Results for 'Amedeo Giorgi'

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  1. The Theory, Practice, and Evaluation of the Phenomenological Method as a Qualitative Research Procedure.Amedeo Giorgi - 1997 - Journal of Phenomenological Psychology 28 (2):235-260.
    This article points out the criteria necessary in order for a qualitative scientific method to qualify itself as phenomenological in a descriptive Husserlian sense. One would have to employ description within the attitude of the phenomenological reduction, and seek the most invariant meanings for a context. The results of this analysis are used to critique an article by Klein and Westcott , that presents a typology of the development of the phenomenological psychological method.
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  2. Applied phenomenology: why it is safe to ignore the epoché.Dan Zahavi - 2019 - Continental Philosophy Review 54 (2):259-273.
    The question of whether a proper phenomenological investigation and analysis requires one to perform the epoché and the reduction has not only been discussed within phenomenological philosophy. It is also very much a question that has been hotly debated within qualitative research. Amedeo Giorgi, in particular, has insisted that no scientific research can claim phenomenological status unless it is supported by some use of the epoché and reduction. Giorgi partially bases this claim on ideas found in Husserl’s (...)
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  3. The Continuous Model of Culture: Modernity Decline—a Eurocentric Bias? An Attempt to Introduce an Absolute value into a Model of Culture.Giorgi Kankava - 2013 - Human Studies 36 (3):411-433.
    This paper means to demonstrate the theoretical-and- methodological potential of a particular pattern of thought about culture. Employing an end-means and absolute value plus concept of reality approach, the continuous model of culture aims to embrace from one holistic standpoint various concepts and debates of the modern human, social, and political sciences. The paper revisits the debates of fact versus value, nature versus culture, culture versus structure, agency versus structure, and economics versus politics and offers the concepts of the rule (...)
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  4. A Liberal Proposal to Justify State Authority.Giorgi Tskhadaia - 2024 - Analiza I Egzystencja 66:5-24.
    It is often asserted that a liberal theory of political obligation is unattainable. This is, largely, because liberalism revolves around consent and hence, is supposed to be intrinsically inimical to the existence of state authority. However, there is at least one liberal proposal – the argument of fair play, that makes a plausible case for justifying the establishment of a coercive entity. The most popular contemporary version of it, which is offered by George Klosko, turns on the fact that non-excludable (...)
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  5. State’s Role And Methods of Impact on its Economy in a Transition Period.Giorgi Kharshiladze - 2021 - MYŚL EKONOMICZNA I POLITYCZNA 1 (71):77-98.
    The main problem of how to transform a centrally planned market into a market economy has emerged as one of the most influential and challenging issues in modern times. Nowadays, post-Soviet republics and nations of Central and Eastern Europe are in a transformation process and seek to capture claimed efficiency and advantages of market mechanisms for their economies. This is a very complex issue, because a rapid transition from socialism to a market economy is an unprecedented phenomenon and requires fundamental (...)
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  6. Amedeo Avogadro. Relazioni accademiche. Edited by Marco Ciardi and Mariachiara Di Matteo. Introduction by Alberto Conte. xl + 151 pp., figs., index. Florence: Olschki Editore, 2016. €25 .Amedeo Avogadro. Lettere. Edited by Marco Ciardi and Mariachiara Di Matteo. 112 pp., figs., app., index. Rome: Accademia Nazionale delle Scienze detta dei XL, 2016. €20. [REVIEW]Amelia Carolina Sparavigna - 2017 - Isis 108 (4):917-918.
    Review di due libri essenziali per conoscere meglio Amedeo Avogadro e il suo impegno nella società civile del tempo.
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  7. The Step Not Taken. Competencia, reglas determinativas y sistemas constitutivos en la Teoría Analítica del Derecho.Julieta A. Rabanos & Alejandro D. Calzetta - 2022 - Analisi E Diritto 22 (2):51-68.
    En el presente trabajo sostenemos que la teoría de la competencia que Rodríguez postula en su Teoría Analítica del Derecho (TAD) adolece de algunos problemas. El primero de ellos consiste en ser un enfoque reduccionista de la competencia (similar al de Bulygin y el de Ferrer), en el cual la competencia queda reducida a reglas determinativas que determinan potestades. Es dudoso que la competencia pueda reducirse a un único tipo de norma y el mismo Rodríguez parece albergar dudas a este (...)
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  8. The Right to Mental Integrity: Multidimensional, Multilayered and Extended.Guido Cassinadri - 2025 - Neuroethics 18 (16):1-21.
    In this article I present a characterization of the right to mental integrity (RMI), expanding and refining the definition proposed by Ienca and Andorno’s (Life Science Society Policy 13 5, 2017) and clarifying how the scope of this right should be shaped in cases of cognitive extension (EXT). In doing so, I will first critically survey the different formulations of the RMI presented in the literature. I will then argue that the RMI protects from i) nonconsensual interferences that ii) bypass (...)
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  9. A Phenomenological Study on the Lived Experiences of Physics Students in Laboratory Classes.Cara Luz Buar - 2022 - Universal Journal of Educational Research 1 (2):10-18.
    Classes in higher education often consist of both lecture and laboratory time for the subject of physics. An example of experience-based learning would be doing experiments in the classroom. Kolb's theory of experiential learning posits that learning is a process that involves the generation of knowledge via the accumulation of experience. However, due to the fact that doing experiments in a laboratory takes much more time and money than other methods of instruction, the usage of labs in the classroom has (...)
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