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  1. (1 other version)The social construction of reality: a treatise in the sociology of knowledge.Peter Berger & Thomas Luckmann - 1966 - New York: Anchor Books. Edited by Thomas Luckmann.
    This book reformulates the sociological subdiscipline known as the sociology of knowledge. Knowledge is presented as more than ideology, including as well false consciousness, propaganda, science and art.
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  • Caring: A Feminine Approach to Ethics and Moral Education.Nel Noddings - 1984 - University of California Press.
    What is at the basis of moral action? An altruism acquired by the application of rule and principle? Or, as Noddings asserts, caring and the memory of being cared for? With numerous examples to supplement her rich theoretical discussion, Noddings builds a compelling philosophical argument for an ethics based on natural caring, as in the care of a mother for her child. The ethical behavior that grows out of natural caring, and has as its core care-filled receptivity to those involved (...)
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  • (1 other version)Maternal thinking: towards a politics of peace.Sara Ruddick - 1989 - London: The Women's Press.
    The most popular uniting theme in feminist peace literature grounds women's peace work in mothering. I argue if maternal arguments do not address the variety of relationships different races and classes of mothers have to institutional violence and/or the military, then the resulting peace politics can only draw incomplete conclusions about the relationships between maternal work/thinking and peace. To illustrate this I compare two models of mothering: Sara Ruddick's decription of "maternal practice" and Patricia Hill Collins's account of racial-ethnic women's (...)
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  • Situating the Self: Gender, Community, and Postmodernism in Contemporary Ethics.Seyla Benhabib - 1992 - New York: Polity.
    Focusing on contemporary debates in moral and political theory, Situating the Self argues that a non-relative ethics, binding on us in virtue of out humanity, is still a philosophically viable project. This intersting new book should be read by all those concerned with the problems of critical theory, the analysis of modernity, and contemporary ethics, as well as students and professionals in philosophy, sociology and political science.
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  • Capabilities as Fundamental Entitlements: Sen and Social Justice.Martha Nussbaum - 2003 - Feminist Economics 9 (2-3):33-59.
    Amartya Sen has made a major contribution to the theory of social justice, and of gender justice, by arguing that capabilities are the relevant space of comparison when justice-related issues are considered. This article supports Sen's idea, arguing that capabilities supply guidance superior to that of utility and resources (the view's familiar opponents), but also to that of the social contract tradition, and at least some accounts of human rights. But I argue that capabilities can help us to construct a (...)
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  • Feminist morality: transforming culture, society, and politics.Virginia Held - 1993 - Chicago: University of Chicago Press.
    How is feminism changing the way women and men think, feel, and act? Virginia Held explores how feminist theory is changing contemporary views of moral choice. She proposes a comprehensive philosophy of feminist ethics, arguing persuasively for reconceptualizations of the self of relations between the self and others and of images of birth and death, nurturing and violence. Held shows how social, political, and cultural institutions have traditionally been founded upon masculine ideals of morality. She then identifies a distinct feminist (...)
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  • Black Feminist Thought: Knowledge, Consciousness, and the Politics of Empowerment.Patricia Hill Collins - 1990 - London: Routledge.
    In Black Feminist Thought, Patricia Hill Collins explores the words and ideas of Black feminist intellectuals as well as those African-American women outside academe. She not only provides an interpretive framework for the work of such prominent Black feminist thinkers as Angela Davis, Alice Walker, and Audre Lorde, but she shows the importance of self-defined knowledge for group empowerment. In the tenth anniversary edition of this award-winning work, Patricia Hill Collins expands the basic arguments of the first edition by adding (...)
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  • In a Different Voice: Psychological Theory and Women’s Development.Carol Gilligan - 1982 - The Personalist Forum 2 (2):150-152.
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  • Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing.Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo (eds.) - 1989 - New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
    The essays in this interdisciplinary collection share the conviction that modern western paradigms of knowledge and reality are gender-biased.
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  • Toward a Feminist Theory of the State.Catharine A. MacKinnon - 1989 - Harvard University Press.
    "Toward a Feminist Theory of the State" presents Catharine MacKinnon's powerful analysis of politics, sexuality, and the law from the perspective of women.
