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  1. The fine structure of the constructible hierarchy.R. Björn Jensen - 1972 - Annals of Mathematical Logic 4 (3):229.
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  • (1 other version)Square in core models.Ernest Schimmerling & Martin Zeman - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):305-314.
    We prove that in all Mitchell-Steel core models, □ κ holds for all κ. (See Theorem 2.). From this we obtain new consistency strength lower bounds for the failure of □ κ if κ is either singular and countably closed, weakly compact, or measurable. (Corallaries 5, 8, and 9.) Jensen introduced a large cardinal property that we call subcompactness; it lies between superstrength and supercompactness in the large cardinal hierarchy. We prove that in all Jensen core models, □ κ holds (...)
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  • Characterization of □κin core models.Ernest Schimmerling & Martin Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (01):1-72.
    We present a general construction of a □κ-sequence in Jensen's fine structural extender models. This construction yields a local definition of a canonical □κ-sequence as well as a characterization of those cardinals κ, for which the principle □κ fails. Such cardinals are called subcompact and can be described in terms of elementary embeddings. Our construction is carried out abstractly, making use only of a few fine structural properties of levels of the model, such as solidity and condensation.
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  • Covering theorems for the core model, and an application to stationary set reflection.Sean Cox - 2010 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 161 (1):66-93.
    We prove covering theorems for K, where K is the core model below the sharp for a strong cardinal, and give an application to stationary set reflection.
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  • Smooth categories and global □.Ronald B. Jensen & Martin Zeman - 2000 - Annals of Pure and Applied Logic 102 (1-2):101-138.
    We shall construct a smooth category of mice and embeddings in the core model for measures of order 0. The existence of such a category implies that the global principle □ holds in K. We then prove a much stronger, the so-called condensation-coherent version of global □. The key tool of the whole construction is a new criterion on preserving soundness under condensation.
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  • More fine structural global square sequences.Martin Zeman - 2009 - Archive for Mathematical Logic 48 (8):825-835.
    We extend the construction of a global square sequence in extender models from Zeman [8] to a construction of coherent non-threadable sequences and give a characterization of stationary reflection at inaccessibles similar to Jensen’s characterization in L.
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  • Dodd parameters and λ-indexing of extenders.Martin Zeman - 2004 - Journal of Mathematical Logic 4 (01):73-108.
    We study generalizations of Dodd parameters and establish their fine structural properties in Jensen extender models with λ-indexing. These properties are one of the key tools in various combinatorial constructions, such as constructions of square sequences and morasses.
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  • Hierarchies of forcing axioms I.Itay Neeman & Ernest Schimmerling - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (1):343-362.
    We prove new upper bound theorems on the consistency strengths of SPFA (θ), SPFA(θ-linked) and SPFA(θ⁺-cc). Our results are in terms of (θ, Γ)-subcompactness, which is a new large cardinal notion that combines the ideas behind subcompactness and Γ-indescribability. Our upper bound for SPFA(c-linked) has a corresponding lower bound, which is due to Neeman and appears in his follow-up to this paper. As a corollary, SPFA(c-linked) and PFA(c-linked) are each equiconsistent with the existence of a $\Sigma _{1}^{2}$ -indescribable cardinal. Our (...)
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  • (1 other version)Square In Core Models, By, Pages 305 -- 314.Ernest Schimmerling & Martin Zeman - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):305-314.
    We prove that in all Mitchell-Steel core models, □k holds for all k. From this we obtain new consistency strength lower bounds for the failure of □k if k is either singular and countably closed, weakly compact, or measurable. Jensen introduced a large cardinal property that we call subcompactness; it lies between superstrength and supercompactness in the large cardinal hierarchy. We prove that in all Jensen core models, □k holds iff k is not subcompact.
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  • (2 other versions)2001 annual meeting of the association for symbolic logic.Joan Feigenbaum, Haim Gaifman, Jean-Yves Girard, C. Ward Henson, Denis Hirschfeldt, Carl G. Jockusch Jr, Saul Kripke, Salma Kuhlmann, John C. Mitchell & Ernest Schimmerling - 2001 - Bulletin of Symbolic Logic 7 (3):420-435.
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  • Hierarchies of Forcing Axioms II.Itay Neeman - 2008 - Journal of Symbolic Logic 73 (2):522 - 542.
    A $\Sigma _{1}^{2}$ truth for λ is a pair 〈Q, ψ〉 so that Q ⊆ Hλ, ψ is a first order formula with one free variable, and there exists B ⊆ Hλ+ such that (Hλ+; ε, B) $(H_{\lambda +};\in ,B)\vDash \psi [Q]$ . A cardinal λ is $\Sigma _{1}^{2}$ indescribable just in case that for every $\Sigma _{1}^{2}$ truth 〈Q, ψ〉 for λ, there exists $\overline{\lambda}<\lambda $ so that $\overline{\lambda}$ is a cardinal and $\langle Q\cap H_{\overline{\lambda}},\psi \rangle $ is a (...)
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