Results for 'Bethany Spielman'

  1. Logic and Gambling.Stephen Spielman - manuscript
    This paper outlines a formal recursive wager resolution calculus (WRC) that provides a novel conceptual framework for sentential logic via bridge rules that link wager resolution with truth values. When paired with a traditional truth-centric criterion of logical soundness WRC generates a sentential logic that is broadly truth-conditional but not truth-functional, supports the rules of proof employed in standard mathematics, and is immune to the most vexing features of their traditional implementation. WRC also supports a novel probabilistic criterion of logical (...)
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  2. Avicenna on Animal Goods.Bethany Somma - 2021 - Journal of Islamic Ethics 5:1-34.
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  3. ‘Plato and Nietzsche: Their Philosophical Art’, Mark Anderson. [REVIEW]Bethany Parsons - 2015 - Pli 27:166-170.
    Book review of Mark Anderson's 'Plato and Nietzsche: Their Philosophical Art' for Pli, the Warwick Journal of Philosophy.
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