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  1. Elements of Episodic Memory.Endel Tulving - 1983 - Oxford University Press.
    Elements of Episodic Memory is a classic text in the psychology literature. It had a significant influence on research in the area has been much sought after in recent years. Finally, it has now been made available again with this reissue, the text unchanged from the original.
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  • Causality: Models, Reasoning and Inference.Judea Pearl - 2000 - Tijdschrift Voor Filosofie 64 (1):201-202.
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  • The magical number 4 in short-term memory: A reconsideration of mental storage capacity.Nelson Cowan - 2001 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 24 (1):87-114.
    Miller (1956) summarized evidence that people can remember about seven chunks in short-term memory (STM) tasks. However, that number was meant more as a rough estimate and a rhetorical device than as a real capacity limit. Others have since suggested that there is a more precise capacity limit, but that it is only three to five chunks. The present target article brings together a wide variety of data on capacity limits suggesting that the smaller capacity limit is real. Capacity limits (...)
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  • Neural mechanisms of selective visual attention.R. Desimone & J. Duncan - 1995 - Annual Review of Neuroscience 18 (1):193-222.
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  • A framework for consciousness.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 2003 - Nature Neuroscience 6:119-26.
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  • The Number Sense: How the Mind Creates Mathematics.Stanislas Dehaene - 1999 - British Journal of Educational Studies 47 (2):201-203.
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  • From covariation to causation: A causal power theory.Patricia Cheng - 1997 - Psychological Review 104 (2):367-405.
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  • (1 other version)Temporal binding and the neural correlates of sensory awareness.Andreas K. Engel & Wolf Singer - 2001 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 5 (1):16-25.
    Theories of binding have recently come into the focus of the consciousness debate. In this review, we discuss the potential relevance of temporal binding mechanisms for sensory awareness. Specifically, we suggest that neural synchrony with a precision in the millisecond range may be crucial for conscious processing, and may be involved in arousal, perceptual integration, attentional selection and working memory. Recent evidence from both animal and human studies demonstrates that specific changes in neuronal synchrony occur during all of these processes (...)
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  • Are we aware of neural activity in primary visual cortex.Francis Crick & Christof Koch - 1995 - Nature 375:121-23.
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  • A mechanism for cognitive dynamics: neuronal communication through neuronal coherence.Pascal Fries - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (10):474-480.
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  • (1 other version)The Oxford companion to the mind.Richard Langton Gregory (ed.) - 2004 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    The Oxford Companion to the Mind is a classic. Published in 1987, to huge acclaim, it immediately took its place as the indispensable guide to the mysteries - and idiosyncracies - of the human mind. In no other book can the reader find discussions of concepts such as language, memory, and intelligence, side by side with witty definitions of common human experiences such as the 'cocktail-party' and 'halo' effects, and the least effort principle. Richard Gregory again brings his wit, wisdom, (...)
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  • Varieties of numerical abilities.Stanislas Dehaene - 1992 - Cognition 44 (1-2):1-42.
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  • Persistent activity in the prefrontal cortex during working memory.Clayton E. Curtis & Mark D'Esposito - 2003 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 7 (9):415-423.
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  • Contributions of memory circuits to language: the declarative/procedural model.Michael T. Ullman - 2004 - Cognition 92 (1-2):231-270.
    The structure of the brain and the nature of evolution suggest that, despite its uniqueness, language likely depends on brain systems that also subserve other functions. The declarative / procedural model claims that the mental lexicon of memorized word- specific knowledge depends on the largely temporal-lobe substrates of declarative memory, which underlies the storage and use of knowledge of facts and events. The mental grammar, which subserves the rule-governed combination of lexical items into complex representations, depends on a distinct neural (...)
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  • Parietal lobe contributions to episodic memory retrieval.A. D. Wagner, B. J. Shannon, I. Kahn & R. L. Buckner - 2005 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 9 (9):445-453.
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  • Remembering the past and imagining the future: A neural model of spatial memory and imagery.Patrick Byrne, Suzanna Becker & Neil Burgess - 2007 - Psychological Review 114 (2):340-375.
