- Mind in Life: Biology, Phenomenology, and the Sciences of Mind.Evan Thompson - 2007 - Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press.details
The human condition [selections].Hannah Arendt - 2013 - In Timothy C. Campbell & Adam Sitze (eds.), Biopolitics: A Reader. Durham: Duke University Press.details
The Imaginary Institution of Society.Cornelius Castoriadis - 1997 - MIT Press.details
World in fragments: writings on politics, society, psychoanalysis, and the imagination.Cornelius Castoriadis - 1997 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press. Edited by David Ames Curtis.details
Philosophy, Politics, Autonomy: Essays in political philosophy.Cornelius Castoriadis - 1991 - New York: Oxford University Press. Edited by David Ames Curtis.details
Figures of the thinkable.Cornelius Castoriadis - 2007 - Stanford, Calif.: Stanford University Press.details
An Adequate Education in a Globalised World? A Note on Immunisation Against Being–Together.Jan Masschelein & Maarten Simons - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (4):589-608.details
The State Of The Subject Today.Cornelius Castoriadis - 1989 - Thesis Eleven 24 (1):5-43.details
Castoriadis at the limits of autonomy? Ecological worldhood and the hermeneutic of modernity.Suzi Adams - 2012 - European Journal of Social Theory 15 (3):313-329.details
Editorial.Paul Standish - 2002 - Journal of Philosophy of Education 36 (2):3-4.details
Postscript on Insignificance: Dialogues with Cornelius Castoriadis, Trans. Gabriel Rockhill, John Garner, et alii.Cornelius Castoriadis & Gabriel Rockhill - 2010 - Continuum. Edited by Cornelius Castoriadis. Translated by Gabriel Rockhill & John V. Garner.details