- A Meta-analytic Comparison of Face-to-Face and Online Delivery in Ethics Instruction: The Case for a Hybrid Approach.E. Michelle Todd, Logan L. Watts, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Brett S. Torrence, Megan R. Turner, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (6):1719-1754.details
Ethics Across the Curriculum: Prospects for Broader (and Deeper) Teaching and Learning in Research and Engineering Ethics.Carl Mitcham & Elaine E. Englehardt - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (6):1735-1762.details
Evaluating Ethics Education Programs: A Multilevel Approach.Michael D. Mumford, Logan Steele & Logan L. Watts - 2015 - Ethics and Behavior 25 (1):37-60.details
Scientists Admitting to Plagiarism: A Meta-analysis of Surveys.Vanja Pupovac & Daniele Fanelli - 2015 - Science and Engineering Ethics 21 (5):1331-1352.details
Ethical decision-making models: a taxonomy of models and review of issues.Melanie K. Johnson, Sean N. Weeks, Gretchen Gimpel Peacock & Melanie M. Domenech Rodríguez - 2022 - Ethics and Behavior 32 (3):195-209.details
Strategies in Forecasting Outcomes in Ethical Decision-Making: Identifying and Analyzing the Causes of the Problem.Michael D. Mumford, Chase E. Thiel, Jared J. Caughron, Xiaoqian Wang, Alison L. Antes & Cheryl K. Stenmark - 2010 - Ethics and Behavior 20 (2):110-127.details
Teaching Scientific Integrity in Academia: What and How Students Want to Learn?N. Sira, M. Decker, C. Lemke, A. Winkens, C. Leicht-Scholten & D. Groß - forthcoming - Journal of Academic Ethics:1-20.details
A Taxonomy for Research Integrity Training: Design, Conduct, and Improvements in Research Integrity Courses.Mariëtte van den Hoven, Tom Lindemann, Linda Zollitsch & Julia Prieß-Buchheit - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (3):1-21.details
Ethicists' courtesy at philosophy conferences.Eric Schwitzgebel, Joshua Rust, Linus Ta-Lun Huang, Alan T. Moore & D. Justin Coates - 2012 - Philosophical Psychology 25 (3):331 - 340.details
The Effectiveness of Ethics Education: A Quasi-Experimental Field Study.Douglas R. May & Matthew T. Luth - 2013 - Science and Engineering Ethics 19 (2):545-568.details
The Role of Culture and Acculturation in Researchers’ Perceptions of Rules in Science.Alison L. Antes, Tammy English, Kari A. Baldwin & James M. DuBois - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):361-391.details
The Contribution of Moral Case Deliberation to Teaching RCR to PhD Students.Giulia Inguaggiato, Krishma Labib, Natalie Evans, Fenneke Blom, Lex Bouter & Guy Widdershoven - 2023 - Science and Engineering Ethics 29 (2):1-18.details
Does Studying ‘Ethics’ Improve Engineering Students’ Meta-Moral Cognitive Skills?Reena Cheruvalath - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (2):583-596.details
Mentoring for Responsible Research: The Creation of a Curriculum for Faculty to Teach RCR in the Research Environment.Dena K. Plemmons & Michael W. Kalichman - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (1):207-226.details
Moral imagination as an instrument for ethics education for biomedical researchers.Elianne M. Gerrits, Lars S. Assen, Liesbeth Noordegraaf-Eelens, Annelien L. Bredenoord & Marc H. W. van Mil - 2023 - International Journal of Ethics Education 8 (2):275-289.details
Modeling the Instructional Effectiveness of Responsible Conduct of Research Education: A Meta-Analytic Path-Analysis.Logan L. Watts, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Logan M. Steele, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (8):632-650.details
Research Misconduct in the Croatian Scientific Community: A Survey Assessing the Forms and Characteristics of Research Misconduct.Vanja Pupovac, Snježana Prijić-Samaržija & Mladen Petrovečki - 2017 - Science and Engineering Ethics 23 (1):165-181.details
A Reflective Account of a Research Ethics Course for an Interdisciplinary Cohort of Graduate Students.Bor Luen Tang & Joan Siew Ching Lee - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (2):1089-1105.details
A Comparison of the Effects of Ethics Training on International and US Students.T. H. Lee Williams, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Logan L. Watts, James F. Johnson & Logan M. Steele - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):1217-1244.details
Evaluating the effectiveness of bioethics education through quality standards and indicators.Ercan Avci - 2021 - International Journal of Ethics Education 7 (1):5-19.details
Novice Researchers’ Views About Online Ethics Education and the Instructional Design Components that May Foster Ethical Practice.Miri Barak & Gizell Green - 2020 - Science and Engineering Ethics 26 (3):1403-1421.details
Are Ethics Training Programs Improving? A Meta-Analytic Review of Past and Present Ethics Instruction in the Sciences.Logan L. Watts, Kelsey E. Medeiros, Tyler J. Mulhearn, Logan M. Steele, Shane Connelly & Michael D. Mumford - 2017 - Ethics and Behavior 27 (5):351-384.details
Research ethics courses as a vaccination against a toxic research environment or culture.Nicole Shu Ling Yeo-Teh & Bor Luen Tang - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (1):55-65.details
Graduate student perceptions of preparedness for responsible conduct of research: a mixed methods study.Yasar Kondakci, Merve Zayim Kurtay, Sevgi Kaya Kasikci & Özgür Önen - 2024 - Ethics and Behavior 34 (1):58-75.details
