Results for 'santri aliyah'

4 found
  1. Pengabdian Literasi Digital bagi Siswa Pesantren Aliyah Di Banda Aceh dan Aceh Besar.Teuku Zulyadi, Saiful Akmal, Nanda Putri & Titin Maulida - 2023 - Jurnal Pengabdian Multidisiplin 3 (2).
    Literasi digital adalah sebuah keniscaayaan dalam proses komunikasi di era disrupsi, khususnya bagi kalangan pelajar atau santri di sekolah dan madrasah. Sebagai salah satu pemgguna sosial media yang paling aktif, santri di madrasah dan dayah perlu memahami mana berita yang benar dan bohong (hoax) yang sudah bercampur di dunia maya, terlebih berita sensitif yang berpotensi ke ranah hukum dan radikalisme dalam beragama. Pendampingan literasi digital ini ditujukan kepada santri aliyah di empat Pondok Pesantren favorit di Kota (...)
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  2. Pengaruh Literasi Digital, Pemanfaatan Media Pembelajaran, dan Lingkungan Keluarga Terhadap Motivasi Belajar Siswa SMPN 01 Tanjungbumi Bangkalan Madura.Kholid Kholid, Nelud Darajatul Aliyah & Didit Darmawan - 2024 - El-Mujtama: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat 4 (4):2098-2117.
    The aim of this research is to analyze and determine the influence of digital literacy on students' learning motivation at SMPN 01 Tanjungbumi Bangkalan Madura. This research uses a survey method and is quantitative in nature, with the results that the family environment, use of learning media, and digital literacy influence students' desire to learn. It can be concluded that these three factors are significant in determining it.
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  3. Analysis of Student Learning Results on Work and Energy Materials.Marina Marina & Padmi Adika Juvi - 2023 - International Journal of Education and Teaching Zone 2 (3):492-500.
    This research aims to determine student learning outcomes in work and energy subjects at the Jambi City Madrasah Aliyah Laboratory for the 2022/2023 academic year. The type of research that researchers have carried out is descriptive qualitative. The population in this study were students of class X MIPA 1 and class X MIPA 2 at the Madrasah Aliyah Laboratory, Jambi City. The sample in this research was class X MIPA 1, totaling 20 students, using a purposive sampling technique. (...)
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  4. Transcendent art in the poems of Sadr al-Mutallahin.Mohamad Mahdi Davar, Ghasem Ali Kouchnani & Fatemeh Mohamadi Salamian - 2023 - Research in Arts and Humanities 7 (58):13-22.
    Poetry is sometimes used in a logical argument sense of the five major arguments, and the meaning behind it is the argument and expression that its common element is imagination. In fact, the distinguishing feature of poetry from other arguments is the poetic nature of the language. Poetry is sometimes used in an artistic sense and can be considered one of the seven arts. The definition of artistic poetry can be understood as a speech that is firstly rhythmic, secondly rhyming, (...)
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