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  1. PHENOMENOLOGY AND THE METAPHYSIСs OF MIND.János Tőzsér - 2012 - In N. D. Kruckova (ed.), Stavropolskij almanah Rossijskogo obŝestvo intellektualnoj istorii. Stavropol: Severo-Kavkazskij Federalnij Universitet. pp. 219-231..
    My paper consists of five parts. In the first part I explain what I mean by the phenomenology of mind. In the second part I show that in contemporary analytic philosophy the prevailing metaphysical theories of the mind are typically not connected to the phenomenology of mind. Views on the nature of the mind are developed without considering the phenomenological facts. In the third part I outline a notion of metaphysics connected to the phenomenology of mind, then in the fourth (...)
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  • Post-Capitalism as Archaization: Institutional Drift Towards Neo-Feudalism?Dmitry A. Davydov - 2021 - Антиномии 21 (4):61-78.
    In the article, post-capitalism is viewed not as a prospect of a progressive movement towards a brighter future, but as archaization – the establishment of social relations reminiscent of pre-capitalist ones. Concepts are considered, the authors of which point to the corresponding tendencies: parcelling of sovereignty, merging of economic and political power, blocking the paths of upward mobility, class and caste character of social stratification, and much more. The article substantiates that the reasons for these trends should be sought not (...)
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  • Grace and envy: Dante responds to Rene Girard.Олександр Філоненко - 2017 - Докса 2.
    The article proves that according to Girard envy is the most important property of a person, determining the order of violence and victims. It is shown that, in the light of the anthropological significance of envy, Girard reads Dante’s Divine Comedy. It is revealed that, according to Dante, the harmful effects of envy can be overcome by grace. It is mercy that breaks the logic that requires constant sacrifices in order to maintain the sacred order. Understanding charity as a way (...)
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  • The connection between mathematics and philosophy on the discrete–structural plane of thinking: the discrete–structural model of the world.Eldar Amirov - 2017 - Гілея: Науковий Вісник 126 (11):266-270.
    The discrete–structural structure of the world is described. In comparison with the idea of Heraclitus about an indissoluble world, preference is given to the discrete world of Democritus. It is noted that if the discrete atoms of Democritus were simple and indivisible, the atoms of the modern world indicated in the article would possess, rather, a structural structure. The article proves the problem of how the mutual connection of mathematics and philosophy influences cognition, which creates a discrete–structural worldview. The author (...)
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  • К вопросу о doxa: эпистемология “новой риторики”.Dmitrii Vorobev & Mats Rosengren - 2012 - Вопросы Философии 6:63-72.
    M. Rosengren developed doxology as an 'other' take on epistemology, as teaching about how we actually do create the knowledge that we need. He has chosen to call his epistemic stance doxological in order to emphasise that all knowledge is doxic knowledge, thus turning the seminal Platonic distinction between doxa (beliefs, opinions) and episteme (objective, eternal knowledge) upside down.
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  • Stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens. Biopolitical alternatives. God problem. (in Russian).Valentin Cheshko (ed.) - 2012 - publ.house "INGEK".
    Mechanisms to ensure the integrity of the system stable evolutionary strategy Homo sapiens – genetic and cultural coevolution techno-cultural balance – are analyzed. оe main content of the study can be summarized in the following the- ses: stable adaptive strategy of Homo sapiens includes superposition of three basic types (biological, cultural and technological) of adaptations, the integrity of the system provides by two coevolutionary ligament its elements – the genetic-cultural coevolution and techno-cultural balance, the system takes as result of by (...)
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  • A New Vision of the Laws of Global Capital Motion. Book review: A.V. Buzgalin, A.I. Kolganov. Global Capital. 2 volumes. Vol. 1. Beyond the Positivism, Postmodernism and Economic Imperialism. 4th edition. Moscow: LENAND, 2018. – 640 p. Vol. 2. Theory: the Global Hegemony of Capital and its Limits . 4th edition. Moscow: LENAND, 2018. – 912 p. [REVIEW]Alexandr Ermolenko & Olga Brizhak - 2018 - Russian Journal of Philosophical Sciences 2:145-150.
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  • (270 other versions)Стигматизація жертви як інструмент переходу від "міфічного" насилля до "божественного".А. О Кургузов - 2017 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 69:141-146.
    The article reveals the nature identifying of social stigmatization in the process of social transformations. It is determined that at the stage of denial and destruction of existing social norms and rules in the public mind the image of victim is stigmatized, directing of collective aggression against which is factor of transition to a new stage - approval and unquestioning perception of new rules. It's shown the role of stigmatiztion in the transformation of social myths in these processes. The mechanism (...)
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  • (68 other versions)Екологічна освіта в умовах екологічної кризи.І. П Пятишева - 2013 - Гуманітарний Вісник Запорізької Державної Інженерної Академії 53:101-112.
    Дана стаття присвячена питанням екологічної освіти. Розглядається причина та сутність екологічної кризи в сучасній системі освіти. Обґрунтована сутність поняття екологічної освіти. З'ясовано зміст та завдання екологічної освіти. Визначені періоди розвитку екологічної освіти. Розглянуто синергетичний підхід до екологічної освіти.
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  • Cultural Capital of Russia. [REVIEW]Alexey Kara-Murza - 2015 - Russian Sociological Review 14 (3):161-167.
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