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  1. Implementing Business Ethics.Patrick E. Murphy - 1988 - Journal of Business Ethics 7 (12):907-915.
    This article outlines an approach for implementing business ethics. A company should both organize for ethical business policies and execute them. The organizational dimension refers to structural components including codes of ethics, conferences and training programs and an ethical audit. The corporate culture must support these structural elements with top management playing a central role in implementing ethics. The execution of ethical business policies includes implementation responsibilities and tasks. These responsibilities are leadership in ethics, delegation, communication and motivation of the (...)
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  • (1 other version)The challenge of ethical behavior in organizations.Ronald R. Sims - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (7):505 - 513.
    This paper is designed to do three things while discussing the challenge of ethical behavior in organization. First, it discusses some reasons why unethical behavior occurs in organization. Secondly, the paper highlights the importance of organizational culture in establishing an ethical climate within an organization. Finally, the paper presents some suggestions for creating and maintaining an ethically-oriented culture.
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  • The institutionalization of organizational ethics.Ronald R. Sims - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (7):493 - 506.
    The institutionalization of ethics is an important task for today's organizations if they are to effectively counteract the increasingly frequent occurrences of blatantly unethical and often illegal behavior within large and often highly respected organizations. This article discusses the importance of institutionalizing organizational ethics and emphasizes the importance of several variables (psychological contract, organizational commitment, and an ethically-oriented culture) to the institutionalization of ethics within any organization.... institutionalizing ethics may sound ponderous, but its meaning is straightforward. It means getting ethics (...)
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  • Are Corporations Institutionalizing Ethics?W. Michael Hoffman, Ann Lange, Jennifer Mills Moore, Karen Donovan, Paulette Mungillo, Aileene McDonagh, Paula Vanetti & Linda Ledoux - 1986 - Journal of Business Ethics 5 (2):85-91.
    Very little has been done to find out what corporations have done to build ethical values into their organizations. In this report on a survey of 1984 Fortune 1000 industrial and service companies the Center for Business Ethics reveals some facts regarding codes of ethics, ethics committees, social audits, ethics training programs, boards of directors, and other areas where corporations might institutionalize ethics. Based on the survey, the Center for Business Ethics is convinced that corporations are beginning to take steps (...)
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  • Fostering ethical marketing decisions.Gene R. Laczniak & Patrick E. Murphy - 1991 - Journal of Business Ethics 10 (4):259 - 271.
    This paper begins by examining several potentially unethical recent marketing practices. Since most marketing managers face ethical dilemmas during their careers, it is essential to study the moral consequences of these decisions. A typology of ways that managers might confront ethical issues is proposed. The significant organizational, personal and societal costs emanting from unethical behavior are also discussed. Both relatively simple frameworks and more comprehensive models for evaluating ethical decisions in marketing are summarized. Finally, the fact that organizational commitment to (...)
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  • Making codes of ethics 'real'.Peter J. Dean - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (4):285 - 290.
    This article outlines a training activity that can enable both business and governmental professionals to translate the principles in a code of ethics to a specific list of company-related behaviors ranging from highly ethical to highly unethical. It also explores how this list can become a concrete model to follow in making ethical decisions. The article begins with a discussion as to what will improve ethical decision making in business and government. This leads us to explore the factors that can (...)
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  • (1 other version)The Challenge of Ethical Behavior in Organizations.R. Sims Ronald - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (7):505-513.
    This paper is designed to do three things while discussing the challenge of ethical behavior in organization. First, it discusses some reasons why unethical behavior occurs in organization. Secondly, the paper highlights the importance of organizational culture in establishing an ethical climate within an organization. Finally, the paper presents some suggestions for creating and maintaining an ethically-oriented culture.
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  • A partnership model of corporate ethics.Greg Wood - 2002 - Journal of Business Ethics 40 (1):61 - 73.
    The stock market crash of 1987 had a profound effect on corporate Australia and the Australian community in general. The fall-out revealed that some of our most respected business figures had not been as ethical, or even as lawful, as we would have hoped. This impropriety produced in Australia an awakening to business ethics. Whilst many companies endeavoured to introduce ethical practices into their corporations, they perceived ethics as a way of minimising damage to the corporation and in some cases (...)
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  • The internal disclosure policies of private-sector employers: An initial look at their relationship to employee whistleblowing. [REVIEW]Tim Barnett, Daniel S. Cochran & G. Stephen Taylor - 1993 - Journal of Business Ethics 12 (2):127 - 136.
    Whistleblowers have usually been treated as outcasts by private-sector employers. But legal, ethical, and practical considerations increasingly compel companies to encourage employees to disclose suspected illegal and/or unethical activities throughinternal communication channels. Internal disclosure policies/procedures (IDPP''s) have been recommended as one way to encourage such communication.This study examined the relationship between IDPP''s and employee whistleblowing among private-sector employers. Almost 300 human resources executives provided data concerning their organizations'' experiences.
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  • Risk, information, and the decision about response to wrongdoing in an organization.David L. Mclain & John P. Keenan - 1999 - Journal of Business Ethics 19 (3):255 - 271.
    Response to wrongdoing is modeled as a decision process in an organizational context. The model is grounded in theory of risk, ambiguity, and informational influences on decision making. Time pressure, inadequate information and coworker influences are addressed. Along the way, a handful of propositions are provided which emphasize influences on the actual choice between response options.
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  • (1 other version)The Content and Focus of the Codes of Ethics of the World's Largest Transnational Corporations.Emily F. Carasco & Jang B. Singh - 2003 - Business and Society Review 108 (1):71-94.
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  • Can corporate codes of ethics influence behavior?Margaret Anne Cleek & Sherry Lynn Leonard - 1998 - Journal of Business Ethics 17 (6):619 - 630.
    There is increasing public interest in understanding the nature of corporate ethics due to the knowledge that unethical decisions and activities frequently undermine the performance and abilities of many organizations. Of the current literature found on the topic of ways organizations can influence ethical behavior, a majority is found on the issue of corporate codes of ethics.Most discussions on codes of ethics evaluate the contents of the codes and offer opinions on their wording, content, and/or value. Unfortunately, very little research (...)
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  • Management development and business ethics: A view from the U.k. [REVIEW]Patrick Maclagan - 1992 - Journal of Business Ethics 11 (4):321 - 328.
    This article is written in the context of current British interest in management training and development, in which an emphasis on competency is viewed critically, as technically oriented, with little attention paid to ethics and moral values. It is suggested that a concern for ethics in management development can be expressed in terms of four requisite management attributes or qualities: theoretical knowledge and understanding; affective qualities; personal and interpersonal skills; and self-knowledge. Following Kohlberg''s work on moral development, the cultivation of (...)
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  • Moral support structures in private industry -- the swedish case.Tomas Brytting - 1997 - Journal of Business Ethics 16 (7):663-697.
    This study was designed to survey the extent to which private companies in Sweden take structural measures within the field of business ethics: Codes of Ethics; Ethics Committees; Ethics Officers and Ethics Training. This was done in two steps. Through a nation-wide telephone survey, a population of "active" companies were identified. These companies received a questionnaire with detailed questions regarding the design, usage and effects of these measures. The percentage of active companies were found to be a high 46%. National (...)
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