Results for 'Tanzania'

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    A Philosophical Analysis of the Legitimacy of Political Power in Tanzania from a Lockean Perspective.Robert Masandiko & Thomas Marwa Monchena - 2024 - International Journal of Philosophy 12 (3):32-39.
    This article conducts a philosophical analysis of the legitimacy of political power in Tanzania using John Locke’s political theory as a framework. It evolved from researcher’s observation and empirical studies that concerned political legitimacy in Tanzania. The lack of philosophical approach opened away for philosophical investigations and the necessity of involving philosophical views like that of the John Locke, in addressing of the shaking political legitimacy in Tanzania. The factors such as; allegations of corruption, restricted freedom of (...)
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  2. Fundamental Decision Chains for Harnessing Natural Gas Resources for Sustainable Development of Tanzania.Mashala Lameck Yusuph & Wang Guohua - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (11):102-117.
    Abstract: Harnessing natural gas resources for sustainable development requires undertaking fundamental decision chains. The role of the government in championing strategic decisions in the management of these resources to spur social and economic growth is of critical importance. Without proper decision chains, natural gas resources paradoxically may undermine development. The study found that the findings from both closed ended and open-ended results have the implication for adequate decisions the government may take in managing the natural gas resources for long-term social (...)
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  3. Evaluation Assessment of Capacity Building Programme on the Performance of LGAs Procurement Functions. A Case of Tanzania LGAs.Muhsin Danga & Ismail Juma Kaudunde - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Accounting, Finance and Management Research (IJAAFMR) 3 (4):15-22.
    Abstract: Public procurement is the acquisition of right goods, works and services required to satisfy certain needs at the right time, from the right supplier, in the right quantities, in the right quality, and at the right price. Worldwide it accounts 10% – 30 % of GNP while in Tanzania it accounts for about more 45% of the total budget. Appropriate procurement system in the public sector is a tool for achieving political, economic and social goals. The research examined (...)
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  4. The humanitarian assistance dilemma explained: the implications of the refugee crisis in Tanzania in 1994.Wen Chin Lung Ruamps - 2019 - Global Change, Peace and Security 31 (3):323-340.
    Despite the good intention of humanitarian agencies, humanitarian assistance and relief aid exacerbated the humanitarian crisis in Tanzania during 1994. In the case of Tanzania, humanitarian assistance relieved belligerents’ burden of sustaining conflicts, created safe spaces for armed combatants, undermined local economies, bestowed legitimacy upon belligerents, and fed armed combatants. This situation hence posed the typical humanitarian assistance dilemma for humanitarian agencies. While most scholars and aid practitioners suggest that humanitarian agencies should withdraw their assistance in these contexts (...)
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  5. Factors Affecting the Growth of Microfinance Institutions in Tanzania: A Case Study SACCOS in Singida Region.Muhsin Danga & Mashala Lameck Yusuph - 2019 - IJAMR 3 (3):45-60.
    Abstract: Microfinance Institutions (MFIs) are the financial services established for the specific target to enabling community, particularly poor people to access loans having lack of access to conventional banking and related services. Worldwide the sector started since 1770’s. In Tanzania, it kicked off in 1991 after the enactment of BFIA and SACCOS Act in 1991. This research was conducted in Singida District in 2018 comprising a sample size of 88 respondents from ten SACCOS. Both qualitative and quantitative data were (...)
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  6. Female Genital Mutilation: Why it is Difficult to Stop it in Tanzania?Rehema Horera John - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (11):51-60.
    Abstract: Female genital mutilation or female circumcision is a global public health problem. It is recognized as a gender based violence which affects millions of girls and women’s health. It is estimated to be the longest female violence practice in the World. Tanzania is among thirty African countries which practicing female circumcision. This study aimed to investigate factors that hindering the initiatives of ending female genital mutilation practice in Tanzania. The study used literature sources, document analysis and observation (...)
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  7. Assessment of Contribution of the Financial Inclusion on Rural Households Livelihood in Tanzania: A Case of Iringa District.Jailos Mtindyak - 2019 - IJAAFMR 3 (4):10-17.
    Abstract: The study sought to establish Tanzanian`s financial inclusion level, its determinant and whether the country`s financial inclusion levels have influence on the access to basic income, food, heath, employment and education service. Among the major determinants of financial inclusion are income, financial literacy and the geographical presence of financial institutions. With regard to the link between financial inclusion and livelihood indicators, it is found that greater financial inclusion promotes access to basic income, food, health and education for households for (...)
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  8. Barriers and Biases: Under-Representation of Women in Top Leadership Positions in Higher Education in Tanzania.Watende Pius Nyoni & Chen He - 2019 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 3 (5):20-25.
    Abstract: This article mainly intends to identify barriers that cause the under-representation of women in top leadership positions in higher education in Tanzania. The study comprises the sample of 250 respondents with the use of a case study research design constructed on the application of mixed methods (qualitative and quantitative). Thus, non-probability sampling was applied to qualitative data collection while probability sampling was used in quantitative data. The findings show the fundamental relationship between individual, administrative and societal factors that (...)
