Results for 'Fumiaki Suda'

  1. Natural necessity: An introductory guide for ontologists.Fumiaki Toyoshima - 2020 - Applied ontology 15 (1):61-89.
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  2. (6 other versions)Platon: Biografia.Sfetcu Nicolae - 2022 - Cunoașterea Științifică 1 (1):88-100.
    Principala sursă biografică despre Platon, după mărturia neoplatonicului Simplicius, ar fi fost scrisă de discipolul Xenocrate, dar din păcate nu a ajuns la noi. Cea mai veche biografie a lui Platon care a ajuns până la noi, De Platone et dogmate eius, este a unui autor latin din secolul al II-lea, Apuleius. Toate celelalte biografii ale lui Platon au fost scrise la peste cinci sute de ani de la moartea sa. Istoricul grec Diogene (secolele II și III) este autorul unei (...)
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  3. (1 other version)Plato: Biography.Sfetcu Nicolae -
    The main biographical source about Plato, according to the testimony of the Neoplatonic Simplicius, was written by the disciple Xenocrates, but unfortunately it has not reached us. The earliest biography of Plato to date, De Platone et dogmate eius, is by a second-century Latin author, Apuleius. All of Plato's other biographies were written more than five hundred years after his death. The Greek historian Diogenes (2nd and 3rd centuries) is the author of a series of biographies of Greek philosophers (The (...)
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