Results for 'Muhyiatul Fadilah'

  1. The Effect of the Digital Book-Assisted Randai Learning Model on Students' Problem-Solving Skills and Information Literacy.Fitri Arsih, Heffi Alberida, Yosi Laila Rahmic, Suci Fajrina & Muhyiatul Fadilah - 2024 - Journal of Law and Sustainable Development 12 (1):e2753.
    Purpose:The research aims to see the effect of using digital books based on the RANDAI learning model on students' problem-solving skills and information literacy in biology learning. -/- Theoritical Framework: The integration of local wisdom will make the material more contextual so that learning becomes more meaningful. Digital books that are integrated with local wisdom can be concretized through digital books based on the RANDAI learning model. -/- Methodology:The study was conducted at a secondary school in the province of West (...)
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