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  9. The Status of Gender in Senior Leadership Positions in Higher Education Universities in Tanzania.Watende Pius Nyoni & Chen He - 2019 - IJAMR 3 (3):30-40.
    Abstract: Women under-representation in senior management post inside academic organizations remains to be an issue which needs a serious concern at national and international levels. Thus, women leaders are not in place to champion the change process. Societies, organizations and people themselves have determined that, only the males make good leaders. The gender status in the senior management positions in HE in Tanzania is virtually non-existent. Data was sourced through administered questionnaire, FGD and interview where’s senior academic and non-academic (...)
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  10. A Storytelling Approach: Insights from the Shambaa.Camillo Lamanna - 2018 - Journal of Medical Humanities 39 (3):377-389.
    Narrative medicine explores the stories that patients tell; this paper, conversely, looks at some of the stories that patients are told. The paper starts by examining the ‘story’ told by the Shambaa people of Tanzania to explain the bubonic plague and contrasts this with the stories told by Ghanaian communities to explain lymphatic filariasis. By harnessing insights from memory studies, these stories’ memorability is claimed to be due to their use mnemonic devices woven into stories. The paper suggests that (...)
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  11. Strategic Nonviolence in Africa: Reasons for Its Embrace and Later Abandonment by Nkrumah, Nyerere, and Kaunda.Gail Presbey - 2006 - In Katy Gray Brown & David Boersema (eds.), Spiritual and Political Dimensions of Nonviolence and Peace. Rodopi. pp. 75-101.
    Soon after taking power, three leaders of nonviolent African independence movements, Kwame Nkrumah of Ghana, Julius Nyerere of Tanzania, and Kenneth Kaunda of Zambia immediately turned to violent means to suppress internal opposition. The paper examines the reasons for the success of their Gandhian nonviolent tactics in ousting British colonial governments and argues that these new heads of state lost confidence in nonviolence due to a mixture of self-serving expediency, a lack of understanding of nonviolence's many different forms, and (...)
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  12. Lessons Tanzanian Elites and Policy Makers Can Learn From East Asian Tigers on the Idea of Developmental States.Salim M. Hamza & Salum Mohammed Ahmed - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (6):1-9.
    Abstract: Over the past fifty years in developing world, the role of the state intervention in promoting economic growth and social progress has been a subject of disputing among political elites, international development experts and policy analysts. Recognition of the economic growth success of East Asia has led to new thinking on what developmental states idea should be accomplished. The observable optimism performance of East Asian Tigers on the contextual of developmental states is keen in the fact that economic growth (...)
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  13. Relação e Efeitos Bioquímico-nutricionais Sobre a Metrite em Vacas.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    RELAÇÃO E EFEITOS BIOQUÍMICO-NUTRICIONAIS SOBRE A METRITE EM VACAS -/- Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva Departamento de Agropecuária – IFPE Campus Belo Jardim [email protected] ou [email protected] WhatsApp: (82)98143-8399 -/- •__3. METRITE -/- O transtorno caracterizado pela inflamação do útero, devido a causas sépticas ou assépticas que atuam sobre ele, denomina-se genericamente como metrite. As metrites são afecções de grande importância, tanto pela frequência como pela gravidade. As metrites podem ser divididas segundo seu caráter anatômico, como mucosa (catarral), purulenta, hemorrágica, crupal, (...)
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  14. Is Zanzibar Government Succeed in Achieving Good Governance Practices?Salum Mohammed Ahmed & Bing Wang - 2018 - International Journal of Academic Multidisciplinary Research (IJAMR) 2 (12):36-46.
    Abstract: Good governance practices is a cornerstone for a country’s sustainable development whether socially, economically, culturally, morally or spiritually and in both national and international astute. Mostly, the significance of good governance practices is objective for an individual country in respect of economic efficiency and growth. Good governance is conducive to macroeconomic stability, external viability and sustainable development [1]. While the concepts of “governance” and “good governance” are not “new” in development literatures, is still receiving a mounting attention in recent (...)
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  15. Nutrição Sobre a Reprodução e Fertilidade dos Bovinos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    APRESENTAÇÃO O material Nutrição sobre a Reprodução e Fertilidade dos Bovinos é fruto de diversas pesquisas realizadas com o rebanho leiteiro do Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco (IPA) de São Bento do Una em parceria com curso técnico em agropecuária do Instituto Federal de Pernambuco Campus Belo Jardim que visa demonstrar os fatores nutricionais como agentes diretos de alterações no sistema fisiológico do aparelho reprodutivo dos bovinos bem como na fertilidade destes animais. O trabalho estruturado de forma sistemática e mais didática (...)
