Results for 'Stevan Harnad'

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7 found
  1. Language Writ Large: LLMs, ChatGPT, Grounding, Meaning and Understanding.Stevan Harnad - manuscript
    Apart from what (little) OpenAI may be concealing from us, we all know (roughly) how ChatGPT works (its huge text database, its statistics, its vector representations, and their huge number of parameters, its next-word training, and so on). But none of us can say (hand on heart) that we are not surprised by what ChatGPT has proved to be able to do with these resources. This has even driven some of us to conclude that ChatGPT actually understands. It is not (...)
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  2. Lunch Uncertain [Review of: Floridi, Luciano (2011) The Philosophy of Information (Oxford)]. [REVIEW]Stevan Harnad - 2011 - Times Literary Supplement 5664 (22-23).
    The usual way to try to ground knowing according to contemporary theory of knowledge is: We know something if (1) it’s true, (2) we believe it, and (3) we believe it for the “right” reasons. Floridi proposes a better way. His grounding is based partly on probability theory, and partly on a question/answer network of verbal and behavioural interactions evolving in time. This is rather like modeling the data-exchange between a data-seeker who needs to know which button to press on (...)
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    Where Does Causal Knowlede in Macroeconomics Come from?Stevan Rakonjac -
    Different methodological approaches to empirical macroeconomics will be described and it will be explained that they represent different answers to the question from the title. Structural approaches require that macroeconometrical research should be explicitly founded on the (micro)economic theory in order to be able to measure the causal structure of the macroeconomic phenomena. Unstructural VAR approach suggest using econometric models to try to find out as much as possible about causal structure from the data, without prior restrictions from the theory. (...)
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  4. The Ubiquity of Computation.Eric Dietrich - 1993 - Think (misc) 2 (June):27-29.
    For many years now, Harnad has argued that transduction is special among cognitive capacities -- special enough to block Searle's Chinese Room Argument. His arguments (as well as Searle's) have been important and useful, but not correct, it seems to me. Their arguments have provided the modern impetus for getting clear about computationalism and the nature of computing. This task has proven to be quite difficult. Which is simply to say that dealing with Harnad's arguments (as well as (...)
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  5. Solving the symbol grounding problem: a critical review of fifteen years of research.Mariarosaria Taddeo & Luciano Floridi - unknown
    This article reviews eight proposed strategies for solving the Symbol Grounding Problem (SGP), which was given its classic formulation in Harnad (1990). After a concise introduction, we provide an analysis of the requirement that must be satisfied by any hypothesis seeking to solve the SGP, the zero semantical commitment condition. We then use it to assess the eight strategies, which are organised into three main approaches: representationalism, semi-representationalism and non-representationalism. The conclusion is that all the strategies are semantically committed (...)
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  6. Semantic Internalism is a Mistake.Krystyna Bielecka - 2017 - Hybris. Internetowy Magazyn Filozoficzny 38:123-146.
    The concept of narrow content is still under discussion in the debate over mental representation. In the paper, one-factor dimensional accounts of representation are analyzed, particularly the case of Fodor's methodological solipsism. In methodological solipsism, semantic properties of content are arguably eliminated in favor of syntactic ones. If “narrow content” means content properties independent of external factors to a system (as in Segal's view), the concept of content becomes elusive. Moreover, important conceptual problems with one-factor dimensional account are pointed out (...)
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    Поетика Светислава Мандића.Милан Громовић (ed.) - 2023 - Novi Sad:
    Култура је мозаик, а песници његове везе. Стваралаштво Светислава Мандића (1921–2003) садржи више поетичких рукаваца разгранатих у следећим стручним и научним областима: ликовна уметност, књижевност, филологија, лингвистика, историографија, просопографија, историја уметности, конзервација и туризмологија. Задатак зборника радова Поетика Светислава Мандића огледа се у томе да пружи целовитији увид у Мандићев литерарни рад, на првом месту песнички, са освртом на индивидуални таленат или креативне књижевноуметничке пасаже обојене аутореференцијалношћу у његовим студијама, есејима и чланцима. Светислав Мандић је објавио укупно шест књига нових (...)
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