Kip Sewell [3]Kip K. Sewell [1]
  1. Nothing Infinite: A Summary of Forever Finite.Kip Sewell - 2023 - Rond Media Library.
    In 'Forever Finite: The Case Against Infinity' (Rond Books, 2023), the author argues that, despite its cultural popularity, infinity is not a logical concept and consequently cannot be a property of anything that exists in the real world. This article summarizes the main points in 'Forever Finite', including its overview of what debunking infinity entails for conceptual thought in philosophy, mathematics, science, cosmology, and theology.
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  2. A Retraction of The Cosmic Sphere.Kip Sewell - 2022 - Rond Media Library.
    Abstract: In a 1999 book entitled 'The Cosmic Sphere', the author proposed an unconventional model of the Universe intended to solve conceptual and empirical problems facing the Big Bang theory. The author has since had second thoughts, however, and has concluded that his proposed Cosmic Sphere Model (CSM) of the Universe is flawed and cannot be accurate. In this article, the author provides an overview of 'The Cosmic Sphere' and CSM, points out the errors of both, analyzes the implications of (...)
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  3. Rond, A Worldview.Kip Sewell - 2023 - Rond Media Library.
    An introduction [version eight] to a worldview called Rond, which is based on ideas from science, philosophy, and spirituality and designed to help one understand the nature of existence and cope with the human condition. With regard to philosophy: Rond is based on the concept of rondure as applied to aesthetics, ontology, metaphysics, cosmology, scientific phenomenology, philosophy of evolution, philosophy of mind, philosophy of conduct (including axiology, ethics, political philosophy, etc.), and epistemology.
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