Results for 'Ciprian Jeler'

9 found
  1. Revealing the Existence of God.Ciprian Pater - manuscript
    This paper presents a revolutionary framework that aims to scientifically prove the existence of God by integrating multidisciplinary fields such as metaphysics, theology, and physics. Unlike traditional arguments which rely on purely philosophical or empirical grounds, this framework uses a mathematical formulation G = K ∪ L, where G represents God, K represents knowledge or epistemology, and L represents logic. The framework introduces a function Φ(G, E ) that maps the existence and nature of God to metaphysical concepts, suggesting that (...)
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  2. Imperium Romanum Nation-State.Pater Ciprian - manuscript
    This document articulates the foundational principles, legal frameworks, and strategic imperatives underpinning the establishment of Imperium Romanum a sovereign Digital Nation-State. It aims to provide a comprehensive analysis grounded in international relations, legal theory, economics, and historical prece- dents. The focus is on addressing the existential threats posed by blockchain technology, AI, social impact bonds, digital identification systems, and social engineering practices that collectively risk transforming individuals into un- witting digital subjects—a violation of international laws prohibiting unlawful imprisonment and forced (...)
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  3. Epistemology of measurement in non-human animal consciousness.Pater Ciprian - manuscript
    As I assume to begin with, animals with a high level of consciousness, are those beings which are more dependent on their materialistic ecological circumstances than those with less cognition. The most obvious support for this factual claim is the yet still unofficial unit of geological time named the Anthropocene Epoch demarcating human devastation of earthly resources, whereby there is no doubt which species on earth is the most materially dependent. Notwithstanding, we need to keep things quantitively in perspective. Of (...)
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  4. Linguistic Relativity in Placebo.Pater Ciprian - manuscript
    Current hypothesis claims that language plays a significant role in regulating the placebo effect and begins by discussing the concept of the placebo effect and its potential impact on clinical trials and medical treatments. The paper describes the findings of a study on the Spanish language and its potential relationship in affecting the placebo effect through the known "Hispanic paradox". The paper goes on to discuss the Sapir-Whorf hypothesis and its potential implications for the relationship between language, thought, and the (...)
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  5. The Death and Rebirth of Physicalism.Pater Ciprian & Klejton Cikaj - manuscript
    This research investigates prominent philosophies of mind, juxtaposes them in an arbitrary fashion, and interprets them to see if we can find any analytical reconciliation between them. Our epistemological inquiry in this paper, will not be confined to mere metaphysical deliberation alone, but will concordantly make use of contemporary terminology from philosophy, psychology, physics, and quantum mechanics. Such is the nature of this fundamental query, that we find it highly necessary to revitalise the discourse regarding the basis for a broad (...)
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  6. DARWIN ≥ MARX - ECO/LOGICAL R/EVOLUTION.Pater Ciprian - 2021 - Ålesund: Marxist Avant-Guard Teacher.
    Eco/logical R/evolution, is the story of mankind, told with words of a great and wonderful subjective odyssey, the never-ending quest; for objective truths and collective Eudaimonia. The author raises the issues; of political weakness and widespread confusion, about logical analytical errors, of which we find many of in Old Marxist Ideology. As a conscious effort, is thus made, to expel the mental subjugation of Platonic Idealism, away from the clenches Aristotelian Realism, and its bastard offspring; Old Historical Materialism. The book (...)
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  7. Interim Corpus Separatum for the Palestine Question. [REVIEW]Ciprian Pater - manuscript
    "Resolution of Jerusalem’s status arguably remains controversial because of the divergent analytical lenses through which the conflict’s parties, and others, view its intertwined legal, territorial, historical and religious issues. Thus, Jerusalem persists as an intricate and intractable cornerstone of the Israel-Palestine conflict." Diakonia International Humanitarian Law Resource Centre.
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  8. Despre limitele Bisericii, erezie şi schismă în gândirea teologică a Sfântului Ciprian al Cartaginei.Doru Marcu - 2017 - Mitropolia Olteniei (5-8):223-245.
    The ecumenical dialogue involves many ideas and attitudes. Within these theological discussions, Saint Cyprian of Carthage occupies his place. Most important, his vision about the Church has marked the entire Christianity. Because of this reason and for many others, this study attempts to explore his theological ideas regarding the limits of the Church, the validity of the Baptism outside the Church defined by her canonical limits. In order to accomplish this, we will have three important sections, as follows: 1. a (...)
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    Ce vor patru intelectuali români de la președintele țării. Cristian Preda, Ciprian Mihali, Sorin Ioniţă, Ce vrem de la preşedintele ţării? Ghid civic pentru alegătorii români (cu o prefață de Andrei Pleșu), Humanitas, București, 2024. [REVIEW]Ovidiu Gherasim-Proca - 2024 - Analele Ştiinţifice Ale Universităţii „Alexandru Ioan Cuza” Din Iaşi. Ştiinţe Politice 19:59-64.
    Această carte pretinde să-i ajute pe cetățeni să facă o alegere în scrutinul prezidențial de anul acesta. În realitate, nu face nimic mai mult decât să exprime opiniile, dorințele și idiosincraziile fiecăruia dintre autori, expunându-le în vitrinele librăriilor Humanitas. Spunând prea puțin despre nevoile și interesele marii mase a alegătorilor, lucrarea este o fereastră spre universul politic imaginar al intelectualilor români cu vederi de dreapta, care, din nou deziluzionați de politicienii pe care i-au sprijinit sau cu care au colaborat, încearcă (...)
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