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  1. Le sorti della filosofia. Philosophie und Psychologie di Paul Natorp e il suo ruolo nella disputa sulla psicologia scientifica.Mattia Papa - 2024 - Archivio di Storia Della Cultura 37:477-496.
    The aim of this article is to present Paul Natorp’s position in the debate over the allocation of chairs in philosophy to experimental psychology. Natorp triggered the public controversy within psychology when an experimental psychologist, Eric Jaensch, was awarded the chair of Hermann Cohen in 1912. Natorp published an editorial in the «Frankfurter Zeitung» and in the following year, 1913, submitted a petition for the establishment of new chairs for experimental psychology in Germany. In this way, Natorp hoped to prevent (...)
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  2. Bibliografia degli scritti di Pietro Piovani.Mattia Papa - 2022 - In Fulvio Tessitore, La filosofia morale di Giuseppe Capograssi e Pietro Piovani. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura. pp. 521-564.
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  3. La teoria della soggettivita di Paul Natorp nell interpretazione cassireriana tra il 1925 e il 1929.Mattia Papa - 2023 - In Paola Marangolo, Gianluca Giannini & Mattia Papa, Segni. Scritti in ricordo di Riccardo De Biase. Rome: tab edizioni. pp. 87-102.
    Analysing Cassirer's positions in the Nachruf dedicated to Natorp (1925) and in the third volume of the Philosophy of Symbolic Forms (1929), I will try in this short paper to outline the core, merits, and limitations of Natorp's psychology in Cassirer's interpretation. In doing so, I will emphasise three elements: 1. the cornerstones of Natorpian psychology, which for Cassirer represent Natorp's main contribution to the history of ideas; 2. the thematic unity of Natorp's philosophical production; 3. the fundamental continuity between (...)
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  4. Introduzione a E. Cassirer, Axel Hägerström. Uno studio sulla filosofia svedese del presente.Mattia Papa & Riccardo De Biase - 2017 - In Mattia Papa & Riccardo De Biase, E. Cassirer, Axel Hägerström. Uno studio sulla filosofia svedese del presente. Ariccia: Aracne. pp. 9-21.
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  5. Origini e problemi dello ‘storicismo del limite’. Tessitore tra Capograssi e Piovani.Mattia Papa - 2022 - In Fulvio Tessitore, La filosofia morale di Giuseppe Capograssi e Pietro Piovani. Roma: Edizioni di storia e letteratura.
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  6. Il concetto di conoscenza e il problema della fondazione della cultura nel giovane Natorp.Mattia Papa - 2020 - In Riccardo De Biase & Giovanni Morrone, La filosofia della cultura: genesi e prospettive. Federico II University Press. pp. 91-113.
    The paper shows that Natorp's philosophical system is already in its origins a logical scheme for a philosophy of culture. The paper focuses on Natorp's 1887 work on the objective and subjective foundations of knowledge.
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  7. Rappresentazione e coscienza. Karl Leonhard Reinhold tra Kant e Hegel.Mattia Papa - 2021 - Atti Dell'Accademia di Scienze Morali E Politiche 2020 (CXXX):123-155.
    This paper aims at showing that Karl Leonhard Reinhold’s theory of representation and consciousness constitutes a link between Kantianism and the further developments of idealism. By retracing the presence of Reinhold in the young Hegel’s work, the author suggest that Reinhold may have influenced Hegel’s reading of Kant.
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  8. Paul Natorp e il metodo trascendentale.Mattia Papa - 2020 - Research Trends in Humanities Education & Philosophy 7:136-150.
    This article analyses the text of Natorp's lecture given at the Kantgesellschaft in Halle in 1912 (Kant und die Marburger Schule) and attempts to describe what is meant by "transcendental method" for Paul Natorp. The aim is to compare the theses of the Marburg philosopher with the Kantian dictates of the first Critique and to show how Kant's philosophy of culture can be defined. Furthermore, it will be shown here how the dense account of '12 is also a fundamental tool (...)
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  9. Realtà, mondo e rappresentazione. Il problema del virtuale e la realtà digitale.Mattia Papa - 2019 - Eda – Esempi di Architettura (Special Issue):37-45.
    The paper attempts to describe a kind of transformation of the way we represent the world in the digital age. Starting from the definition of a precise meaning of “the term "digital", a conceptualisation of digital representation is proposed based on some moments of Immanuel Kant’s thought and concluded with some current reflections.
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  10. Le origini di una ricomposizione: Kant, Hegel e la storia della cultura.Mattia Papa - 2019 - Research Trends in Humanities Education & Philosophy 6:89-103.
    The aim of this paper is to trace one of the deepest roots of Hegel's concept of history within Kant's doctrine of schematism. I propose to draw a line of continuity between Kant's Einbildungskraft and Hegel's Selbstbewusstsein. The concept of Selbstbewusstsein of the young Hegel is to be understood, in my view, as the moment when the extreme and radical consequences are drawn from the schematism of the first Critique, revised in the light of Kant's reflections on teleology developed in (...)
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