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Philosophical papers.David Kellogg Lewis - 1983 - New York: Oxford University Press.details
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Philosophical Papers Volume I.David Kellogg Lewis - 1983 - New York, US: Oup Usa.details
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The Incomplete Universe: Totality, Knowledge, and Truth.Patrick Grim - 1991 - Cambridge: Mass.: Mit Press.details
The trouble with possible worlds.William G. Lycan - 1979 - In Michael J. Loux (ed.), The Possible and the actual: readings in the metaphysics of modality. Ithaca, N.Y.: Cornell University Press.details
Ways worlds could be.Peter Forrest - 1986 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 64 (1):15 – 24.details
The world is everything that is the case.M. J. Cresswell - 1972 - Australasian Journal of Philosophy 50 (1):1 – 13.details
The ontological ground of the alethic modality.Scott A. Shalkowski - 1994 - Philosophical Review 103 (4):669-688.details
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