Results for 'downsizing'

6 found
  1. Effects of Economic Uncertainty on Mental Health in the COVID-19 Pandemic Context: Social Identity Disturbance, Job Uncertainty and Psychological Well-Being Model.Danijela Godinić & B. Obrenovic - 2020 - International Journal of Innovation and Economic Development 6 (1):61-74.
    Psychological well-being is a major global concern receiving more scholarly attention following the 2008 Great Recession, and it becomes even more relevant in the context of COVID-19 outbreak. In this study, we investigated the impact of economic uncertainty resulting from natural disasters, epidemics, and financial crisis on individuals' mental health. As unemployment rate exponentially increases, individuals are faced with health and economic concerns. Not all society members are affected to the same extent, and marginalized groups, such as those suffering from (...)
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  2. Higher-level Knowledge, Rational and Social Levels Constraints of the Common Model of the Mind.Antonio Lieto, William G. Kennedy, Christian Lebiere, Oscar Romero, Niels Taatgen & Robert West - forthcoming - Procedia Computer Science.
    In his famous 1982 paper, Allen Newell [22, 23] introduced the notion of knowledge level to indicate a level of analysis, and prediction, of the rational behavior of a cognitive arti cial agent. This analysis concerns the investigation about the availability of the agent knowledge, in order to pursue its own goals, and is based on the so-called Rationality Principle (an assumption according to which "an agent will use the knowledge it has of its environment to achieve its goals" [22, (...)
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  3. The planned obsolescence of the humanities: Is it unethical?Edmund Byrne - 2007 - Journal of Academic Ethics 5 (2-4):141-152.
    The humanities have not enjoyed preeminence in academe since the Scientific Revolution marginalized the old trivium. But they long continued to play a subordinate educational role by helping constitute the distinguishing culture of the elite. Now even this subordinate role is becoming expendable as devotees of the profit motive seek to reduce culture to technological delivery of cultural products (Noble, Digital diploma mills: The automation of higher education, New York: Monthly Review Press, 2003). The result is a deliberate downsizing (...)
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  4. Scienza mondana e sapienza di Dio nel trattato antigiudaico di Pier Damiani.Concetto Martello - 2021 - Noctua 8 (1–2):47-86.
    In the second half of the eleventh century, monastic culture found the theoretical support for the project of ecclesiastical reform in which it participates in the ratio fidei, in the enhancement of the sciences and in the refinement of argumentative techniques, with which to adapt the behaviour of Christians to the Truth of the Mysteries and to the reality of the sacraments. The reform project that supports the need of the institutional Church to restore the powers and moral credit lost (...)
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  5. Outplacement jako sposób ochrony kompetencji pracowników organizacji w warunkach zmiennego otoczenia.Andrzej Klimczuk & Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska - 2014 - In Roma Fimińska-Banaszyk (ed.), Współczesne Problemy Zarz¸a}Dzania - Dylematy I Propozycje Rozwi¸Azań. Pwsz W Koninie. pp. 157--174.
    Artykuł podejmuje problematykȩ zwolnień pracowników przedsiȩbiorstw, która zyskuje na znaczeniu wraz z utrzymywaniem siȩ globalnego kryzysu gospodarczego na pocz¸a}tku XXI wieku. Kryzys prowadzi do dynamicznych zmian w otoczeniu organizacji i w wielu przypadkach wymusza decyzje o podjȩciu działań restrukturyzacyjnych. Restrukturyzacja przedsiȩbiorstw może obejmować zarówno ograniczenie kosztów prowadzenia działalności, modernizacjȩ procesów produkcji i świadczenia usług, zmianȩ rynków i partnerów biznesowych, jak również racjonalizacjȩ zatrudnienia. Zmiany w strukturze zatrudnienia mog¸a} prowadzić do kształtowania nowych, bardziej elastycznych relacji z pracownikami. W tym kontekście outplacement (...)
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  6. Influence of Outplacement on the Protection of Workers Competencies.Magdalena Klimczuk-Kochańska & Andrzej Klimczuk - 2013 - In Štefan Majtán (ed.), Aktuálne Problémy Podnikovej Sféry 2013. Vydavateľstvo Ekonóm. pp. 259--264.
    This paper presents the problem of workers lay off and loss along with their exit from the organization its key competencies - skills and knowledge. Importance of management of key competencies was described. The paper also presents outplacement as a way to maintain core competencies even during reducing the human resources within the enterprises.
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