Results for 'Osvaldo Téllez'

6 found
  1. Astrophilosophy.Celio Arnulfo Téllez - manuscript
    Astrophilosophy is a human and transhuman reflection capable of relate the existence and expansion of the life and human life with the Universe, acknowledge the cosmic identity of beings and persons, looks for the dialogue the wisdom and sciences, analyzes the produced impacts due to the cosmocentric vision of the Universe in the thought history and in the life of the subjects, reflects about new realities, inquires about the implications of the existence and absence of the human species in the (...)
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  2. Deus, Mente e Mundo: Sobre os conceitos de Complicatio, Imago e Explicatio em Nicolau de Cusa.Osvaldo Ferreira De Andrade Filho - 2013 - Dissertation, Ufrn, Brazil
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  3. Competencias cósmicas: ciencia y educación.Celio Téllez - 2019 - Bogotá, D.C. - Col: Pensamiento complejo, ciencia, educación, competencias cósmicas..
    Se presenta a la comunidad académica el término competencias cósmicas, el cual sinotiza con los asuntos propios de la actual era espacial de la humanidad y la visión cosmocéntrica del Universo. Las competencias cósmicas son las potencialidades de los seres humanos en sus contextos y la civilización cósmica para hacer, sentir pensar la existencia, permanencia y devenir de la vida en el escenario del universo - multiuniverso. Además, permiten la identficiación en los individuos y en la especie humana de una (...)
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  4. Cognitive Science: Recent Advances and Recurring Problems.Fred Adams, Joao Kogler & Osvaldo Pessoa Junior (eds.) - 2017 - Wilmington, DE, USA: Vernon Press.
    This book consists of an edited collection of original essays of the highest academic quality by seasoned experts in their fields of cognitive science. The essays are interdisciplinary, drawing from many of the fields known collectively as “the cognitive sciences.” Topics discussed represent a significant cross-section of the most current and interesting issues in cognitive science. Specific topics include matters regarding machine learning and cognitive architecture, the nature of cognitive content, the relationship of information to cognition, the role of language (...)
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  5. Respuesta a David C. Téllez Guzmán. “Berkeley: el papel de Dios en la teoría de la visión.” / A Reply to Téllez Guzmán.Alberto Luis & Alberto Luis López - 2017 - Ideas Y Valores 66 (163):409.
    Discussion about one of my papers on Berkeley and reply to Téllez.
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  6. New Research on the History of Marxism in Argentina.Lucas Poy & Daniel Gaido - forthcoming - Historical Materialism. Research in Critical Marxist Theory.
    Argentine historiography in general, and the history of the Argentine Left in particular, does not receive the attention it deserves in the Anglo-Saxon academic world, due to linguistic and cultural barriers. In this article, we attempt to review for the English-reading public three recent contributions to the history of Marxism in Argentina (Horacio Tarcus's Marx en la Argentina: Sus primeros lectores obreros, intelectuales y científicos, Hernán Camarero's A la conquista de la clase obrera: Los comunistas y el mundo del trabajo (...)
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