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  • (1 other version)On the Harmony of Feminist Ethics and Business Ethics.Janet L. Borgerson - 2007 - Business and Society Review 112 (4):477-509.
    If business requires ethical solutions that are viable in the liminal landscape between concepts and corporate office, then business ethics and corporate social responsibility should offer tools that can survive the trek, that flourish in this well-traveled, but often unarticulated, environment. Indeed, feminist ethics produces, accesses, and engages such tools. However, work in BE and CSR consistently conflates feminist ethics and feminine ethics and care ethics. I offer clarification and invoke the analytic power of three feminist ethicists 'in action' whose (...)
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  • Caring as a feminist practice of moral reason.Alison Jaggar - 1995 - In Virginia Held, Justice and care: essential readings in feminist ethics. Boulder, Colo.: Westview Press. pp. 179--202.
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  • A Critique of Postcolonial Reason: Toward a History of the Vanishing Present.Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak - 1999 - Harvard University Press.
    Are the “culture wars” over? When did they begin? What is their relationship to gender struggle and the dynamics of class? In her first full treatment of postcolonial studies, a field that she helped define, Gayatri Chakravorty Spivak, one of the world’s foremost literary theorists, poses these questions from within the postcolonial enclave. “We cannot merely continue to act out the part of Caliban,” Spivak writes; and her book is an attempt to understand and describe a more responsible role for (...)
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  • Feminist Morality: Transforming Culture, Society, and Politics.Ann E. Cudd - 1995 - Philosophical Review 104 (4):611.
    Virginia Held argues that feminism has a distinct contribution to make to morality, one that will transform theory and society by beginning from the experiences of women and children. Her main thesis is that the mother-child relation should be taken as the primary moral relation and the model, at least initially, for all other relations in society. She spends the first four of the ten chapters of this book arguing for the distinctness of feminist moral theory; then chapters 5-7, chapter (...)
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  • Love and Knowledge: Emotion as an Epistemic Resource for Feminists.Alison M. Jaggar - 1989 - In Alison M. Jaggar & Susan Bordo, Gender/body/knowledge: feminist reconstructions of being and knowing. New Brunswick, N.J.: Rutgers University Press.
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  • Women, Culture, and Development: A Study of Human Capabilities.Neera K. Badhwar - 1997 - Ethics and the Environment 2 (1):91-94.
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  • Sexual/textual Politics: Feminist Literary Theory.Toril Moi - 2002 - Psychology Press.
    This book examines the strengths and limitations of the two main strands in feminist criticism, the Anglo-American and the French, paying particular attention to the works of Cixous, Irigaray and Kristeva.What are the political implications of a feminist critical practice? How do the problems of the literary text relate to the priorities and perspectives of feminist politics as a whole?Sexual/Textual Politics addresses these fundamental questions and examines the strengths and limitations of the two main strands in feminist criticism, the Anglo-American (...)
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  • Outlaw Culture: Resisting Representations.Bell Hooks - 2006 - Routledge.
    Controversial and polemical, this work targets cultural icons as diverse as Madonna and Spike Lee, and presents a collection of feminist explorations that pulls no punches.
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  • Review of Catharine A. MacKinnon: Toward a Feminist Theory of the State[REVIEW]Michael J. Meyer - 1991 - Ethics 101 (4):881-883.
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  • Review: Constructing "Maternal Thinking". [REVIEW]Jean P. Rumsey - 1990 - Hypatia 5 (3):125-131.
    Sara Ruddick's Maternal Thinking represents a great contribution to moral philosophy-in particular, by bringing women's "private" virtues into the public sphere. However, there remain problems in the analysis which need to be addressed: How can one possibly generalize about the practice of mothering from one, necessarily limited, perspective, given the facts of cultural diversity? Is Ruddick's normative account of mothering congruent with the reflective judgments of others? Is her account of the transformation of parochial mothering into feminist peace work viable? (...)
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  • Women, the Longest Revolution: Essays on Feminism, Literature, and Psychoanalysis.Juliet Mitchell - 1984 - Virago Press.
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