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  1. Professional Hubris and its Consequences: Why Organizations of Health‐Care Professions Should Not Adopt Ethically Controversial Positions.Eric Vogelstein - 2015 - Bioethics 30 (4):234-243.
    In this article, I argue that professional healthcare organizations such as the AMA and ANA ought not to take controversial stances on professional ethics. I address the best putative arguments in favor of taking such stances, and argue that none are convincing. I then argue that the sort of stance-taking at issue has pernicious consequences: it stands to curb critical thought in social, political, and legal debates, increase moral distress among clinicians, and alienate clinicians from their professional societies. Thus, because (...)
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  • Trust increases euthanasia acceptance: a multilevel analysis using the European Values Study.Vanessa Köneke - 2014 - BMC Medical Ethics 15 (1):86.
    This study tests how various kinds of trust impact attitudes toward euthanasia among the general public. The indication that trust might have an impact on euthanasia attitudes is based on the slippery slope argument, which asserts that allowing euthanasia might lead to abuses and involuntary deaths. Adopting this argument usually leads to less positive attitudes towards euthanasia. Tying in with this, it is assumed here that greater trust diminishes such slippery slope fears, and thereby increases euthanasia acceptance.
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  • The internal morality of medicine: Explication and application to managed care.Howard Brody & Franklin G. Miller - 1998 - Journal of Medicine and Philosophy 23 (4):384 – 410.
    Some ethical issues facing contemporary medicine cannot be fully understood without addressing medicine's internal morality. Medicine as a profession is characterized by certain moral goals and morally acceptable means for achieving those goals. The list of appropriate goals and means allows some medical actions to be classified as clear violations of the internal morality, and others as borderline or controversial cases. Replies are available for common objections, including the superfluity of internal morality for ethical analysis, the argument that internal morality (...)
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  • (1 other version)A Defence of Conscientious Objection in Medicine: A Reply to Schuklenk and Savulescu.Christopher Cowley - 2016 - Bioethics 30 (4):358-364.
    In a recent Bioethics editorial, Udo Schuklenk argues against allowing Canadian doctors to conscientiously object to any new euthanasia procedures approved by Parliament. In this he follows Julian Savulescu's 2006 BMJ paper which argued for the removal of the conscientious objection clause in the 1967 UK Abortion Act. Both authors advance powerful arguments based on the need for uniformity of service and on analogies with reprehensible kinds of personal exemption. In this article I want to defend the practice of conscientious (...)
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  • The Efficacy of Professional Ethics The AMA Code of Ethis in Historical and Current Perspective.Robert Baker & Linda Emanuel - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (4):S13.
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  • (1 other version)In praise of the profession.Matthias Kettner & Friedrich Heubel - 2012 - Ethik in der Medizin 24 (2):137-146.
    Wir möchten der Charter on Medical Professionalism, die wir für vorbildlich halten, eine durchdachte Anreicherung hinzufügen. Wir beginnen mit einer skeptischen Note gegen das verbreitete theoretische Vorurteil, die wichtigsten Probleme im Gesundheitssystem seien Gerechtigkeitsprobleme und diese seien theoretisch gut beherrschbar. Unter Bezug auf Norman Daniels, der John Rawls’ Theorie der politischen Gerechtigkeit auf die Bewertung und Gestaltung von Gesundheitssystemen anwendet, sowie auf die biomedizinische Ethik, die von Beauchamp und Childress vertreten wird, analysieren wir das komplexe Verhältnis zwischen moralischer Integrität von (...)
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  • The making of British bioethics.Duncan Wilson - 2014 - Manchester: Manchester University Press.
    The Making of British Bioethics provides the first in-depth study of how philosophers, lawyers and other 'outsiders' came to play a major role in discussing and helping to regulate issues that used to be left to doctors and scientists. It details how British bioethics emerged thanks to a dynamic interplay between sociopolitical concerns and the aims of specific professional groups and individuals who helped create the demand for outside involvement and transformed themselves into influential 'ethics experts'. Highlighting this interplay helps (...)
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  • Rechtliche Verbotsvorschläge der ärztlichen Unterstützung bei der Selbsttötung von schwerkranken Patienten: Kritische Überlegungen aus rechtlicher und ethischer Perspektive.Tanja Henking & Jochen Vollmann - 2016 - Ethik in der Medizin 28 (2):121-134.
    ZusammenfassungIn der aktuellen ethischen Debatte über die ärztliche Unterstützung bei der Selbsttötung von schwerkranken Patienten werden von unterschiedlicher Seite strafrechtliche Verbote gefordert. Ging es zunächst in der politischen Debatte ausschließlich um das Verbot organisierter Formen der Beihilfe zur Selbsttötung, werden nunmehr einerseits auch weitergehende strafrechtliche Verbote bis hin zum Verbot jeder Form von Beihilfehandlungen wie andererseits die ausdrückliche Zulassung der Suizidbeihilfe durch Ärzte gefordert. Ausgehend vom Ansatz, ein Verbot der Suizidassistenz im Strafgesetzbuch aufzunehmen, zeigt der Artikel, dass die Straflosigkeit von (...)
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  • Professional Values in Modern Clinical Practice.Mark A. Siegler - 2000 - Hastings Center Report 30 (S1):19-22.
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  • The Unmasking of Medicine.Ian Kennedy - 1981 - Allen & Unwin Australia.
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