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  1. (1 other version)The Value of Privacy.Beate Roessler - 2004 - Polity.
    This new book by Beate Rossler is a work of real quality and originality on an extremely topical issue: the issue of privacy and the relations between the private and the public. Rossler investigates the reasons why we value privacy and why we ought to value it. In the context of modern, liberal societies, Rossler develops a theory of the private which links privacy and autonomy in a constitutive way: privacy is a necessary condition to lead an autonomous life. The (...)
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  • (1 other version)Shame and Necessity.Bernard Arthur Owen Williams - 1992 - University of California Press.
    We tend to suppose that the ancient Greeks had primitive ideas of the self, of responsibility, freedom, and shame, and that now humanity has advanced from these to a more refined moral consciousness. Bernard Williams's original and radical book questions this picture of Western history. While we are in many ways different from the Greeks, Williams claims that the differences are not to be traced to a shift in these basic conceptions of ethical life. We are more like the ancients (...)
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  • The Panopticon Writings.Jeremy Bentham - 2011 - Verso Books. Edited by Miran Bo\V. Zovi\V. C..
    The Panopticon project for a model prison obsessed the English philosopher Jeremy Bentham for almost 20 years. In the end, the project came to nothing; the Panopticon was never built. But it is precisely this that makes the Panopticon project the best exemplification of Bentham’s own theory of fictions, according to which non-existent fictitious entities can have all too real effects. There is probably no building that has stirred more philosophical controversy than Bentham’s Panopticon. The Panopticon is not merely, as (...)
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  • Privacy and Freedom.Alan F. Westin - 1970 - Science and Society 34 (3):360-363.
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  • Privacy in the face of new technologies of surveillance.Mark Tunick - 2000 - Public Affairs Quarterly 14 (3):259-277.
    This article addresses the question of whether an expectation of privacy is reasonable in the face of new technologies of surveillance, by developing a principle that best fits our intuitions. A "no sense enhancement" principle which would rule out searches using technologically sophisticated devices is rejected. The paper instead argues for the "mischance principle," which proscribes uses of technology that reveal what could not plausibly be discovered accidentally without the technology, subject to the proviso that searches that serve a great (...)
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  • Towards a theory of privacy in the information age.James H. Moor - 1997 - Acm Sigcas Computers and Society 27 (3):27-32.
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  • Privacy, Intimacy, and Isolation.Julie C. Inness - 1992 - New York, US: OUP Usa.
    From the Supreme Court to the bedroom, privacy is an intensely contested interest in our everyday lives and privacy law. Some people appeal to privacy to protect such critical areas as abortion, sexuality, and personal information. Yet, privacy skeptics argue that there is no such thing as a right to privacy. I argue that we cannot abandon the concept of privacy. If we wish to avoid extending this elusive concept to cover too much of our lives or shrinking it to (...)
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  • (1 other version)Feminism, democracy and the right to privacy.Annabelle Lever - 2005 - Minerva 2005 (nov):1-31.
    This article argues that people have legitimate interests in privacy that deserve legal protection on democratic principles. It describes the right to privacy as a bundle of rights of personal choice, association and expression and shows that, so described, people have legitimate political interests in privacy. These interests reflect the ways that privacy rights can supplement the protection for people’s freedom and equality provided by rights of political choice, association and expression, and can help to make sure that these are, (...)
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  • Protecting privacy in an information age: The problem of privacy in public. [REVIEW]Helen Nissenbaum - 1998 - Law and Philosophy 17 (s 5-6):559-596.
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  • Why privacy is important.James Rachels - 1975 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 4 (4):323-333.
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  • Privacy, the workplace and the internet.Seumas Miller & John Weckert - 2000 - Journal of Business Ethics 28 (3):255 - 265.
    This paper examines workplace surveillance and monitoring. It is argued that privacy is a moral right, and while such surveillance and monitoring can be justified in some circumstances, there is a presumption against the infringement of privacy. An account of privacy precedes consideration of various arguments frequently given for the surveillance and monitoring of employees, arguments which look at the benefits, or supposed benefits, to employees as well as to employers. The paper examines the general monitoring of work, and the (...)
