- Science, truth, and democracy.Philip Kitcher - 2001 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
Public Opinion. By Charles E. Merriam. [REVIEW]Walter Lippmann - 1922 - International Journal of Ethics 33:210.details
(3 other versions)Science, Truth, and Democracy.A. Bird - 2003 - Mind 112 (448):746-749.details
The Social Study of Science before Kuhn.Stephen Turner - 2007 - In Edward Hackett, Olga Amsterdamska, Michael Lynch & Judy Wajcman (eds.), The Handbook of Science and Technology Studies. MIT Press. pp. 33-62.details
(2 other versions)Public Opinion.Charles E. Merriam - 1923 - International Journal of Ethics 33 (2):210-212.details
Expertise and Political Responsibility: The Columbia Shuttle Catastrophe.Stephen Turner - 2005 - In Sabine Maasen & Peter Weingart (eds.), Democratization of expertise?: exploring novel forms of scientific advice in political decision-making. London: Springer. pp. 101-12.details
The trouble with experts–and why democracies need them.Michael Schudson - 2006 - Theory and Society 35 (5-6):491-506.details
"Net Effects": A Short History.Stephen Turner - 1997 - In Vaughn R. McKim & Stephen P. Turner (eds.), Causality In Crisis?: Statistical Methods & Search for Causal Knowledge in Social Sciences. Notre Dame Press. pp. 23-45.details
What is the Problem with Experts?Stephen Turner - 2001 - Social Studies of Science 31 (1):123-149.details
Scientists as Agents.Stephen Turner - 2001 - In P. Mirowski & E. M. Sent (eds.), Science Bought and Sold. University of Chicago Press. pp. 362-384.details