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A Meta-Analytic Investigation of Business Ethics Instruction.Ethan P. Waples, Alison L. Antes, Stephen T. Murphy, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2009 - Journal of Business Ethics 87 (1):133-151.details
A sensemaking approach to ethics training for scientists: Preliminary evidence of training effectiveness.Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Stephen T. Murphy, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ethan P. Waples & Lynn D. Devenport - 2008 - Ethics and Behavior 18 (4):315 – 339.details
A Meta-Analysis of Ethics Instruction Effectiveness in the Sciences.Lynn D. Devenport, Shane Connelly, Ryan P. Brown, Michael D. Mumford, Ethan P. Waples, Alison L. Antes & Stephen T. Murphy - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (5):379-402.details
The relationship between unethical behavior and the dimensions of the ethical climate questionnaire.D. K. Peterson - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 41 (4):313 - 326.details
Articles: Validation of ethical decision making measures: Evidence for a new set of measures.Michael D. Mumford, Lynn D. Devenport, Ryan P. Brown, Shane Connelly, Stephen T. Murphy, Jason H. Hill & Alison L. Antes - 2006 - Ethics and Behavior 16 (4):319 – 345.details
Case-Based Knowledge and Ethics Education: Improving Learning and Transfer Through Emotionally Rich Cases.Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly, Lauren Harkrider, Lynn D. Devenport, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson & Michael D. Mumford - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (1):265-286.details
Environmental influences on ethical decision making: Climate and environmental predictors of research integrity.Michael D. Mumford, Stephen T. Murphy, Shane Connelly, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Ryan P. Brown & Lynn D. Devenport - 2007 - Ethics and Behavior 17 (4):337 – 366.details
Application of a sensemaking approach to ethics training in the physical sciences and engineering.Vykinta Kligyte, Richard T. Marcy, Ethan P. Waples, Sydney T. Sevier, Elaine S. Godfrey, Michael D. Mumford & Dean F. Hougen - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (2):251-278.details
Mental models: An alternative evaluation of a sensemaking approach to ethics instruction.Meagan E. Brock, Andrew Vert, Vykinta Kligyte, Ethan P. Waples, Sydney T. Sevier & Michael D. Mumford - 2008 - Science and Engineering Ethics 14 (3):449-472.details
Improving Case-Based Ethics Training with Codes of Conduct and Forecasting Content.Lauren N. Harkrider, Chase E. Thiel, Zhanna Bagdasarov, Michael D. Mumford, James F. Johnson, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (4):258 - 280.details
Relationships Between the Survey of Organizational Research Climate (SORC) and Self-Reported Research Practices.A. Lauren Crain, Brian C. Martinson & Carol R. Thrush - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (3):835-850.details
The Influence of Anger on Ethical Decision Making: Comparison of a Primary and Secondary Appraisal.Chase E. Thiel, Shane Connelly & Jennifer A. Griffith - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (5):380 - 403.details
Graduate Socialization in the Responsible Conduct of Research: A National Survey on the Research Ethics Training Experiences of Psychology Doctoral Students.Lindsay G. Feldman, Adam L. Fried & Celia B. Fisher - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (6):496-518.details
(1 other version)Structuring Case-Based Ethics Training: How Comparing Cases and Structured Prompts Influence Training Effectiveness.Lauren N. Harkrider, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (3):179-198.details
(1 other version)Structuring Case-Based Ethics Training: How Comparing Cases and Structured Prompts Influence Training Effectiveness.Lauren Harkrider, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - forthcoming - Ethics and Behavior:150527093230007.details
The Effects of Note-Taking and Review on Sensemaking and Ethical Decision Making.James F. Johnson, Zhanna Bagdasarov, Lauren N. Harkrider, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Shane Connelly, Lynn D. Devenport & Michael D. Mumford - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (4):299-323.details
Field and Experience Influences on Ethical Decision Making in the Sciences.Ethan P. Waples, Jason H. Hill, Alison L. Antes, Lynn D. Devenport, Stephen T. Murphy, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford & Ryan P. Brown - 2009 - Ethics and Behavior 19 (4):263-289.details
Examining the Effects of Incremental Case Presentation and Forecasting Outcomes on Case-Based Ethics Instruction.Alexandra E. MacDougall, Lauren N. Harkrider, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Chase E. Thiel, Juandre Peacock, Michael D. Mumford, Lynn D. Devenport & Shane Connelly - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (2):126-150.details
Applying Cases to Solve Ethical Problems: The Significance of Positive and Process-Oriented Reflection.Alison L. Antes, Chase E. Thiel, Laura E. Martin, Cheryl K. Stenmark, Shane Connelly, Lynn D. Devenport & Michael D. Mumford - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (2):113 - 130.details
The Influence of Compensatory Strategies on Ethical Decision Making.Jensen T. Mecca, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Vincent Giorgini, Carter Gibson, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2014 - Ethics and Behavior 24 (1):73-89.details
A review of empirical studies assessing ethical decision making in business. [REVIEW]Terry W. Loe, Linda Ferrell & Phylis Mansfield - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 25 (3):185 - 204.details
Leader Ethical Decision-Making in Organizations: Strategies for Sensemaking. [REVIEW]Chase E. Thiel, Zhanna Bagdasarov, Lauren Harkrider, James F. Johnson & Michael D. Mumford - 2012 - Journal of Business Ethics 107 (1):49-64.details
Compulsory ethics education and the cognitive moral development of salespeople: A quasi-experimental assessment. [REVIEW]George Izzo - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (3):223 - 241.details