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  • A Neurofunctional Theory of Consciousness.Jesse J. Prinz - 2005 - In Andrew Brook & Kathleen Akins, Cognition and the Brain: The Philosophy and Neuroscience Movement. New York: Cambridge University Press. pp. 381-396.
    Reading the philosophical literature on consciousness, one might get the idea that there is just one problem in consciousness studies, the hard problem. That would be a mistake. There are other problems; some are more tractable, but none are easy, and all interesting. The literature on the hard problem gives the impression that we have made little progress. Consciousness is just an excuse to work and re-work familiar positions on the mind-body problem. But progress is being made elsewhere. Researchers are (...)
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  • Dedicated and intrinsic models of time perception.Richard B. Ivry & John E. Schlerf - 2008 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 12 (7):273-280.
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  • Relationships between the superior colliculus and hippocampus: Neural and behavioral considerations.Nigel Foreman & Robin Stevens - 1987 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 10 (1):101-119.
    Theories of superior collicular and hippocampal function have remarkable similarities. Both structures have been repeatedly implicated in spatial and attentional behaviour and in inhibitory control of locomotion. Moreover, they share certain electrophysiological properties in their single unit responses and in the synchronous appearance and disappearance of slow wave activity. Both are phylogenetically old and the colliculus projects strongly to brainstem nuclei instrumental in the generation of theta rhythm in the hippocampal EECOn the other hand, close inspection of behavioural and electrophysiological (...)
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  • Space and the parietal cortex.Masud Husain & Parashkev Nachev - 2007 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 11 (1):30-36.
    Current views of the parietal cortex have difficulty accommodating the human inferior parietal lobe (IPL) within a simple dorsal versus ventral stream dichotomy. In humans, lesions of the right IPL often lead to syndromes such as hemispatial neglect that are seemingly in accord with the proposal that this region has a crucial role in spatial processing. However, recent imaging and lesion studies have revealed that inferior parietal regions have non-spatial functions, such as in sustaining attention, detecting salient events embedded in (...)
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  • Feedback contributions to visual awareness in human occipital cortex.Tony Ro, Bruno Breitmeyer, Philip Burton, Neel S. Singhal & David Lane - 2003 - Current Biology 13 (12):1038-1041.
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  • Meta-analysis: how does posterior parietal cortex contribute to reasoning?Carter Wendelken - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Conditional reasoning and causation.Denise D. Cummins, Todd Lubart, Olaf Alksnis & Robert Rist - 1991 - Memory and Cognition 19 (3):274-282.
    An experiment was conducted to investigate the relative contributions of syntactic form and content to conditional reasoning. The content domain chosen was that of causation. Conditional statements that described causal relationships were embedded in simple arguments whose entailments are governed by the rules -of truth-functional logic. The causal statements differed in terms of the number of alternative causes and disabling conditions that characterized the causal relationship. Subjects were required to judge whether or not each argument’s conclusion could be accepted. Judgments (...)
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  • Neural correlates of causal power judgments.Denise Dellarosa Cummins - 2014 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 8.
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  • Recollection, familiarity, and content-sensitivity in lateral parietal cortex: a high-resolution fMRI study.Jeffrey D. Johnson, Maki Suzuki & Michael D. Rugg - 2013 - Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 7.
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  • Dynamic Network Connectivity: A new form of neuroplasticity.Amy F. T. Arnsten, Constantinos D. Paspalas, Nao J. Gamo, Yang Yang & Min Wang - 2010 - Trends in Cognitive Sciences 14 (8):365-375.
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  • The Emergence of Emotions.Richard Sieb - 2013 - Activitas Nervosa Superior 55 (4):115-145.
    Emotion is conscious experience. It is the affective aspect of consciousness. Emotion arises from sensory stimulation and is typically accompanied by physiological and behavioral changes in the body. Hence an emotion is a complex reaction pattern consisting of three components: a physiological component, a behavioral component, and an experiential (conscious) component. The reactions making up an emotion determine what the emotion will be recognized as. Three processes are involved in generating an emotion: (1) identification of the emotional significance of a (...)
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