Results for 'Layla Mayorga'

  1.  32
    Nilpotent Symplectic Alternating Algebras.Layla Sorkatti - 2015 - Dissertation, University of Bath
    We develop a structure theory for nilpotent symplectic alternating algebras. -/- We then give a classification of all nilpotent symplectic alternating algebras of dimension up to 10 over any field F. The study reveals a new subclasses of powerful groups that we call powerfully nilpotent groups and powerfully soluble groups.
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  2. Comparing the Effect of Rational and Emotional Appeals on Donation Behavior.Matthew Lindauer, Marcus Mayorga, Joshua D. Greene, Paul Slovic, Daniel Västfjäll & Peter Singer - 2020 - Judgment and Decision Making 15 (3):413-420.
    We present evidence from a pre-registered experiment indicating that a philosophical argument––a type of rational appeal––can persuade people to make charitable donations. The rational appeal we used follows Singer’s well-known “shallow pond” argument (1972), while incorporating an evolutionary debunking argument (Paxton, Ungar, & Greene 2012) against favoring nearby victims over distant ones. The effectiveness of this rational appeal did not differ significantly from that of a well-tested emotional appeal involving an image of a single child in need (Small, Loewenstein, and (...)
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