  1. Political Philosophy in the AI Ethics Classroom.Shannon Brick - forthcoming - Teaching Ethics.
    This paper defends two main claims. First, that political philosophy deserves a central place in AI Ethics’ curricula. This is a claim about the content of the AI Ethics class. The second claim is about the form of the AI Ethics class: namely, that considerations originating in political philosophy must inform the way in which AI Ethics is taught. The basic idea animating both claims, is that AI has powerful political implications and that preparing students to navigate these implications requires (...)
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  2. Deference to Moral Testimony and (In)authenticity.Shannon Brick - forthcoming - In Joshua Knobe & Shaun Nichols, Oxford Studies in Experimental Philosophy, vol 5. Oxford University Press.
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  3. Identifying Documentary; Against the Trace Account.Shannon Brick - 2020 - Film and Philosophy 24:63-83.
    This article argues that we ought to reject Gregory Currie’s “Trace Account” of documentary film. According to the Trace Account, a film is a documentary so long the majority of its constitutive images are traces of the film’s subject matter. The argument proceeds by considering how proponents of the Trace Account could respond to Noel Carroll’s charge that their analysis is radically revisionary. I argue that the only responses available are either implausible or show that a fully worked out version (...)
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