Ellen, Peter Parkes & Alan Bicker - 2000 - Psychology Press.
    First Published in 2000. Routledge is an imprint of Taylor & Francis, an informa company.
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  • Rooted in grass: Challenging patterns of knowledge exchange as a means of fostering social change in a southeast Minnesota farm community. [REVIEW]Julia Frost Nerbonne & Ralph Lentz - 2003 - Agriculture and Human Values 20 (1):65-78.
    By convening a multidisciplinary team(the Monitoring Team) that included farmers,university and agency researchers, andnon-profit staff; a small group of farmers insoutheast Minnesota, U.S.A., bolstered thelegitimacy of the sustainable agriculturemovement. Through the experience of forming ateam and working with individuals who operatedwithin the mainstream knowledge paradigm,farmers gained validation of their knowledgeabout farming, while researchers came to valuealternative knowledge systems. In the contextof a socially embedded movement, farmers wereempowered by sharing their knowledge withresearchers, and ultimately contributed to thesustainable agriculture movement by challengingtraditional (...)
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  • The chisan-chisho movement: Japanese local food movement and its challenges. [REVIEW]Aya Hirata Kimura & Mima Nishiyama - 2008 - Agriculture and Human Values 25 (1):49-64.
    This paper examines the increasingly popular chisan-chisho movement that has promoted the localization of food consumption in Japan since the late-1990s. Chisan-chisho emerged in the context of a perceived crisis in the Japanese food system, particularly the long-term decline of agriculture and rural community and more recent episodes of food scandals. Although initially started as a grassroots movement, many chisan-chisho initiatives are now organized by governments and farmers’ cooperatives. Acknowledging that the chisan-chisho movement has added some important resources and a (...)
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