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  • Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology.Ferdinand David Schoeman (ed.) - 1984 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    The aim of compiling the various essays presented here is to make readily accessible many of the most significant and influential discussions of privacy to be found in the literature. In addition to being representative of the diversity of attitudes toward privacy, this collection has a coherence that results from the authors' focus on the same issues and theories. The main issue addressed in this book is the moral significance of privacy. Some social science and legal treatments are included because (...)
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  • Uneasy Access: Privacy for Women in a Free Society.Anita L. Allen - 1988 - Rowman & Littlefield Publishers.
    'Anita L. Allen breaks new ground...A stunning indictment of women's status in contemporary society, her book provides vital original scholarly research and insight.' |s-NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN.
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  • (1 other version)Privacy and intimate information.Ferdinand Schoeman - 1984 - In Ferdinand David Schoeman (ed.), Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 403--408.
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  • A new definition of privacy for the law.W. A. Parent - 1983 - Law and Philosophy 2 (3):305 - 338.
    The paper begins with a defence of a new definition of privacy as the absence of undocumented personal knowledge. In the middle section, I criticise alternative accounts of privacy. Finally, I show how my definition can be worked into contemporary American Law.
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  • Intimacy and privacy.Robert S. Gerstein - 1978 - Ethics 89 (1):76-81.
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  • The economics of justice.Richard A. Posner (ed.) - 1981 - Cambridge: Harvard University Press.
    In this book, he applies economic theory to four areas of interest to students of social and legal institutions: the theory of justice, primitive and ancient ...
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  • Worker autonomy and the drama of digital networks in organizations.Philip Brey - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 22 (1):15 - 25.
    This essay considers the impact of digital networks in organizations on worker autonomy. Worker autonomy, the control that workers have over their own work situation, is claimed in this essay to be a key determinant for the quality of work, as well as an important moral goal. Digital networks pose significant threats to worker autonomy as well as opportunities for its enhancement. In this essay, the notion of worker autonomy is analyzed and evaluated for its importance and moral relevance. It (...)
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  • Genetic information, rights, and autonomy.Matti Häyry & Tuija Takala - 2001 - Theoretical Medicine and Bioethics 22 (5):403-414.
    Rights, autonomy, privacy, and confidentialityare concepts commonly used in discussionsconcerning genetic information. When theseconcepts are thought of as denoting absolutenorms and values which cannot be overriden byother considerations, conflicts among themnaturally occur.In this paper, these and related notions areexamined in terms of the duties and obligationsmedical professionals and their clients canhave regarding genetic knowledge. It issuggested that while the prevailing idea ofautonomy is unhelpful in the analysis of theseduties, and the ensuing rights, an alternativereading of personal self-determination canprovide a firmer (...)
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  • Review of Ferdinand David Schoeman: Philosophical Dimensions of Privacy: An Anthology[REVIEW]Carl F. Cranor - 1986 - Ethics 96 (3):643-645.
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  • (1 other version)Feminism, democracy and the right to privacy.Annabelle Lever - 2005 - Minerva - An Internet Journal of Philosophy 9 (1).
    This article argues that people have legitimate interests in privacy that deserve legal protection on democratic principles. It describes the right to privacy as a bundle of rights of solitude, intimacy and confidentiality and shows that, so described, people have legitimate interests in privacy. These interests are both personal and political, and provide the grounds for two different justifications of privacy rights. Though both are based on democratic concerns for the freedom and equality of individuals, these two justifications for privacy (...)
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  • (1 other version)Situating workplace surveillance: Ethics and computer based performance monitoring. [REVIEW]Kirstie S. Ball - 2001 - Ethics and Information Technology 3 (3):209-221.
    This paper examines the study of computer basedperformance monitoring (CBPM) in the workplaceas an issue dominated by questions of ethics.Its central contention paper is that anyinvestigation of ethical monitoring practice isinadequate if it simply applies best practiceguidelines to any one context to indicate,whether practice is, on balance, ethical or not. The broader social dynamics of access toprocedural and distributive justice examinedthrough a fine grained approach to the study ofworkplace social relations, and workplaceidentity construction, are also important here. This has three (...)
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  • (4 other versions)Shame and Necessity.Bernard Williams - 1993 - Philosophy 69 (270):507-509.
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  • [Book review] legislating privacy, technology, social values, and public policy. [REVIEW]Priscilla M. Regan - 1998 - Business Ethics Quarterly 8 (4):723-742.
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