The Influence of Temporal Orientation and Affective Frame on Use of Ethical Decision-Making Strategies.Cheryl K. Stenmark, Laura E. Martin, Lynn D. Devenport, Alison L. Antes, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Chase E. Thiel - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (2):127-146.details
Assessing the State of Ethics Education in General Education Curricula at U.S. Research Universities and Liberal Arts Colleges.Jeremiah Kim, Drew Chambers, Ka Ya Lee & David Kidd - 2023 - Journal of Academic Ethics 21 (1):19-40.details
Applying Cases to Solve Ethical Problems: The Significance of Positive and Process-Oriented Reflection.Alison L. Antes, Chase E. Thiel, Laura E. Martin, Cheryl K. Stenmark, Shane Connelly, Lynn D. Devenport & Michael D. Mumford - 2012 - Ethics and Behavior 22 (2):113 - 130.details
The Development of a Case-Based Course on Global Engineering Ethics in China.Rockwell F. Clancy - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):51-73.details
Integrating emotion and other nonrational factors into ethics education and training in professional psychology.Yesim Korkut & Carole Sinclair - 2020 - Ethics and Behavior 30 (6):444-458.details
Moral Credentialing and the Rationalization of Misconduct.Lynn D. Devenport, Shane Connelly, Michael D. Mumford, Collin D. Barnes, Xiaoqian Wang, Michael Tamborski & Ryan P. Brown - 2011 - Ethics and Behavior 21 (1):1-12.details
Compliance Disengagement in Research: Development and Validation of a New Measure.James M. DuBois, John T. Chibnall & John Gibbs - 2016 - Science and Engineering Ethics 22 (4):965-988.details
A phenomenographic study of scientists’ beliefs about the causes of scientists’ research misconduct.Aidan C. Cairns, Caleb Linville, Tyler Garcia, Bill Bridges, Scott Tanona, Jonathan Herington & James T. Laverty - 2021 - Research Ethics 17 (4):501-521.details
Applying a Social Constructivist Approach to an Online Course on Ethics of Research.Miri Barak & Gizell Green - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (1):1-24.details
Forecasting and Ethical Decision Making: What Matters?Cheryl Stenmark - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (6):445-462.details
Designing integrated research integrity training: authorship, publication, and peer review.Jane Jacobs, Stephanie Bradbury, Anne Walsh, Virginia Barbour & Mark Hooper - 2018 - Research Integrity and Peer Review 3 (1).details
Intervention to Promote Responsible Conduct of Research Mentoring.Michael W. Kalichman & Dena K. Plemmons - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):699-725.details
Threats to Moral Identity: Testing the Effects of Incentives and Consequences of One's Actions on Moral Cleansing.Lauren N. Harkrider, Michael A. Tamborski, Xiaoqian Wang, Ryan P. Brown, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2013 - Ethics and Behavior 23 (2):133-147.details
Engineering Ethics Education: A Comparative Study of Japan and Malaysia.Balamuralithara Balakrishnan, Fumihiko Tochinai & Hidekazu Kanemitsu - 2019 - Science and Engineering Ethics 25 (4):1069-1083.details
Perception and reaction of Nanyang Technological University (NTU) researchers to different forms of research integrity education modality.Chin L. Lim, Yusuf Ali, Kwee P. Yeo, Celine S. L. Lee & Jolene Y. L. Chua - 2022 - BMC Medical Ethics 23 (1):1-15.details
The importance of virtue ethics in the IRB.Marilyn C. Morris & Jason Z. Morris - 2016 - Research Ethics 12 (4):201-216.details
Continuous Evaluation in Ethics Education: A Case Study.Tristan McIntosh, Cory Higgs, Michael Mumford, Shane Connelly & James DuBois - 2018 - Science and Engineering Ethics 24 (2):727-754.details
Standards of Scientific Conduct: Are There Any?Michael Kalichman, Monica Sweet & Dena Plemmons - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (4):885-896.details
Educating about biomedical research ethics.Bratislav Stankovic & Mirjana Stankovic - 2014 - Medicine, Health Care and Philosophy 17 (4):541-548.details
Taiwanese and American Graduate Students’ Misconceptions Regarding Responsible Conduct of Research: A Cross-National Comparison Using a Two-Tier Test Approach.Sophia Jui-An Pan - 2021 - Science and Engineering Ethics 27 (2):1-23.details
Evaluating the efficacy of the education and training program of the TCPS 2.Denise Stockley, Laura Kinderman, Rylan Egan, Chi Yan Lam & Amber Hastings - 2016 - Research Ethics 13 (3-4):102-114.details
Making ethics teaching more effective with a three step model.Hans Teke - 2020 - International Journal of Ethics Education 6 (1):149-162.details
Retracted article: Improving case-based ethics training: How modeling behaviors and forecasting influence effectiveness.Lauren N. Harkrider, Alexandra E. MacDougall, Zhanna Bagdasarov, James F. Johnson, Michael D. Mumford, Shane Connelly & Lynn D. Devenport - 2014 - Science and Engineering Ethics 20 (1):299-299.details
Teaching Ethics in Teacher Education: ICT-Enhanced, Case-Based and Active Learning Approach with Continuous Formative Assessment.Ahmet Göçen & Mehmet Akın Bulut - 2024 - Journal of Academic Ethics 22 (3):447-465.details
Toward Evidence-Based Conflicts of Interest Training for Physician-Investigators.Kate Greenwood, Carl H. Coleman & Kathleen M. Boozang - 2012 - Journal of Law, Medicine and Ethics 40 (3):500-510.details
Effects of Training and Environment on Graduate Students’ Self-Rated Knowledge and Judgments of Responsible Research Behavior.Philip J. Langlais & Blake J. Bent - 2018 - Ethics and Behavior 28 (2):133-153.details