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  1. Irony about Tragedy: The Onion’s treatment of 9/11.Arsenii Khitrov - 2012 - Topos 2:153–167.
    In this paper the author analyses the materials that were published in the American satirical magazine The Onion in the period from 2006 till 2011 and mentioned September 11 terrorist attacks. The focus of the research is the persistence of 9/11 jokes five years after the tragedy occurred and later on. The jokes are classified basing on their subject-matter and rhetorical patterns. The author concludes that most of these jokes promote respect towards collective memory about the attacks and their victims.
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  2. Джон Локк, Лоренс Стерн и метафоры сознания в философской психологии XVIII века.Arsenii Khitrov - 2007 - In Vadim Vasilyev, Философия сознания: классика и современность: Вторые Грязновские чтения. pp. 45–54.
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  3. Блог как феномен культуры.Arsenii Khitrov - 2007 - Журнал Социологии И Социальной Антропологии 10:66–76.
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  4. Лоренс Стерн и британский ассоцианизм XVIII в.Arsenii Khitrov - 2008 - Вопросы Философии 1:132–140.
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  5. Империализм и национализм в романе Захара Прилепина «Санькя».Arsenii Khitrov - 2013 - Форум Новейшей Восточноевропейской Истории И Культуры 2:255–280.
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  6. Идея метода: философия Декарта и доктрина литературного классицизма.Arsenii Khitrov - 2005 - In теоретичний і громадсько-політичний альманах, Коллаж – 5. Социально-философский и философскоантропологический альманах. pp. 91–111.
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  7. Материя и смысл: игротерапия Л. Стерна.Arsenii Khitrov - 2008 - In Т. В. Артемьева & М. И. Микешин, Философский век. Альманах. Вып. 34. Человек в философии Просвещения. pp. 172–187.
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  8. Organisational Expertise in Hollywood: How the Government, Social Movements, and Think Tanks Consult TV and Film Makers.Arsenii Khitrov - 2024 - International Journal of Politics, Culture, and Society 37 (3):397–431.
    Existing studies show that when Hollywood professionals develop and produce films and television series, they consult experts in social and political issues. These experts may be private individuals or representatives of various governmental, social movement, or research organisations. Drawing on ethnography and interviews, I focus on organisational experts and explore how they provide their expertise to Hollywood. I argue that these organisations form a peculiar social space surrounding Hollywood, which I refer to as ‘the relational space of organisational expertise provision’, (...)
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    Therapy in Turmoil: Russian Psychotherapists Navigate War and Ethics.Arsenii Khitrov - 2024 - Anthropology Today 40 (5):19–23.
    This ethnographic study explores how Russian psychotherapists are navigating professional ethics and politics after Russia's invasion of Ukraine in 2022. Analysing a conversation between an instructor and students at a psychotherapy training centre in Russia, the study examines how therapists negotiate neutrality, values and therapeutic approaches in a shifting sociopolitical landscape. The author identifies four approaches to delineating the boundaries between professional practice and political engagement and explores how the boundaries between therapeutic and political realms are constantly negotiated through social (...)
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  10. Hollywood experts: A field analysis of knowledge production in American entertainment television.Arsenii Khitrov - 2020 - British Journal of Sociology 71 (5):939-951.
    How can we make sense of numerous instances of experts in politics, law enforcement, national security, military defense, fire arms, public health, culture, and history working closely with creators of scripted television series in the USA today? Why do TV makers need them? Why and how do these experts come to Hollywood? In order to answer these questions, I carried out a Bourdieusian field analysis of contemporary American TV series production, with a focus on how knowledge about political and social (...)
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  11. Критика Кантом учения Декарта о cogito.Arsenii Khitrov - 2005 - In Форум молодых кантоведов (По материалам Международного конгресса, посвященного 280-летию со дня рождения и 200-летию со дня смерти Иммануила Канта). pp. 44–51.
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