Results for 'Dianne Mulcahy'

4 found
  1. Nothing Better Than Death: Insights from Sixty-two Profound Near-Death Experiences.Kevin R. Williams, B. Sc - 2002 - Xlibris.
    "Nothing Better Than Death" is a comprehensive analysis of the near-death experiences profiled on my website at This book provides complete NDE testimonials, summaries of various NDEs, NDE research conclusions, a question and answer section, an analysis of NDEs and Christian doctrines, famous quotations about life and death, a NDE bibliography, book notes, a list of NDE resources on the Internet, and a list of NDE support groups associated with - the International Association for Near-Death Studies. -/- The (...)
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  2. (1 other version)Exhortation to Self-Examination. [REVIEW]Paul van Els - 2008 - China Nu 33:46–47.
    van Els, Paul. "Aansporing tot zelfonderzoek" (Exhortation to Self-Examination). Review of De Chinese fascinatie voor de geest (The Chinese Fascination with the Mind), by Dianne Sommers. China Nu 33, no. 4 (2008): 46–47.
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  3. Nothing Better Than Death: Insights from Sixty-two Profound Near-Death Experiences.Ken R. Vincent & Kevin Williams (eds.) - 2014 - Kevin R. Williams.
    "Nothing Better Than Death" is a comprehensive analysis of the near-death experiences profiled on the website. This book provides complete NDE testimonials, summaries of various NDEs, NDE research conclusions, a Question and Answer section, an analysis of NDEs and Christian doctrines, famous quotations about life and death, a NDE bibliography, book notes, a list of NDE resources on the Internet, and a list of NDE support groups associated with - the International Association for Near-Death Studies. The unusual title (...)
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  4. Algunos argumentos y reflexiones sobre la exigibilidad de los derechos económicos y sociales.Julieta Manterola - 2006 - In Manterola Julieta (ed.), Concurso de ensayos: derechos económicos, sociales y culturales, Ana María Mulcahy (compiladora), Grupo Voluntópolis, Amnistía Internacional, Argentina.
    El objetivo de este ensayo es hacer una defensa de la exigibilidad de los derechos económicos y sociales. Esta noción se refiere a “la posibilidad de reclamar ante un juez o tribunal de justicia el cumplimiento, al menos, de algunas de las obligaciones que se derivan [de estos derechos]”. Para realizar este objetivo, procederé de la siguiente manera. En la sección II, haré una reconstrucción de uno de los argumentos más tradicionales que se han ofrecido en contra de la exigibilidad (...)
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