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Maarten Mentzel [13]M. Mentzel [1]
  1. Zygmunt Bauman en Ulrich Beck over 'leven in ambivalentie'.M. Mentzel - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 17 (3):141-149.
    Uncertainty replaces the conviction that rationality may be founded, ultimately. Comments on and exemplified by Zygmunt Bauman's "Intimations of postmodernity" (1992), the Quality-of-life discussion (Nussbaum & Senn (eds.) 1993) and "reflexive modernization" (Ulrich Beck, 1994). Uncertainty as a principle leads to the "imperative of responsibility" (Hans Jonas, 1984).
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  2. Twee routes naar de goede samenleving. Over de politieke filosofie van Trudy van Asperen en Avishai Margalit.Sjaak Koenis & Maarten Mentzel - 1999 - Filosofie En Praktijk 20 (4):192-202.
    Critical comments on two roads to a good society. (These roads in response to John Rawls' A theory of justice, 1971): Dutch ethical theorist Trudy van Asperen (Het bedachte leven, 1993), and Avishai Margalit (A decent society, 1996).
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  3. Minima Philosophica - Invloedrijke boeken.Maarten Mentzel - 1996 - Filosofie En Praktijk 17:96-100.
    discussion of 'The hundred most influential books since the war', TLS October 6, 1995 - seminal works published before and after the Second World War, from Hannah Arendt, Raymond Aron and Kenneth Arrow, to Michael Walzer and Ludwig Wittgenstein (Tractatus logico-philosophicus; Philosophical Investigations) .
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  4. Review of Wouter Achterberg, Samenleving, natuur en duurzaamheid. Een inleiding in de milieufilosofie (Assen: Van Gorcum 1994).Maarten Mentzel - 1995 - Filosofie En Praktijk 16 (3):167-168.
    Review of a comprehensive introduction to a philosophy of the environment. Refers to the United Nations Brundtland-report (1987) and its ground-breaking definition of "sustainable development". Account of dilemma's of wants and needs of future generations. Notes and comments on Garrett Hardin, Tragedy of the commons (1968), Jacques Ellul, The technological society (1964) and Langdon Winner, Autonomous technology (1977). Study ends with a well-founded plea for an ecological society.
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  5. Opmerkingen over wetenschapsethiek Een onderzoek naar de verschijningsvormen van een lastig herkenbare specialisatie.Maarten Mentzel - 1997 - Filosofie En Praktijk 18:17-24.
    Short introduction to concepts and dilemma's of research ethics. Some historical notes concerning scientific research and applied ethics.
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  6. City Lights. Review of René Boomkens, Een drempelwereld. Moderne ervaring en stedelijke openbaarheid (Rotterdam, NAI 1998).Maarten Mentzel - 2000 - Filosofie En Praktijk 21 (2):64-67.
    Critical reflections concerning 4 cities: Amsterdam, Paris, New York, Los Angeles; 4 periods respectively: the twenties, the thirties, the seventies, the nineties. 'To open the city' debate, functionalism and town planning, postmodern city & architecture, public spaces, urban dwellers.
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  7. Aspects of justice.Maarten Mentzel - manuscript
    Aspects of justice. Debate on ethical principles and social justice - ethische principes en sociale gerechtigheid. Referring to Hans Kelsen (1952); Chaïm Perelman (1945; 1960; 1961); Hanna F. Pitkin (1972); John Rawls (1971) -/- Aspecten van rechtvaardigheid - M.A. Thesis, Philosophy, University of Amsterdam, June 2, 1975 .
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  8. Larry Siedentop, Democracy in Europe. [REVIEW]Maarten Mentzel - 2001 - European Societies 3 (3):376-379.
    A political history and philosophy of the European Union. The journey of European states in their ungoing efforts from 1951 on (the Schuman Plan). Democracy, its political institutions and philosophical foundations, compared to Alexis de Tocqueville, De la démocratie en Amérique (two volumes, 1835, 1840; transl.: Democracy in Europe, London 1994) and a wide range of political theorists.
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  9.  89
    Over moraal en staat. [REVIEW]Maarten Mentzel - 1995 - Filosofie En Praktijk 16 (2):110-111.
    J.A.A. van Doorn, De intellectueel als ideoloog. Kritiek van de politieke intelligentsia (Amersfoort 1994); Angela Verbeek, Wikken en wegen. Een hedendaagse inleiding in de ethiek (Best 1994); S. Hogervorst, Staat en welzijn. Het belang van een vernieuwde conceptie van de Minimale Staat (Assen 1995).
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  10. (1 other version)Ulrich Beck, De wereld als risicomaatschappij. Essay over de ecologische crisis en de politiek van de vooruitgang. [REVIEW]Maarten Mentzel - 1997 - Filosofie En Praktijk 18 (2):111.
    Review of author of Risikogesellschaft. Auf dem Weg in eine andere Moderne (1986), Ulrich Beck. Five essays from Politik in der Risikogesellschaft (1990) and other titles (M. Hajer & M. Schwarz introd. eds.; transl. I. van der Aart).
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  11. Return to reason. [REVIEW]Maarten Mentzel - 2002 - Filosofie En Praktijk 23 (4):58-59.
    Physicist and philosopher of science Stephen Toulmin (London 1922 - Los Angeles 2009) published his last book Return to Reason in 2001 (Cambridge, MA). Review of translation in Dutch (2001). Introductory notes on his scholarly book reception in the Netherlands: An Examination of the Place of Reason in Ethics (1950), Wittgenstein's Vienna (1972, with Allan Janik), Cosmopolis. The Hidden Agenda of Modernity (1990). "Terug naar de Rede" contains a farewell to the quest for certainty and "the dreams of rationalism" (Isaac (...)
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  12. Hegel. [REVIEW]Maarten Mentzel - 2002 - Filosofie En Praktijk 23 (1):69.
    Transl. of HEGEL. Contains a short introduction to the German philosopher (1770-1831) - his life and the main volumes of his work (die Philosophie der Geschichte, die Philosophie des Rechts, die Phänomenogie des Geistes and die Wissenschaft der Logik). Based also upon Hegel scholars like Walter Kaufmann and Charles Taylor. Philosopher Peter Singer published this concise overview during his professorship in Melbourne, Australia (Oxford University Press, 1983). Transl. into Dutch (Lemniscaat, 2000) by Willemien de Leeuw. 136 pp. -/- .
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  13. Maakbaarheid overdacht. [REVIEW]Maarten Mentzel - 1999 - Filosofie En Praktijk 20 (2):107-109.
    Overview of essays concerning environmental planning and social engineering in the Netherlands. Notes on their historical, theoretical, philosophical and policy foundations .
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