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  1. Ethics and Education.Regner Birkelund - 2000 - Nursing Ethics 7 (6):473-480.
    In the debate concerning the education of nurses that is currently taking place in Denmark, two widely differing views are apparent regarding the best way of training nurses such that the ethical aspect of their work is adequately considered. The first of these is based on the premise that practical care is fundamental to and justified by theories on nursing, care and ethics, which is why the theoretical part of nurse education deserves a higher priority. The second view is based (...)
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  • A model for teaching medical ethics.R. B. Welbourn - 1985 - Journal of Medical Ethics 11 (1):29-31.
    The approach to teaching employed in the Dictionary of Medical Ethics (1) provides a model which might be adopted in other media. Most of the 150 authors were medical, but many represented other disciplines, and they wrote for similar professionals and for the general public. Medical ethics is derived from medical science and practice, moral philosophy, sociology, theology, the law and other disciplines, all of which make essential, distinctive and complementary contributions to knowledge and to teaching. Medical practitioners must play (...)
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  • Multidisciplinary teaching in a formal medical ethics course for clinical students.W. G. Irwin, R. J. McClelland, R. W. Stout & M. Stchedroff - 1988 - Journal of Medical Ethics 14 (3):125-128.
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  • Nursing Students' Experience of Ethical Problems and Use of Ethical Decision-Making Models.Miriam E. Cameron, Marjorie Schaffer & Hyeoun-Ae Park - 2001 - Nursing Ethics 8 (5):432-447.
    Using a conceptual framework and method combining ethical enquiry and phenomenology, we asked 73 senior baccalaureate nursing students to answer two questions: (1) What is nursing students’ experience of an ethical problem involving nursing practice? and (2) What is nursing students’ experience of using an ethical decision-making model? Each student described one ethical problem, from which emerged five content categories, the largest being that involving health professionals (44%). The basic nature of the ethical problems consisted of the nursing students’ experience (...)
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  • The importance of listening to medical students' experiences when teaching them medical ethics.L. W. Osborne & C. M. Martin - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (1):35-38.
    This paper describes the change of emphasis that occurred in the teaching of ethics to small groups of clinical students. Although the original focus of the course was on the analysis of ethical dilemmas associated with individual patients known to the students, it soon became evident that there were, for the students themselves, more fundamental ethical dilemmas in their new role as clinical students. These included worries about how to respond when patients asked questions which their consultants had previously deceived (...)
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  • Knowledge for Ethical Care.Vangie Bergum - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (2):71-79.
    Knowledge needed for ethical care must be constructed in the relationship between professional and patient who strive together to understand what meaning the disease factors have within the experience of the individual patient. Three kinds of knowledge are described. The first two, descriptive knowledge and abstract knowledge, are part of the more comprehensive and complex inherent knowledge. The reality of human experience and meaning is profoundly more complex than the scientific approach of fragmentation for purposes of dissection and diagnosis. In (...)
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  • Ethical Reasoning Concerning the Feeding of Severely Demented Patients: an International Perspective.A. Norberg, M. Hirschfeld, B. Davidson, A. Davis, S. Lauri, J. Y. Lin, L. Phillips, E. Pittman, R. Vander Laan & L. Ziv - 1994 - Nursing Ethics 1 (1):3-13.
    Structured interviews were held with 149 registered nurses in seven countries in America, Asia, Australia and Europe concerning the feeding of severely demented patients who do not accept food. The most common reasons for nurses being willing to change their decision to feed or not to feed were an order from the medical head, a request from the patient's husband and/or the staff meeting. There was a connection between the willingness to feed and the ranking of ethical principles. Nurses who (...)
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  • Nursing Students’ Responses to Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice.Bernadette Dierckx de Casterlé, Mieke Grypdonck, Magda Vuylsteke-Wauters & Piet J. Janssen - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (1):12-28.
    In literature as well as in nursing practice a growing concern about nurses’ ethical competence can be observed. Based on the cognitive theory of moral development by Kohlberg, this research examined nursing students’ ethical behaviour in five nursing dilemmas. Ethical behaviour refers not only to the ethical reasoning of nursing students but also to the relationship between reasoning and behaviour. Kohlberg’s definition of morality was refined by adding a care perspective. The results show that the majority of students can be (...)
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  • Extending the Theory of Awareness Contexts by Examining the Ethical Issues Faced by Nurses in Terminal Care.Matthew V. Morrissey - 1997 - Nursing Ethics 4 (5):370-379.
    The breaking of bad news in a hospital setting, particularly to patients in a terminal condition, highlights some complex and often emotive ethical issues for nurses. One theory that examines the way in which individuals react to bad news such as a terminal illness, is the theory of awareness contexts. However, this theory may be limited by failing to recognize the complexity of the situation and the ethical issues involved for nurses caring for terminally ill patients. Furthermore, contexts of awareness (...)
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  • Advanced medical ethics symposia for fifth-year students.V. J. Grant - 1989 - Journal of Medical Ethics 15 (4):200-202.
    Case-based, multidisciplinary seminars provided a vehicle for clinicians, philosophers and students to debate current problems in medical ethics in a manner which ensured maximum learning and interest for all participants. Prior training in philosophical medical ethics was an essential prerequisite, giving students the knowledge and skills to take part in the discussions at an appropriate level of sophistication.
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