  1. (1 other version)COSMIC EDUCATION: FORMATION OF A PLANETARY AND COSMIC PERSONALITY.Oleg Bazaluk & Tamara Blazhevich - 2012 - Philosophy and Cosmology 1 (10):147-160.
    The major stages of development of cosmic pedagogy have been researched. Based on the achievements of the modern neurosciences as well as of psychology, cosmology, and philosophy, the authors provide their reasoning for the cosmic education and its outlooks for the educational systems of the world. Through the studies of how important human mind is for the Earth and the cosmos and by researching the evolution of human mind within the structure of the Universe, the authors create a more advanced (...)
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  2. World existence and “evolved matter” as its modern model.Oleg Bazaluk - 2009 - Philosophy and Cosmology 1 (1):3-37.
    Along the strike of this article we’ll try to perform two tasks. The first one is to review the world existence but not in form of concept but in form of modern scientific-philosophic system of views on the Universe structure and on the processes of formation and development of non-organic world, worlds of life and intelligence. The second one is to answer the question “what is the essence of human life?” through the scientific-philosophic understanding of the world existence.
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  3. THE THEORY OF EVOLUTION: from the space vacuum to neural networks and moving forward.Oleg Bazaluk - 2014 - ISPC.
    In the book, the author defines the evolution as a continuous and nonlinear complex of the structure of matter, interaction types and environments of existence; analyzes existing in modern science and philosophy approaches to the study of the process of evolution, degree of development factors and causes of evolution. Unifying interdisciplinary research in cosmology, evolution, biology, neuroscience and philosophy, the author presents his vision of the evolution model of «Evolving matter», which allows us to consider not only the laws of (...)
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  4. T I M E in the Light of a New Cosmological Conception.Oleg Bazaluk - 2003 - Porogi.
    This small book continues the theoretical study on the structure of the universe. It examines the category of “time” in the light of a new cosmological model proposed by the author in his book “The Origin of Mankind”. It is generally accepted that after researches of A. Einstein, А. Minkovsky and others space and time are considered in their interrelation, as the continuum. Nevertheless, the category of “time” is still a bone of contention and a cause of a great deal (...)
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  5. (2 other versions)The future human image: Whom and How to educate in younger generation.Book 1.Oleg Bazaluk (ed.) - 2011 - ISPC.
    В коллективной монографии рассматривается состояние системы образова-ния главным образом в России и Украине к концу первого десятилетия XXI сто-летия. Поднимается целый пласт проблем, связанный с непрерывным развитием общества и техносферы, а также ролью в этом процессе семьи, педагогов («хо-рошего учителя» в терминологии В. Сухомлинского) и соответствующих госу-дарственных институтов, предлагаются пути их решения. В монографии анали-зируются перспективы развития системы образования, акцентируется внимание на формировании нового типа личности – планетарно-космической, как некоего конечного идеального образа воспитательного воздействия на подрастающие поколения – образа человека (...)
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  6. (4 other versions)Philosophy and Cosmology 2008 (The Journal of International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology (ISPC) ).Oleg Bazaluk (ed.) - 2008 - ISPC.
    Philosophy and Cosmology is an open access, peer-reviewed and refereed journal that focuses on theoretical and conceptual problems and issues in philosophical and cosmological research. Philosophy and Cosmology is published by International Society of Philosophy and Cosmology. The objective of Philosophy and Cosmology is to promote exchange and collaboration among philosophers, social, technical and natural science researchers throughout the world. In pursuit of this objective the journal not only publishes high quality research papers but also ensures that the published papers (...)
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  7. The Origin of Mankind A New Cosmological Conception.Oleg Bazaluk - 2003 - Porogi.
    I present my own vision of the material world's formation. I think this new cosmological model deepens and extends the modern points of view on the universe. It allows to follow the evolution of matter up to forming of human society. I had to rethink a lot and even to change and to surrender in some degree my points of view stated in my previous publications. But these changes had a partial character and naturally resulted from the evolution of my (...)
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