  1. Relationship Between Teachers’ Instructional Practices and Students’ Academic Performance in English during COVID-19 Pandemic.Semuel Olayvar - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 5 (7):137-141.
    The main objective of the research was to assess the relationship between instructional practices of teachers on students’ academic performancein English. To achieve this aim, the researcher selectedAssistant Language Teachers (ALTs)and public secondary students in Okinawa Prefectureas respondents of the study during the school year 2020-2021. The primary data gathering tools used in the study was a standardized questionnaire Instructional Practices Survey adopted from Valentine (2000) on determining teachers’ instructional practices and a documentary analysisto determine the point average of the (...)
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  2. School Heads’ New Normal Leadership and Its Influence on Collaborative School Culture.Semuel Olayvar - 2021 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 5 (7):142-147.
    The main aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of school heads’ new normal leadership on collaborative school culture. To achieve this aim, the researcher conducted a survey to a number of school principals and teachers inFukuoka and Hiroshima Prefectures during the school year 2020-2021. The data were collected and processed using the Statistical Packages for Social Sciences. Results indicated that the three (3) variables of new normal leadership of school heads affect the collaborative school culture in varying (...)
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  3. The Influence of Principal's Transformational Leadership and Quality of School Learning Environment on Students Academic Achievement.Semuel Olayvar - 2019 - Journal of Economic and Business Studies 3 (4):161.
    This study made use of descriptive correlational method of research that utilized standard questionnaires as primary data gathering tools, substantiated by extensive documentary analysis. The respondents of the study were teachers and principals of public secondary schools in the City Division of Malolos. The following null hypotheses were subjected for testing at .05 level of significance. “The transformational leadership of principals in the City Division of Malolos does not significantly affect students’ academic achievement” “The quality of school learning environment in (...)
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