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  16. Nutrição Sobre as Falhas Reprodutivas dos Bovinos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    NUTRIÇÃO SOBRE AS FALHAS REPRODUTIVAS DOS BOVINOS -/- E. I. C. da Silva Departamento de Agropecuária – IFPE Campus Belo Jardim Departamento de Zootecnia – UFRPE sede -/- -/- FALHAS REPRODUTIVAS DE BOVINOS -/- INTRODUÇÃO -/- Os bovinos, assim como tantos outros mamíferos e demais espécies, podem sofrer distúrbios durante o ciclo reprodutivo. Transtornos, alterações ou patogenias afetam diretamente a saúde do sistema reprodutor desses animais. As causas podem ser individuais ou multifatoriais, de caráter parasitário, patogênico, climático, nutricional etc. As (...)
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  17. (1 other version)Formulação de Ração Para Ovinos.Emanuel Isaque Cordeiro da Silva - manuscript
    Formulação de Ração para Ovinos -/- Belo Jardim 2021 Formulação de Ração para Ovinos Copyright © 2021 -/- Todos os direitos reservados -/- Impresso no Brasil / Printed in Brazil -/- Departamento de Nutrição Animal do IPA – Instituto Agronômico de Pernambuco Av. Gen. San Martin, 1371 - Bongi, Recife - PE -/- Presidente do Comitê Editorial Múcio de Barros Wanderley Membros do Comitê Editorial Antônio Raimundo de Sousa Editor-chefe Josimar Gurgel Fernandes Editores de Seção Antonio Felix da Costa Supervisão (...)
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  18. An Over-view of Online Recruitment: The Case of Public and.Nuran Ally Mwasha - 2013 - European Journal of Business and Management 5 (32):11-21.
    The online recruitment has been a motivating method for many Organizations around the globe for employees’ recruitment. The purpose of this paper is to provide an overview of the online recruitment and selection system in the public and private sectors in Tanzania, by analyzing the general ICT situation, the current online recruitment methods, the challenges on effective operation on online recruitment, the steps taken by government to ensure the favorable environment on ICT sector and the recommendations for future research. (...)
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  19. African Socialism in Retrospect: Karim Hirji’s "The Travails of a Tanzanian Teacher".Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2022 - In Louis Allday & Mahmoud Najib (eds.), Liberated Texted, Collected Reviews: Volume One. Ebb Books. pp. 223 - 234.
    Hirji’s book, somewhat overlooked since its release, offers a compelling analysis of the history and sociology of the sciences in Tanzania, with a focus on Hirji’s own field of statistics, from the post-independence period through to the 2010s. The first chapter provides an overview of Hirji’s career as a teacher. The second presents an account of Hirji’s experiences as a teacher under training, especially in light of the Arusha Declaration of 1967 and the turn towards building socialism in (...), and the philosophy of education for self-reliance that Nyerere attempted to institutionalize. The next four chapters provide a detailed account of Hirji’s years as a teacher at the University of Dar Es Salaam (UDSM) from 1971 until his dismissal and internal-exile in 1974. (shrink)
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  20. Una lectura de la sûrâ al-Fâtiha en swahili.Antonio de Diego González - 2012 - Africaneando. Revista de Actualidad y Experiencias' (10):53-64.
    En 1994 el shayj Ali Muhsin Al Barwani concluyó en el exilio su traducción del Corán al swahili. La principal característica es que huía del swahili estándar formulado por los británicos, para usar el swahili clásico que se enseñaba en las madâris (escuelas coránicas) de Kenya, Tanzania y Zanzíbar. Además, esta traducción introducía elementos (léxico, símbolos, construcciones sociales) del pensamiento tradicional islámico swahili. Nuestro trabajo es un análisis hermenéutico simbólico de la primera sûrâ del Corán, al Fâtiha, para determinar (...)
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  21. Questions from the Dar es Salaam Debates.Zeyad El Nabolsy - 2023 - In Pascal Bianchini, Ndongo Samba Sylla & Leo Zeilig (eds.), Revolutionary Movements in Africa: An Untold Story. Pluto Press. pp. 244 - 261.
    This chapter aims to revisit some of the key questions which were debated at the University of Dar es Salaam during the 1970s and 1980ss. The University of Dar es Salaam was a hotbed of progressive politics during the period in question. Radial political economy was frequently taught and discussed by the students and professors at the university. The ruling party, the Tanganyika African National Union (TANU), under the leadership of Julius Nyerere, was embarked on a project of building socialism, (...)
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  22. Julius Nyerere's Philosophy of Education: Implication for Nigeria's Educational System Reforms.Diana-Abasi Ibanga - 2016 - Africology: The Journal of Pan African Studies 9 (3):109-125.
    Nyerere’s philosophy of education is one of the most influential and widely studied theories of education. Policy-makers have continued to draw from it for policy re-engineering. In this paper, the Nigerian educational system is examined in the light of the philosophy. This approach is predicated on the informed belief that there are social and historical commonalities between Nigeria and the target-society of Nyerere’s philosophy. To this end, it argues that the philosophy holds some important lessons for Nigeria’s education. For this (...)
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