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  1. 33. Lying: Moral Choice in Public and Private Life.Sissela Bok - 2014 - In Bernard Williams (ed.), Essays and Reviews: 1959-2002. Princeton: Princeton University Press. pp. 161-165.
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  • Expressivity and completeness for public update logics via reduction axioms.Barteld Kooi - 2007 - Journal of Applied Non-Classical Logics 17 (2):231-253.
    In this paper, we present several extensions of epistemic logic with update operators modelling public information change. Next to the well-known public announcement operators, we also study public substitution operators. We prove many of the results regarding expressivity and completeness using so-called reduction axioms. We develop a general method for using reduction axioms and apply it to the logics at hand.
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  • Reasoning about knowledge.Ronald Fagin, Joseph Y. Halpern, Yoram Moses & Moshe Vardi - 2003 - Cambridge: MIT Press.
    Reasoning About Knowledge is the first book to provide a general discussion of approaches to reasoning about knowledge and its applications to distributed ...
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  • Lying: moral choice in public and private life.Sissela Bok - 1978 - New York: Vintage Books.
    A thoughtful addition to the growing debate over public and private morality. Looks at lying and deception in law, family, medicine, government.
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  • Logics for epistemic programs.Alexandru Baltag & Lawrence S. Moss - 2004 - Synthese 139 (2):165 - 224.
    We construct logical languages which allow one to represent a variety of possible types of changes affecting the information states of agents in a multi-agent setting. We formalize these changes by defining a notion of epistemic program. The languages are two-sorted sets that contain not only sentences but also actions or programs. This is as in dynamic logic, and indeed our languages are not significantly more complicated than dynamic logics. But the semantics is more complicated. In general, the semantics of (...)
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  • Dynamic Update with Probabilities.Johan Benthem, Jelle Gerbrandy & Barteld Kooi - 2009 - Studia Logica 93 (1):67-96.
    Current dynamic-epistemic logics model different types of information change in multi-agent scenarios. We generalize these logics to a probabilistic setting, obtaining a calculus for multi-agent update with three natural slots: prior probability on states, occurrence probabilities in the relevant process taking place, and observation probabilities of events. To match this update mechanism, we present a complete dynamic logic of information change with a probabilistic character. The completeness proof follows a compositional methodology that applies to a much larger class of dynamic-probabilistic (...)
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  • The Surprise Examination in Dynamic Epistemic Logic.J. Gerbrandy - 2007 - Synthese 155 (1):21-33.
    We examine the paradox of the surprise examination using dynamic epistemic logic. This logic contains means of expressing epistemic facts as well as the effects of learning new facts, and is therefore a natural framework for representing the puzzle. We discuss a number of different interpretations of the puzzle in this context, and show how the failure of principle of success, that states that sentences, when learned, remain to be true and come to be believed, plays a central role in (...)
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  • Logics of Communication and Change. van Benthem, Johan, van Eijck, Jan & Kooi, Barteld - unknown
    Current dynamic epistemic logics for analyzing effects of informational events often become cumbersome and opaque when common knowledge is added for groups of agents. Still, postconditions involving common knowledge are essential to successful multi-agent communication. We propose new systems that extend the epistemic base language with a new notion of ‘relativized common knowledge’, in such a way that the resulting full dynamic logic of information flow allows for a compositional analysis of all epistemic postconditions via perspicuous ‘reduction axioms’. We also (...)
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  • Propositional Dynamic Logic as a Logic of Belief Revision Vol. 5110 Lnai.Jan van Eijck & Yanjing Wang - 2008
    This paper shows how propositional dynamic logic can be interpreted as a logic for multi-agent belief revision. For that we revise and extend the logic of communication and change of [9]. Like LCC, our logic uses PDL as a base epistemic language. Unlike LCC, we start out from agent plausibilities, add their converses, and build knowledge and belief operators from these with the PDL constructs. We extend the update mechanism of LCC to an update mechanism that handles belief change as (...)
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