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  1. (2 other versions)Set Theory.T. Jech - 2005 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 11 (2):243-245.
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  • Set-theoretic geology.Gunter Fuchs, Joel David Hamkins & Jonas Reitz - 2015 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 166 (4):464-501.
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  • The Ground Axiom.Jonas Reitz - 2007 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 72 (4):1299 - 1317.
    A new axiom is proposed, the Ground Axiom, asserting that the universe is not a nontrivial set forcing extension of any inner model. The Ground Axiom is first-order expressible, and any model of ZFC has a class forcing extension which satisfies it. The Ground Axiom is independent of many well-known set-theoretic assertions including the Generalized Continuum Hypothesis, the assertion V=HOD that every set is ordinal definable, and the existence of measurable and supercompact cardinals. The related Bedrock Axiom, asserting that the (...)
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  • Certain very large cardinals are not created in small forcing extensions.Richard Laver - 2007 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 149 (1-3):1-6.
    The large cardinal axioms of the title assert, respectively, the existence of a nontrivial elementary embedding j:Vλ→Vλ, the existence of such a j which is moreover , and the existence of such a j which extends to an elementary j:Vλ+1→Vλ+1. It is known that these axioms are preserved in passing from a ground model to a small forcing extension. In this paper the reverse directions of these preservations are proved. Also the following is shown : if V is a model (...)
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  • A simple maximality principle.Joel Hamkins - 2003 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 68 (2):527-550.
    In this paper, following an idea of Christophe Chalons. I propose a new kind of forcing axiom, the Maximality Principle, which asserts that any sentence varphi holding in some forcing extension $V^P$ and all subsequent extensions $V^{P\ast Q}$ holds already in V. It follows, in fact, that such sentences must also hold in all forcing extensions of V. In modal terms, therefore, the Maximality Principle is expressed by the scheme $(\lozenge \square \varphi) \Rightarrow \square \varphi$ , and is equivalent to (...)
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  • On the Hamkins approximation property.William J. Mitchell - 2006 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 144 (1-3):126-129.
    We give a short proof of a lemma which generalizes both the main lemma from the original construction in the author’s thesis of a model with no ω2-Aronszajn trees, and also the “Key Lemma” in Hamkins’ gap forcing theorems. The new lemma directly yields Hamkins’ newer lemma stating that certain forcing notions have the approximation property.
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  • Superstrong and other large cardinals are never Laver indestructible.Joan Bagaria, Joel David Hamkins, Konstantinos Tsaprounis & Toshimichi Usuba - 2016 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 55 (1-2):19-35.
    Superstrong cardinals are never Laver indestructible. Similarly, almost huge cardinals, huge cardinals, superhuge cardinals, rank-into-rank cardinals, extendible cardinals, 1-extendible cardinals, 0-extendible cardinals, weakly superstrong cardinals, uplifting cardinals, pseudo-uplifting cardinals, superstrongly unfoldable cardinals, Σn-reflecting cardinals, Σn-correct cardinals and Σn-extendible cardinals are never Laver indestructible. In fact, all these large cardinal properties are superdestructible: if κ exhibits any of them, with corresponding target θ, then in any forcing extension arising from nontrivial strategically <κ-closed forcing Q∈Vθ\documentclass[12pt]{minimal} \usepackage{amsmath} \usepackage{wasysym} \usepackage{amsfonts} \usepackage{amssymb} \usepackage{amsbsy} \usepackage{mathrsfs} \usepackage{upgreek} (...)
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  • The long extender algebra.Ralf Schindler - 2018 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 57 (1-2):73-82.
    Generalizing Woodin’s extender algebra, cf. e.g. Steel Handbook of set theory, Springer, Berlin, 2010), we isolate the long extender algebra as a general version of Bukowský’s forcing, cf. Bukovský, in the presence of a supercompact cardinal.
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  • On the Set-Generic Multiverse.Sy-David Friedman, Sakaé Fuchino & Hiroshi Sakai - 2018 - In Carolin Antos, Sy-David Friedman, Radek Honzik & Claudio Ternullo, The Hyperuniverse Project and Maximality. Basel, Switzerland: Birkhäuser. pp. 109-124.
    The forcing method is a powerful tool to prove the consistency of set-theoretic assertions relative to the consistency of the axioms of set theory. Laver’s theorem and Bukovský’s theorem assert that set-generic extensions of a given ground model constitute a quite reasonable and sufficiently general class of standard models of set-theory.In Sects. 2 and 3 of this note, we give a proof of Bukovsky’s theorem in a modern setting ). In Sect. 4 we check that the multiverse of set-generic extensions (...)
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